September 2021

Thursday 23 September 2021

Deirdre Manifold - Karl Marx

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Deirdre Manifold - Karl Marx
Vrai ou faux prophète ?

Le Manifeste Communiste est, dit-on, le plus grand succès mondial de librairie, et il s'en vendrait couramment plus d'exemplaires que de la Bible. Lorsque mourut son auteur Karl Marx, son ami Engels, pour la circonstance, écrivit cette épitaphe : L'humanité s'est réduite d'une tête, et de la tête la plus remarquable de notre temps. La courte étude qui suit est un regard du vingtième siècle porté sur cette remarquable tête et sur l'influence qu'elle a sur notre époque.

Léon Trotski - Staline
Bolchévique - PDF

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Sunday 19 September 2021

Charles A. Beard - President Roosevelt and the coming of the war, 1941

Beard President Roosevelt and the coming of the war 1941.jpg

Charles A. Beard - President Roosevelt and the coming of the war, 1941

Conceived by Charles Beard as a sequel to his provocative study of American Foreign Policy in the Making, 1932-1940, President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War outraged a nation, permanently damaging Beard's status as America's most influential historian.

Beard's main argument is that both Democratic and Republican leaders, but Roosevelt above all, worked quietly in 1940 and 1941 to insinuate the United States into the Second World War. Basing his work on available congressional records and administrative reports, Beard concludes that FDR's image as a neutral, peace-loving leader was a smokescreen, behind which he planned for war against Germany and Japan even well before the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Beard contends that the distinction between aiding allies in Europe like Great Britain and maintaining strict neutrality with respect to nations like Germany and Japan was untenable. Beard does not argue that all nations were alike, or that some did and others did not merit American support, but rather that Roosevelt chose to aid Great Britain secretly and unconstitutionally rather than making the case to the American public. President Roosevelt shifted from a policy of neutrality to one of armed intervention, but he did so without surrendering the appearance, the fiction of neutrality. This core argument makes the work no less explosive than it was when first issued in 1948.

Second World War - PDF

Monday 13 September 2021

La réincarnation en Europe - Ulfric d'Alsace

La réincarnation en Europe - Ulfric d'Alsace

Contrairement à l'opinion dominante actuelle, la croyance en la réincarnation n'est pas un domaine propre aux Asiatiques, mais est également issue d’une longue histoire parmi les systèmes de croyances préchrétiens des peuples européens natifs comme le montrent de nombreuses sources anciennes.

T. Bąbel, 2009, Reincarnation. From the history of pre-Christian Europe's beliefs
H. Biegeleisen, 1930, Death in the Rites, Customs, and Beliefs of the Polish Folk
Federowski, 1897, Belarussian folk in the Lithuanian Rus
A. Szyjewski, 2003, Religion of Slavs
P. Szczepanik, 2018, Slavic netherworld
A. Kowalik, 2004, Cosmology of Ancient Slavs
James Matlock, Reincarnation Accounts Pre-1900

Ulfric d'Alsace - Vidéos

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Saturday 11 September 2021

Jacques de Mahieu - Fundamentos de biopolítica

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Jacques de Mahieu (Jacques Girault) - Fundamentos de biopolítica

Fundamentos de biopolítica se exponen de forma diáfana los fundamentos biológicos de la dinámica social, al tiempo que se abordan temas de candente actualidad como la importancia del factor étnico en los conflictos humanos, la naturaleza del racismo, los tipos y razones de la inmigración, etc.

Jacques de Mahieu - Diccionario de ciencias política
Jacques de Mahieu - Drakkares en el Amazonas
Jacques de Mahieu - Le grand voyage du dieu-soleil
Jacques de Mahieu - Os Vikings no Brasil
Jacques de Mahieu - Précis de Biopolitique
Jacques de Mahieu - La Agonia del Dios Sol
Jacques de Mahieu - El imperio vikingo de Tiahuanacu
Jacques de Mahieu - El gran viaje del Dios-Sol
Jacques de Mahieu - La geografía secreta de América
Jacques de Mahieu - I Templari in America

Friday 10 September 2021

La médecine interdite - Dr Alain Scohy

La médecine interdite - Dr Alain Scohy

Sur la médecine holistique, Antoine Béchamp, sa découverte des microzymas, architectes des cellules, la vraie histoire de Louis Pasteur, l'arnaque de la virologie…

Antoine Béchamp - PDF

Ethel Douglas Hume - Béchamp or Pasteur
Hector Grasset - Un Savant méconnu A. Béchamp
Hector Grasset - L'Oeuvre de Béchamp
Jan Spreen - Une introduction aux découvertes du Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer

La médecine interdite - Dr Alain Scohy.jpg

Thursday 9 September 2021

The Murder of Little Mary Phagan turner - Mary Phagan Kean - Oscar Turner

Mary Phagan Kean - The murder of little Mary Phagan

This is the true story of the murder of little Mary Phagan by Leo M. Frank, her superintendent at the National Pencil Company; Leo Frank's lynching by outraged citizens after his death sentence was commuted; and the century-long effort by Frank's Jewish co-religionists to exonerate him, ending with his pardon in 1986 by the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles - which specifically refrained, however, from exonerating Frank.

In spite of the fact that the author Mary Phagan (now Mary Phagan Kean) is the great-niece of little Mary Phagan, and naturally has strong emotions about the case, this book contains the most balanced account of the case so far, as Ms. Kean has gone back to the complete trial record, and studied it extensively. She corrects the false statements that are used in most accounts to convince readers or viewers of Frank's innocence, while acknowledging that it it impossible to know with 100% certainty that Frank was the murderer.

This audiobook is published with the kind permission of Mary Phagan Kean.

The Mary Phagan Family Website
Leo Frank Archive
Leo Frank Research Library
The American Mercury

The Trial of Leo Frank read by Vanessa Neubauer - Slideshow

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