The nazi primer
Official handbook for schooling the Hitler youth
Translated from the original german 1938
Introduction : Factual Outlook on Life
I. The Unlikeness of Men
Bodily difference-spiritual unlikeness. disregard of these facts. opponents of the race idea. bases of their opposition. truth wins.
II. The German Races
Concept of race-peoples are mixed races. the German races. bodily and spiritual characteristics of the Nordic, Phalic, Western, Dinaric, Eastern, East Baltic races. proportion of races. the German people certainly Nordic.
III. Race Formation : Heredity and Environment
Study of heredity. Gregor Mendel. Mendel's laws (I) law of uniformity (II) law of diversity. dominant and recessive characteristics (III) law of independence. inherited picture not always similar to apparent picture. species change. study of evolution. Charles Darwin. environmental influences not inheritable. hereditary transmission changeability of bearers of heredity. formation of races.
IV. Heredity and Race Fostering
The hereditary stream. task of heredity fostering. heredity diseases. concealed hereditary processes. dangers of inbreeding. "family tree" research. the less worthy. threatening increase. costs of care. duty of interfering. laws fostering heredity. justification for eliminations. selection of the sound. measures pertaining thereto. socialistic selection. the sense of race fostering. race legislation. Jews in the German Reich-not different in quality but in kind. protection of our racial being.
V. Population Policy
Population fluctuations. real growth. "congestion" of the blood. superannuation. decline of births. consequences of urbanization. inevitable death of a people? infiltration. causes for the falling off of births. spiritual counteraction. economic countermeasures. protection of those rich in children. fostering marriages. results up to this time. rise in births not yet significant.
VI. Man and Earth
Fate of peoples determined by blood. influence of territory. the art of the statesman. attachment of the German people to the soil. uprooting forces. economic and political consequences. back to the natural order reciprocal action between a people and its territory.
VII. The German Territory
Central position in Europe. historical tasks. defense of Europe. instrument of culture. advantages and disadvantages of the central position. the threefold form. political area. population area. culture area.
VIII. The German Population Area
The Nordic territory. the Germanic territory. the ages of bronze, iron, and the Romans. migrations of the Germanic peoples. region from which the German people went out. winning the territory around the Danube. frontier districts on the Elbe. crucial uprisings. the procession toward the east. reconquering of : Holstein and Mecklenburg, the Mark of Brandenburg, of Saxony. the Czech wedge. settlement of Pomerania. Silesia. the Polish bulwark. struggle for East Prussia. the eastern front made safe by Prussia. historical achievement. possessive right of the German people.
IX. The German Culture Area
German influence in the east. Germans abroad. origin and development. their cultural significance. migration overseas. Germans in : North America, South America, Australia. the German colonies. first attempts. Southwest Africa, German East Africa, Cameroons, Togoland, South Sea possessions. lies about colonies.
X. The Political Area of the German Folk
The Reich of the Middle Ages. its downfall. Switzerland breaks loose. Holland falls off. origin of Belgium. "neutralization" of Luxemburg. separation of Austria. independence of Lichtenstein. France's "Thrust to the Rhine". frontier struggles in the east and southeast. the dictate of Versailles. territorial losses of the German Reich. dictate of Saint-Germain. German-Austria torn apart. Anschluss forbidden. the present situation.
XI. Territory and Population
Contraction of the Reich. increase in population. increasing need for territory. migration back after the World War. "folk without space". comparison of population densities. colonial possessions of others. greatest population density in the German Reich. claim for German colonies. the wrong way out. industrialization. flight from the land a danger for the German east. unequal distribution of the population. new territorial arrangement.
XII. The Soil as a Source of Food Supply
Quality of the soil. climate. use of the soil. farming. cattle raising. neglect of agriculture. the consequences in the World War. dependence intensified by Versailles. National Socialist agrarian policy. the production battle. extension of usable areas. increase in production. reduction of destructive forces. cultivation of more important food stuffs. results of the production battle. further measures. the goal; freedom in the matter of food stuffs. everyone must cooperate.
XIII. The Land as a Support for Industry
Origin of minerals. their distribution. domestic production and use. importation of raw materials. increased dependence since Versailles. importation of raw materials made difficult. social and economic consequences. the Four Year Plan. new textile raw materials. rising output of ores. artificial rubber. German gasoline and oils. the goal : German work out of German raw materials
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