January 2023

Sunday 15 January 2023

Le Cercle d'Ulfric - Le sang de l'élite grecque et romaine

Le Cercle d'Ulfric - Le sang de l'élite grecque et romaine

La Grèce et la Rome antique ont illuminé le monde par la splendeur de leurs civilisations. Symbole de l’excellence, de la prospérité et de la beauté, nous avons oublié qui était les anciens grecques qui jadis posèrent les colonnes du temple d’Athènes. Nous avons oublié l’identité originelle des grands Empereurs Romains qui étalèrent sur le monde leur domination. Aveuglé par les grands bouleversements ethniques et raciaux qui ont touché la Grèce et l’Italie depuis ces époques lointaines, nous avons perdu de vu le sang de ceux qui avaient bâti ces cités florissantes.
Bien que la plupart des historiens contemporains spécialistes de l’Antiquité n’abordent pas la question raciale dans leurs travaux, cette question reste néanmoins intéressante en vue de comprendre comment la biologie s’articule autour des fondations d’une civilisation.

Le Cercle d'Ulfric - TIPEEE
Le Cercle d'Ulfric - TELEGRAM
Le Cercle d'Ulfric - Odysee

Grèce - PDF
Rome - PDF

Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Greece
Genetic origins of the Minoans and Mycenaeans, Iosif Lazaridis
Indoeuropeans and Greece, J. P. Mallory
Encyclopedia of Hair, Victoria Sherrow
On blondes, Joanna Pitman
The Classical World, R. Peterson,1985
Histoire de la Philosophie, Bertrand Russell,1946
Paideia, la formation de l’homme grec, 1939
Mythe de Romulus et Rémus
Coon (1939) 194; 554
The Classical World, R. Peterson,1985
The passing of the Great Race, Grant Madison
Le mythe du XXe siècle, Rosenberg
Éthique à Nicomaque, Aristote
Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1911
Physiognomonie, Adamantios
Pindare, Xénophane, Homère, Dicaearchus, Bacchylide, Juvénal, Tertullien, Appien, Plutarque, Suétone
La Germanie, Tacite

Saturday 14 January 2023

Conspiracy Music Guru - Lies

Conspiracy Music Guru - Lies

This little song was rolling around in my head for a while so I asked my buddy Gordo to help get it out.

Here are the lyrics :

The man with the suit and the tie
Looks me dead in the eye
And he lies, yes he lies

Then the woman with the makeup and the blouse
Beams right in to my house
And she lies, yes she lies

The man wants me to be scared
The man making me see red
Coz I know he lies, yeah he lies

And the woman with the beautiful eyes
Is no longer beautiful because I realise,
That she lies, yes she lies

You ain’t welcome round here no more
Been down this road too many times before
This the last time you ever cast your spell
You fooled me once so shame on you
Won’t fool me twice coz I see right through
The oh so many lies you always tell

From the north to the east the west and south
You cover much ground with that filthy mouth
And your lies, yeah your lies

You lie so much you believe yourself
The day you tell the truth will be a cold day in hell
I despise all those lies

You ain’t welcome round here no more
Been down this road too many times before
This the last time you ever cast your spell
You fooled me once so shame on you
Won’t fool me twice coz I see right through
The oh so many lies you always tell

We the people see what you do
With your plastic smiles and your autocues
And your lies, your lies

How much longer can you hide the truth
When this lion wakes it’s gonna eat you
And your lies, yeah your lies

You ain’t welcome round here no more
Been down this road too many times before
This the last time you ever cast your spell
You fooled me once so shame on you
Won’t fool me twice coz I see right through
The oh so many lies you always tell

The man with the suit and the tie
Looks me right dead in the eye
And he lies, yeah he lies

Conspiracy Music Guru - Big Pharma

Conspiracy Music Guru - Dont let them take your mind ft Alex Michael

Conspiracy Music Guru - Odysee
Conspiracy Music Guru - Youtube

conspiracymusicguru.com - Flat Earth Man
Flat Earth - Documentation

Conspiracy Music Guru - No creas en la gravidad

Conspiracy Music Guru - 'Puppet Show" - an ISS exposé

Conspiracy Music Guru - No Photographs of Earth !

Sunday 8 January 2023

Einar Schlereththe - The odious germans

Einar Schlereththe - The odious germans
120 years of German history rewritten

I was 70 when I thought about this book and I started to collect material about the hate against Germany since WWI. I found much help in the monumental work of Docherty & Macgregor and the more I was digging the more lies I found. But then there are areas where you are forbidden to make any research. I lost courage but continued to collect documents, photos, videos. Finally, I overcame my cowardice especially through some friends who encouraged me. I took up the hottest questions like the Holocaust and the German guilt regarding WWI and WWII.
The source for all the horror and the millions of deaths sprang up in a little room in London where a Jesuit-like Secret Society was founded. It grew and succeeded to win the wealthiest, mightiest and the most influential people at the time for their crime : to destroy Germany. The most important figures were Cecil Rhodes, Lord Esher, Natty Rothschild, Alfred Milner, the Queen, Winston Churchill, Lord Balfour, Llyod George.
Later on, they won important persons from the USA with whom they manufactured WWII with the help of a criminal Austrian who made havoc not only in Germany but also all over Europe. And these were not heroic but disgusting and horrible times which I, as a little boy vividly remember.
29. Juni 2019

