John Colin Campbell Jordan (June 19, 1923 – April 9, 2009) was a leading representative of postwar National Socialism in Britain and around the world. In nationalist circles of the 1960s, Jordan represented the most explicitly National Socialist inclination in his open use of the styles and symbols of the Third Reich.
Through organizations such as the National Socialist Movement and the World Union of National Socialists, Jordan advanced a pan-Aryan "Universal National Socialism".
Colin Jordan - National Socialism Vanguard of the Future
Colin Jordan - Hitler was right !
Colin Jordan - Merrie England 2000
Colin Jordan - An example for many people !
Hitler was right !
Never in all history has a man been so vilified as he whose centenary of birth occurred on the 20th of April 1989. According to the mass media of today’s democracy, he was an absolute monster, an insane incarnation of evil. However, the very fact that he is presented as so totally black, with nothing at all to his credit, should excite suspicion in anyone other than an utter idiot or some partisan blinded by prejudice.
The vilification was not always total as now. Lloyd George, British premier during World War I, after a visit to Germany in 1936, was quoted in the Daily Telegraph of 22nd September of that year as stating “I have never seen a happier people than the Germans. Hitler is one of the greatest men I have ever met.” In a letter to a friend in December of that year he said: “I only wish we had a man of his supreme quality at the head of affairs in our Country today.”
Viscount Rothermere, in his pre-war book, Warnings and Predictions, said of Hitler: “He has a supreme intellect .... He has thoroughly cleansed the moral, ethical life of Germany .... No words can describe his politeness .... He is a man of rare culture. His knowledge of music, the arts and architecture is profound.” The iron curtain of lies completely descended when the elements intent on destroying Hitler became virtually omnipotent, knowing that they had to do this or they would be shown to be wrong and Hitler to be right: for he stood for Aryan renaissance, and they for an old order spelling decline and death.
The real Hitler, contrary to the mad monster of the media, was a most talented and very widely read man with a phenomenal memory, an exceedingly quick grasp of essentials, a colossal willpower, along with, of course, being the most effective orator the world has ever known: all this in the service of a cause to which he gave himself completely. He was also a charming host, a considerate and loyal friend and colleague, kind to animals, highly appreciative of the beauties of Nature, simple in his style of personal life.
Becoming imbued in his teens with a consuming sense of mission as the liberating leader of his people in the future, he knew poverty as a young man amid the unemployed of Vienna, and danger and hardship in the frontline trenches as a soldier before joining the tiny political body which under his direction was to become the power-winning NSDAP. Night after night his captivating words brought applauding audiences from a defeated and demoralized nation to their feet in new-born hope and determination. His vocal and visual inspiration, plus the plentiful perspiration of his ardent and industrious followers, constituted the means of National Socialist success, not the mythical money-bags of big business as opponents try to make out to explain away their own inferiority in charisma, ardour and effort. As the saying had it in those days, respecting the last of these three factors, the lights always burned later in the night in the offices of Hitler’s party than in those of any other.
Exhibiting the burning enthusiasm and sheer hard work: “During one month prior to national elections in 1930, for example, the Nazi Party sponsored 34,000 meetings in Germany, which averaged out to be three meetings in every village, town and urban neighbourhood.” (Mothers in the Fatherland, Claudia Koonz, p. 69). Typical of the receptive spirit of the people during the 1932 elections, NSDAP Press Chief Otto Dietrich described a meeting at Stralsund, scheduled for 8 p.m. but for which Hitler was long delayed, finally reaching the place at 2:30 a.m.: “In the open air, and in the pouring rain, we met the crowd drenched to the skin, weary and hungry, just as they had gathered over the night and patiently waited .... Hitler spoke to the audience as day slowly dawned ....” There they were, 40,000 people eagerly listening at 4 o’clock in the morning — after all that time and all that discomfort — to the man they rightly regarded as their political saviour ! Can you imagine such a turnout for such a trumpery figure of the twilight as our present premier, Margaret Thatcher ?
Just try to picture the tremendous scene of rejoicing when the long hard years of struggle were rewarded, and at the end of January 1933 Hitler became Chancellor ! For hours that night a river of fire flowed past his window as thousands upon thousands of his torchbearing party comrades paraded through the streets of a reborn Berlin. The above mentioned Claudia Koonz quotes a longstanding NSDAP member regarding that occasion: “We wept with happiness and joy and could scarcely believe that our beloved Führer stood at the helm of the Reich .... A magnetic power radiated everywhere and eliminated the last traces of internal resistance .... We were gripped by an inexpressible joy when we saw our banners, once scorned and belittled, flying high on all public buildings.” (p. 132).
