Thies Christophersen - Auschwitz : Truth or lie


Thies Christophersen Auschwitz Truth or lie.jpg

Thies Christophersen - Auschwitz : Truth or lie
The German version - An eyewitness report - 1975

"Auschwitz - Truth or Lie. An Eyewitness Report" has received wide publicity in Europe as an underground best seller and as a newspaper headliner.
The Canadian publisher realises the opinions in this book are diametrically opposed to those being promoted and commonly held by the majority of the people. However, the reading public has the right to read this eyewitness report from Auschwitz and to see the photographs taken by the author whilst in that camp.
Reports from the International Red Cross book "Camps de Concentration en Allemaqne (1939-1945) bear out the truth of Thies Christophersen's statements. Excerpts from the Red Cross book are included in this book. (Copies of "Camps de Concentration en Allemagne" can be obtained from Geneva).
A young, German lawyer, Herr Manfred Roeder of Bensheim, Roonstr. 8, West Germany, despite great opposition and much persecution, made possible the publication of the German edition, and his courage and dedication is to be commended.

Thies Christophersen - Manfred Roeder - Auschwitz
Thies Christophersen - PDF

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