"Achieve the wisdom of knowledge of Truth
as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation."
The Spectrum 1999
The Spectrum 2000
The Spectrum 2001
The Spectrum 2002
The Spectrum 2003
Welcome To The Premier Issue Of The SPECTRUM
As the above headline joyfully announces, we welcome you to this, the Premier Issue of The SPECTRUM newspaper. Our path of coming to life has been quite a bumpy one and our birthing pains a bit ardous, but here we are—finally! And get this: close to 1,000 of you responded to our initial yellow-insert offer to receive this Premier Issue. And then, including other later requests, we are actually mailing out to about 4,000 of you !
We also received a quite unexpected flood of wonderfully warm and humorously indignant notes from many of you expressing a strong, personal interest in the launching of this new venture. We are very thankful for and inspired by your encouraging support, and we intend to do all we can to bring...
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