Our thesis is not and does not have to be that Adolf Hitler was absolutely perfect and never made a single mistake, for perfection, absolute perfection, is an irrelevant abstraction which belongs not to this world, and accordingly never has and never will be seen here. What precisely we do say here is that, taking everything into account, the man and his movement in championship of our race, was the closest to perfection that this world has ever seen so far, and that is enough for us. We proclaim him right because where he is said to have gone wrong is, in our estimation, so massively dwarfed by where the opposite is true. Given but six short years of peace, he, his party and his people in unison wrought a virtual miracle in that brief span. Never elsewhere in history has so much been done for Aryan survival and revival so quickly !
Hitler was right in the supreme importance he attached to the factor of race, and, consequently, his basic conception of the nation as a racial community to be protected in its ownership of its homeland, and from interbreeding with alien stock; and, furthermore, to be improved by eugenical measures. Beyond any other statesmen in any land at any time, he gave practical recognition to the superior qualities of the Aryan peoples and the need to maximize the higher holders of those superior qualities as the golden means for human upliftment. In this unique dedication, and, consequently in the bitter opposition of all those with a vested interest against the elevation of the Aryans lies the greatest single explanation of the drive to destroy and defame him.
Hitler was right in his opposition to the disruptive party game of democracy which exists to delude and to exploit the people it pretends to represent, and in his belief instead in personality and leadership and unity. In such a fusion of the folk as he achieved, where stood the need for parties other than his ? Only a minute minority remained against him after 1933, although the hostile foreign media concentrated on this fragment of discontent, and not on the almost total support he received.
Hitler was right in holding and ensuring that every man in the folk community should have productive employment for the benefit both of himself and that community. When he came to power, no less than 6,014,000 were unemployed, yet by 1938 only 338,000 remained out of work; the vast bulk of this reduction being achieved before any significant rearmament, contrary to hostile propaganda.
Hitler was right in believing in extensive social welfare for all members of the folk community. The NSDAP’s “Strength through Joy” organisation had by 1938 enabled over 22 million to visit theatres, over 18 million to attend film performances, over 6 million to attend concerts, over 3 million to attend factory exhibitions, and no less than 50 million to take part in cultural events. The organisation had 230 establishments for popular education, and through it 62,000 educational events were arranged, being attended by 10 million people. By 1938, 490,000 had been given sea cruises, and 19 million had been given land excursions. 21 million had taken part in sporting events. All this at a time when the democracies left millions of unemployed to rot, and those who were employed received nothing remotely comparable to such welfare. The best-selling car in history — more than 15 million of the Volkswagen “Beetle” in over 30 countries — resulted from Hitler’s project of a people’s car, a small inexpensive car for the ordinary man. Connected with this, his Autobahn construction-programme preceded Britain’s by decades. (This and other detailed information on the stupendous achievements of Hitler’s Germany is contained in the book Hitler Germany by Cesare Santoro (Berlin, 1938).
Hitler was right in the importance he attached to the protection of the peasantry as vital to a thriving folk community, his measures to this end including the legislation for hereditary holdings. Indeed, Hitler was right in so many major ways we would need far more than the whole of this Hitler centenary double issue of Gothic Ripples to catalogue them.
Hitler’s revolution accomplishing all this radical reform was a bloodless one compared with either the French Revolution (whose 200th anniversary occurs this year) or the Russian Revolution of 1917. Camps for the concentration of detainees — including women and children — were introduced by the British during the Boer War, and conditions in them were so bad that a great number died. Britain’s wartime ally, Russia, still has concentration camps galore in which, according to even Soviet statistics, a million people are currently held. Yet it is only the German ones we endlessly hear about with every conceivable invention and exaggeration. Colin Cross in Adolf Hitler (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1973) puts the peacetime peak at 26,789 in July 1933, many being held for only a matter of weeks, and most being subsequently released, and says: “Conditions in the camps were spartan but, by prison standards, there was an adequate diet and reasonable accommodation in dormitories.” Inmates were not, as so often insinuated, all poor persecuted Jews or other heroes of democracy, but included the very dregs of society: habitual criminals, pimps, perverts, despicable drunkards, perpetual beggars and work-shy parasites.
Jewish leaders in the outside world proclaimed economic and political warfare against Hitler as soon as he came to power, and set themselves to bring about a war to destroy him. Not unnaturally, therefore, when that war came about, Hitler considered Jews in general in his territories to be enemies and a threat to security, and so he had them rounded up and placed in ghettos or camps. During the final stages of the war — when Germans were enduring the most terrible conditions themselves, including hundreds of thousand of civilian men, women and children slaughtered in air raids such as that on defenceless Dresden — adequate supplies were either unavailable or failed to get through to camps overcrowded by evacuation from the east, and typhus raged, this accounting for the undeniably terrible conditions found in some of them at the end of hostilities, which were, however, certainly not the result of any deliberate policy of extermination, which allegation is an atrocity of falsehood.