About the Author
1937 in Marienwerder/Wpr., today belonging to Poland. 1945 on 1 January 10-month flight of the family to Bad Neustadt a. d. S. in Franconia, home of my father. After Abitur 1956, studies of English and Romance languages and literature in Hamburg and Freiburg/Bg. Because of break with my fascist parents I had to finance my studies myself, by working in about 50 branches (construction, harbour, film statist etc.).
1957 in Paris received beating on demos against Algeria war. 1960-65 studied in Freiburg/Bg. 1965-66 Art director in a well-known Swiss gallery. End -66 moved to Stockholm, where my daughter was born. I worked closely with the FNL movement against Vietnam war 1967/68.
1968 Return to Frankfurt/M, where the 68-movement was in full swing. First lectures, articles, translations and first publication ’Indonesia: Analysis of a Massacre’. Works by Philippe Gavi and Frantz Fanon translated. Co-founder of the 1st magazine in Germany for questions of the 3rd world. Cooperation with Turkish, Spanish and Palestinians workers and students.
1971 Move to Hamburg, where I worked for 25 years as a freelancer for NDR 3, Radio Bremen and Mecklenburg/Vorp. Wrote features about the 3rd world, environment (Spain, Switzerland, Canada), minorities (Basques, Sami, Rhaeto-Romans). Further publications on Indonesia and China. 1979-81 with family in Tanzania, where I wrote features for radio and 2 books (of which only one appeared because of the economic crisis : ’Null Uhr - wenn die Sonne aufgeht’ (Zero o’clock - when the sun rises)

Woodrow Wilson
The tale of the German war guilt on World War I and of the Holocaust, which took place not in Auschwitz but much worse in Russia and China.

Some honest words
I ask you to read carefully and readily make short notes about mistakes and let me know them for which I’d be very grateful. You can imagine what a difficult decision I made. I dragged around with this project for at least 10 years until I finally despite the dangers stuck to my decision.
I had to do it.
This is a ’J’accuse’¹ on behalf of myself, my homeland and all those, who were involved in the downfall of Germany. These were not only foreigners but also Germans and agents. A trial against all these Criminals would blow any frame and of course will never take place. But it could be in a Stockholm format or Kuala Lumpur format, where at least the names of all the criminals would be made known to the world. For me it will be a dream, a possibility for my posterity. For over 100 years our country, my country, has been thrown with dirt, twice plunged into misery, poured over with shame and deprived of its rights with an intensity that is incomprehensible. But the vast majority has got used to it and bucks and kisses the feet of the calumniators. The fact that I learned the full truth so late (10 years ago) has its good and its bad sides. The bad thing, of course, is that lies, the bigger the more, can last so long, and therefore be able to cripple entire generations and fill them with subservient spirit. (Remember what Engels said about the consequences of the peasant wars).
The good side is that I have gained an even better overview with age. At the age of about 30 I had overcome all my fears. But when I started to think about how to bring the truth to light at the age of 70, my courage had always left me.
Because it became clear to me which steamroller would come towards me. But I have overcome cowardice, which, if I am honest, has made my old age easier for me. Finally I have reached an age where one has lived one’s life and I am ready to sacrifice it to the truth if necessary. This book I have, of course, also written in the vague hope that some lawyers, judges, intellectuals or politicians will appear on the scene to bring charges against all those who deny the true Holocaust, to rehabilitate the innocently convicted people and to force the Zionists to repay the blackmailed billions of euros and dollars that should go to Russia and China in full.

Klavreström, 12 November 2018

Hermann Wieland - Atlantis, Edda & Bible
200000 Years of Germanic World Culture and the Secrets of the Holy Scripture

First World War - PDF
Second World War - PDF
Germany - PDF
Third Reich - PDF

Thursday 5 January 2023

Pagans TV - Esclaves Vikings contre Dinars - Version 2

Pagans TV - Esclaves Vikings contre Dinars - Version 2

Film de divulgation et de ré-information. Découvrez la traite cachée des esclaves européens et la vérité sur les Vikings. Version 2 du 25/12/2022

Cher public, ce film a été réalisé autant pour alerter nos contemporains sur l’esclavage, que pour rendre hommage aux Vikings. Rien n’est impossible, mais il est incompréhensible que le mensonge établi par les moines historiens ne soit toujours pas remis en question par les autorités modernes ! J’espère que ce Film pourra aider à remédier à ce problème, c’est pourquoi je compte sur vous pour contribuer à rétablir la vérité en partageant la vidéo au maximum !
Je vous rappelle également que ce film documentaire a été financé en partie par le public et qu’il comprend une part importante de bénévolat effectué par des professionnels, votre aide est également la bienvenue. Merci d’avance !
Le réalisateur, Oleg de Normandie.

Documentation sur le Géocentrisme, cosmogonie des Celto-Vikings
Edmond Paris - Histoire secrète des Jésuites

Oleg de Normandie - Esclaves celtes, maîtres judéo-christiano-musulmans
Oleg de Normandie - Charlemagne était-il Talmudiste ?
Oleg de Normandie - La traite des Blancs

La traite des Européens - L'esclavage et la traite des Blancs
Esclaves blancs, maîtres musulmans
Pierre-Joseph Dumont - Histoire de l'esclavage en Afrique
L'esclavage en Afrique par un ancien diplomate
Félix Chapiseau - Au pays de l'esclavage
Georges Meynié - Les Juifs en Algérie - L'Algérie juive
Nation of Islam - Les relations secrètes entre les Noirs et les juifs

Esclavage - PDF
Scandinavie - PDF
France - PDF
Hébraïsme - PDF
Islam - PDF
Christianisme - PDF
Conspiration - PDF