The Savoisien

Exegi monumentum aere perennius


Tuesday 27 October 2020

Les Indo-Européens dans la Chine antique - Ulfric d'Alsace

Les Indo-Européens dans la Chine antique - Ulfric d'Alsace

Une équipe d’archéologues chinois découvre des momies européennes vieilles de quatre mille ans dans le désert du Taklamakan dans la partie la plus occidentale de la Chine. Des écrits parlent de peuplades aux cheveux et aux yeux clairs venant de l'Ouest et parcourant l'Asie centrale, des travaux soulignent l'influence indo-européenne sur la civilisation chinoise...
Autant de découvertes à relever !

Ulfric d'Alsace - L'origine des Aryens

Ulfric d'Alsace -
Ulfric d'Alsace -
Ulfric d'Alsace -

Asie - PDF
Races - PDF

Les Indo-Européens dans la Chine antique.jpg

Saturday 24 October 2020

Joseph Goebbels - Le Nazi-Sozi

Joseph Goebbels Nazi-Sozi.jpg

Joseph Goebbels - Le Nazi-Sozi
Questions-réponses pour les nationaux-socialistes

Préface du traducteur
Le Nazi-Sozi est l'une des premières publications de Joseph Goebbels, écrite avant qu'il s'installe à Berlin. Publiée pour la première fois en 1926, elle a été révisée et rééditée par la maison de presse du parti, Eher Verlag, en 1931. Cette traduction est celle de l'édition de 1927. Elle prend la forme d'un dialogue entre Goebbels et un allemand sous la forme d’un débat.
Ce texte a presque plus d’un siècle mais beaucoup de son contenu est encore d’actualité. Les allemands étaient confrontés aux mêmes problèmes que nous subissons aujourd’hui, et Goebbels présente la résolution national-socialiste de ces problèmes, qui est, elle aussi, toujours d’actualité.

Komodo, Ordre de Teutatès

Joseph Goebbels - Combat pour Berlin
Joseph Goebbels - PDF

Joseph Goebbels.jpg

Friday 23 October 2020

Archibald Ramsay - The nameless war - Audiobook - John de Nugent

Archibald Ramsay - The nameless war - Audiobook
Read by John de Nugent

1952 book by Captain Archibald Maule Ramsay, fmr British MP.
These audiobook and online versions of Captain Archibald Maule Ramsay's 1952 The Nameless War tells who was really behind key revolutions in Western history since 1600, and how these evil revolutions succeeded in overthrowing powerful governments and destroying or harming societies.

Archibald Ramsay - The nameless war - Audiobook - Pastor Eli James
Archibald Ramsay - The nameless war - PDF

Thursday 22 October 2020

Evropa Soberana - Rome contra Judaea, Judaea contra Rome

Evropa Soberana - Rome contra Judaea, Judaea contra Rome.jpg

Evropa Soberana - Rome contra Judaea, Judaea contra Rome

The purpose of this book is to give an idea of what happened to the Ancient World; of how Europe fell into the Middle Ages and, especially, to what extent what happened in Rome 1,600 years ago is exactly what is happening in our days throughout the West: but magnified a thousand times by globalization, technology and, above all, the deputation of psycho-sociological and propagandistic knowledge by the System.
What is dealt with in this book is the story of a tragedy, of an apocalypse. It is the end not only of the Roman Empire and all its achievements but also of the survival of the Egyptian, Persian and Greek teachings in Europe in a bloodthirsty process: a premonition of the future destruction of Celtic, Germanic, Baltic and Slavic heritages, always accompanied by their respective genocides.
This process had a markedly ethnic character: it was the rebellion of Christianised slaves (from Asia Minor and North Africa) against Indo-European paganism, which represented the ancestral customs and traditions of the Roman and Hellenic aristocracies - decadent, minoritarian and softened in comparison with an overwhelmingly numerous, brutalised people who cordially detested the distant pride of their lords.
In the third chapter, ‘Christianity and the fall of the Roman Empire’, we will see the processes that marked the first development of Christianity: that strange synthesis between jewish and Greco-decadent mentality that, from the East, devoured the classical world to the bone; undermining Roman institutions and the Roman mentality to the point of propitiating its total collapse.
However, we will begin by focusing on the Eastern Roman provinces, especially Judea, which was snatched by Rome to the heirs of Alexander the Great. How were the relations between Greeks and jews? What role did the Romans play in Asia Minor and in the management of the jewish problem ? What are the true roots of Israel and the current instability in the Near East? It will be worthwhile to expand on the subject to familiarise oneself with the foundations of what is today the greatest geopolitical conflict on the planet: the State of Israel. We will also see the impossibility, in the long term, of the coexistence between two radically different cultures, in this case, the Greco-Roman and the jewish.
For now, the Romans will meet a people who take the tradition with the same seriousness as them, but replacing that Olympic, artistic, athletic and aristocratic touch with a spark of fanaticism and dogmatism, and changing the Roman patriotism for a kind of pact sealed behind the backs of the rest of humanity. A people, above all, with a fiercely rooted sense of identity - in fact, much more than any other people - and who also considered themselves to be no less than the ‘chosen people’.

Rome - PDF
Jew - PDF

Sunday 4 October 2020

Arthur Butz - The hoax of the twentieth century - Audiobook

Arthur Butz - The hoax of the twentieth century.jpg

Arthur Butz - The hoax of the twentieth century - Audiobook
The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry

Arthur R. Butz was born and raised in New York City. He received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1965, he received his doctorate in Control Sciences from the University of Minnesota. In 1966, he joined the faculty of Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois), where he is now Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. He is the author of numerous technical papers.

Butz is the author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The case against the presumed extermination of European Jewry, first published in 1976. The first edition of the book caused great controversy throughout the academic and political world in the 1970s. Its open sale has been banned in an increasing number of countries, including Germany and Canada. He has also written shorter revisionist articles. For those writings he has been vilified and ostracized ever since.


Arthur Robert Butz - The hoax of the twentieth century - PDF
Arthur Robert Butz - La mystification du XXe sciecle - PDF

Revisionism - PDF
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