After the war the campaign to denigrate Hitler focused on the allegation that 6 million Jews were deliberately exterminated at some of the camps during the war, mostly by gassing with the standard delousing fumigator, Zyldon B, which was certainly in general use in the camps and other places as well for its proper purpose of preventing death (by disease), not causing it. The super-sob-story of mass extermination of Jews in gas chambers has been decisively shown to be a colossal lie by the Leuchter Report, a report by America’s leading consultant on the gas chambers in American prisons who, at the arrangement of Ernst Zündel, for the purpose of his recent retrial in Canada, visited Auschwitz and took samples from the structure of the buildings alleged to have been gas chambers which, after submission to independent analysis in the U.S.A., showed conclusively that they were not so used. Incidentally, the recent admission by the Russians themselves that over 30 million were exterminated by Stalin, Britain’s and Jewry’s ally against Hitler, makes the Jewish allegation against Hitler small in comparison to this very real Red Holocaust.
Returning to the Germany of the 1930s, we can estimate Hitler’s greatest conquest as that, of the hearts of his people, for his was the most popular regime the world has ever known. His Germany was a land electrified and transmuted. Never, anywhere at any time has a whole nation been so radiant, so disposed to service as was his under his leadership. In their millions the German people daily acclaimed Hitler was right.
Hitler was right in seeking to rectify the iniquities of the Treaty of Versailles, and to unite German territories. His actions received the overwhelming support of the populations concerned. When he entered Vienna 200,000 Viennese packed the city’s Heroes’ Square in an ecstasy of rejoicing at what the anti-Hitler propaganda machine in Britain called an “aggression.” He was similarly welcomed in the stolen territory of the Sudetenland in the synthetic state of Czechoslovakia. Hitler tried hard and long right up to and including the very last days of peace to reach a thoroughly fair settlement with Poland regarding the latter’s German areas and inhabitants, the port of Danzig (90% German), and the detached territory of East Prussia; but this has been deliberately obscured by the deceitful Western warmongers, Britain giving a thoroughly reprehensible general guarantee to the backward state of Poland to make its reactionary regime unreasonable and bellicose, and so to bring about the desired war.
Hitler was right in the importance he set on an Anglo-German alliance which he long strove for. With it, the combination of the British Navy and the German Army could have kept the peace of the world, preserved the British Empire which Hitler greatly valued, and served as the core for a world order of the white man safeguarding that white man by world supremacy. The British Ambassador in Berlin recorded on the 26th July 1939: “From the very beginning Hitler has always sought above all an understanding with Britain.” (Vansittart in Office, I. Colvin, p. 346). Indeed, a point where Hitler went wrong was when, in persistent pursuit of an Anglo-German agreement even then, he waited after the defeat of France and the debacle of Dunkirk for Britain to come to her senses, whereas, if he had invaded in July 1940, he would almost certainly have succeeded.
Hitler was right in his conception of a New Order for Europe, conforming to ethnic realities in preference to geographical and other demarcations conflicting with those realities, and his encouragement of co-operation to common benefit, and of unity corresponding to common aims.
Hitler was right in forestalling the intended Russian attack, planned to take advantage of the European war, by launching his own attack first in June 1941, accompanied by the European crusade against communism which he sponsored; and, had it not been for the immense material aid given to Stalin by Britain and the U.S.A., he would have undoubtedly crushed Stalin and eliminated the Soviet menace which today is only masked by the sly tactics of Gorbachev, designed to soften up the West. As it was, we today owe it to the gigantic effort made by Germany and her allies (including all the foreign volunteers of the wonderful Waffen-SS), and encompassing the desperate defensive fighting right up to May 1945, that the Red Army did not break through to Calais, and today with the KGB stationed at Dover, Durham and Dundee.
Let it be remembered with high pride that never has a cause been fought more valiantly to the utmost than the National Socialist cause of Adolf Hitler. In the battle for Nuremberg, scene of the greatest rallies the world has ever seen: “German civilians, men, women and youths, armed themselves to stand alongside the SS in bitter street fighting in which the veteran American 45th ‘Thunderbird’ Division suffered heavy casualties. The fanatical SS detachments defending the infamous Nazi Congress Hall, which Adolf Hitler called the heart of Nazism, flung back nine bloody US assaults before dying to a man.” (The Spear of Destiny, Trevor Ravenscroft, p. 335; Neville Spearman, 1972.) These were our people ! In Destination Berchtesgaden (Ian Allan Ltd., London, 1975), J. F. Turner and R. Jackson describe the rigours of the advance thusly : — Aschaffenburg: German reinforcements arrived, “many of them fanatical youths of 16 and 17 who refused to surrender and had to be annihilated.” Schweinfurt: “Every small town and village on the road to Schweinfurt was fortified, every hill and wood occupied by the enemy for as long as possible, often by fanatical Nazi youths.” Würzburg: “Once again, civilians joined German troops in defending their home town, retreating into the sewers and often appearing in the Americans’ rear.”
In flaming Berlin heroic remnants of the foreign volunteers of the Waffen-SS, Europe’s elite, fought to the last and died defending the neighbourhood of the Reich Chancellery and the bunker where Adolf Hitler gave up his life; and while other heroes of the Hitler Youth, some only 14, succeeded in holding the bridges over the River Spree till the very last. With blood sacrifices like this as the nutrient, National Socialism’s potency to survive and revive was assured.
If there is any certainty at all in this world, it is that, if ever a real champion of our folk emerges, he will be denigrated to the utmost by the forces of ruin. So it is that it is precisely those in Britain today who are most responsible for her present ghastly condition who are most responsible for the denigration of Hitler. Those who are damaging us the most are precisely those who denigrate him the most: that is the great equation.
Hitler was right in his denunciation of democracy; this we indeed ought to know now by our own experience in Britain today. Bruce Anderson in the Sunday Telegraph (29th March, 1987) said of Britain’s Afro-Asian invasion: “The voters were never consulted: if they had been we would have had no large-scale coloured immigration.” So whereas Hitler’s dictatorship gave the people what they wanted, and preserved Germany for the German people, Britain’s democracy gives the British people what they do not want and calls it “freedom”.
Hitler was right in his prophecy of the darkness which would follow his defeat. As we take stock of the whole range of evils from which we currently suffer, from recurrent strikes to the mugging of elderly ladies, from drug peddling to the promotion of perversion, from subsidies to the coloured world to the degeneracy known as “rock”, we take note of the fact that Hitler would not have allowed us these blessed refinements of democracy. We also take note of the fact that projections of the present coloured birthrate in Britain show that within a hundred years we will be a minority in our own country. Not even the most maniacal opponent of Hitler has ever accused him of wanting to make Britain black. It has been left to those opponents to bring about just that.
National Socialist resistance did not cease in 1945. One epic figure from the war who refused to renounce his belief in National Socialism, and maintained close contact with National Socialists worldwide until his death in 1982, was Hans-Ulrich Rudel. This German flying ace held a world record for 2,530 combat flights, and another for 519 enemy tanks destroyed. Single-handedly he sank the Soviet battleship Marat and 2 cruisers, as well as 70 supply boats. His motto was “Verloren ist nur wer sich selbst aufgibt” (Only he who gives up loses”).
Another stalwart from the old days was Winifred Wagner, English-born daughter-in-law of the great composer, Richard Wagner. After the war a de-Nazification court convicted her of the crime of actively supporting Hitler’s regime by having been his personal friend. For this terrible offence she was sentenced to 450 days special labour service, her personal wealth was confiscated, she was forbidden to hold any public office or become a member of any political party for five years, and she was even banned from owning a motor car. Nevertheless, when interviewed in a film in 1975 by those who tried in vain to get her to express some rejection of Hitler, this magnificent lady rounded on them with the consummate remark: “If Hitler walked through the door today, I would be just as glad and happy to see him and have him here as ever.”
And so the fight has gone on, as exhibited in such recent news items regarding Germany as the gaoling of Peter Naumann for 4½ years for master-minding the bombing in 1979 of a television mast near Koblenz which interrupted the transmission of the programme “Holocaust”, and for plotting to storm Spandau Prison when Hess was still alive and imprisoned there. Likewise the banning of the organisation Nationale Sammlung to prevent it taking part in local elections: thus demonstrating the utter falsity of democracy in that country, where National Socialism, the wish of a German majority, has been banned since 1945. Likewise the headline in the Daily Telegraph recently: “Neo-Nazism ‘on the rise’ in West Germany.”
As long as man survives on this planet, the name Adolf Hitler will be remembered — with truth or with lies. It is for us in present dismal days to derive the satisfaction of bearing witness to the truth concerning him in the face of the torrent of lies. Make it your obligation to observe and mark the 101st anniversary of his birth on April 20th, 1990 ! Whatever else you do on and around that date to honour his name, make sure that at 6:18 in the evening, the time of his birth, you stop in silent meditation, lighting a candle in your heart in memory of the greatest champion of the Aryan peoples — your peoples — this world has ever seen !
“What though the field be lost ?
All is not lost — the unconquerable will,
And study of revenge, immortal hate,
And courage never to submit or yield :
And what is else not to be overcome ?”
— John Milton (1608-1674), Paradise Lost.
A découvrir :
Miguel Serrano - Adolf Hitler The Ultimate Avatar
Adolf Hitler - VOSTFR
Adolf Hitler - English subtitles
For more speeches and proclamations
Adolf Hitler - Ebooks (PDF)
L'Allemagne se met en marche