June 2023

Sunday 18 June 2023

Le cercle d'Ulfric - L'anarque de l'évolution Singe-Homme


Le cercle d'Ulfric - L'anarque de l'évolution Singe-Homme

Les espèces quadrupèdes, dont l’australopithèque et toutes ces prétendus lignées ne sont pas l'ancêtre de l'homme. L'homme a toujours marché verticalement et ses ancêtres ne peuvent pas avoir vécu dans des arbres pour des raisons anatomiques, statiques et logiques. Que ce soit par le Professeur Robin Compton en 1996 ou plus récemment comme nous allons le voir par la chargée de recherche du CNRS Yvette Deloison, spécialiste de la locomotion et de la bipédie, qui avait également été membre de l'équipe du célèbre paléoanthropologue Yves Coppens.

Le Cercle d'Ulfric - Les mensonges de la paléoanthropologie
Le Cercle d'Ulfric - La tromperie de la théorie de l'évolution
Le Cercle d'Ulfric - L'Empereur Jaune - mythologie chinoise et histoire occulte

Le Cercle d'Ulfric - Tipeee
Le Cercle d'Ulfric - Odysee.com
Le Cercle d'Ulfric - Telegram



Saturday 17 June 2023

Eric Dubay - Flat Earth FAQ - Audiobook

Eric Dubay - Flat Earth FAQ - Audiobook - Youtube

Flat Earth FAQ is the ultimate reference guide for concise, comprehensive answers to the most frequently asked flat Earth questions accompanied with detailed drawings, maps, memes, charts, and full-color photographs as helpful visual aids. Written by the President of the International Flat Earth Research Society and author of several other flat Earth books and documentaries, Eric Dubay recommends Flat Earth FAQ as both an ideal introduction to the subject for beginners, and a perfect coffee-table book for established flat earthers looking to tackle all the typical talking points : lulu.com - ericdubay.

Table of Contents & Timestamps
01. How Do You Know Earth is Not a Spinning Globe? (0:05:00)
02. How Do You Know NASA Faked the Moon Landings? (1:09:21)
03. Why Would They Lie About Flat Earth? (1:32:25)
04. Why are There No Flat Earth Whistle-Blowers? (1:45:26)
05. Why are There No Photographs of the Flat Earth? (1:54:03)
06. Why is Earth the Only Flat Planet? (1:58:07)
07. Why Can't Everyone See Mount Everest on a Flat Earth? (2:01:30)
08. Why isn't Polaris Visible from Australia? (2:04:40)
09. Why Does the Moon Appear Upside-Down in the Southern Hemisphere? (2:09:13)
10. Why Do the Sun/Moon Get Bigger Near the Horizon? (2:14:27)
11. Ships Disappear Beyond Earth's Curvature? (2:18:41)
12. Earth's Curvature Visible From Your Airplane Window? (2:23:17)
13. Eratosthenes Experiment Debunks Flat Earth? (2:27:57)
14. Cavendish Experiment Proves Gravity? (2:31:31)
15. Foucault Pendulums Prove the Earth Rotates? (2:34:18)
16. Coriolis Effect Proves Earth a Spinning Globe? (2:39:11)
17. Mount Rainier's Shadow Proves the Globe? (2:45:01)
18. The Lake Pontchartrain Bridge Shows Earth's Curvature? (2:48:56)
19. How Do Maps, Compasses and Circumnavigation Work on Flat Earth? (2:53:07)
20. How Do Flights Like Sydney-Santiago Work on Flat Earth? (2:58:31)
21. How Does Gravity Work on Flat Earth? (3:05:26)
22. How Do Sunrise and Sunset Work on Flat Earth? (3:11:58)
23. How Do Seasons Work on the Flat Earth? (3:17:30)
24. How Does the Midnight Sun Work on Flat Earth? (3:24:48)
25. How Do Eclipses Work on Flat Earth? (3:30:50)
26. How Do the Southern Stars Work on Flat Earth? (3:34:55)
27. How Do Tides Work on Flat Earth? (3:38:26)
28. How Do Volcanoes and Earthquakes Work on Flat Earth? (3:54:08)
29. How Can Ushuaia Get 17 Hours of Daylight on a Flat Earth? (4:01:17)
30. What is Above, Below, and Beyond the Flat Earth? (4:06:27)
31. How Did You Personally Learn About Flat Earth? (4:11:07)
32. Why is Flat Earth Important? (4:21:29)

Eric Dubay on Odysee
Atlantean Conspiracy​

Commandez le nouveau livre d'Eric Dubay "Flat Earth FAQ" en version française

Plongez dans l'univers de la Terre plate avec "Flat Earth FAQ", le premier livre d'Eric Dubay disponible en français.

Le F.A.Q. de la Terre Plate
La Terre plate a longtemps été dénigrée, tournée en dérision et moquée comme étant la plus farfelue des théories du complot, marginalisée, moquée et méprisée pendant des siècles comme étant une ancienne vision du monde ignorante et non scientifique, mais les faits sont loin d'être ce que l'on vous a dit. Après un examen approfondi et des recherches diligentes avec un esprit ouvert, tout esprit critique et sceptique découvrira que c'est en fait la Terre inclinée, vacillante et en forme de boule spatiale, promue par la NASA et enseignée dans les écoles, qui est vraiment ridicule et non scientifique.
Flat Earth FAQ est le guide de référence ultime pour des réponses concises et complètes aux questions les plus fréquemment posées sur la Terre plate, accompagnées de dessins détaillés, de cartes, de graphiques et de photographies en couleur comme aides visuelles utiles. Rédigé par le président de l'International Flat Earth Research Society et auteur de plusieurs autres livres et documentaires sur la Terre plate, Eric Dubay recommande Flat Earth FAQ comme une introduction idéale au sujet pour les débutants, et comme un parfait livre de salon pour les adeptes confirmés de la Terre plate qui souhaitent aborder tous les sujets de discussion habituels.

Eric Dubay - Histoire de la Terre plate - Livre audio
LEVEL - Le Film

Flat Earth - PDF

Friday 16 June 2023

Support people who lost homes in Kherson - Donation Charitymay

Charitymay Fund - Donation
Support people who lost homes in Kherson

Let's support people who lost homes due to the explosion at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Station

The flood caused by the terrorist attack of the russian federation on the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Station has began to recede, but the danger remains. Rescue of people from the affected areas continues. People from over 100 settlements have lost their homes.
Dormitories and IDP centers are crowded; lack of accommodation hits socially vulnerable population groups the most : the elderly, large families, family-type orphanages, single mothers.
Right now we need to fulfill critical needs of Kherson region residents and provide them with accommodation.
Fund Blagomay has already created a modular town, where 200 persons, children currently live. But, considering the damage being caused by the aggressor to our country, we need to continue building the town as much as possible and create new settlements for Ukrainian forced internally displaced persons who have nowhere to live.
Any help is important right now - we encourage everyone to contribute and help Kherson region residents. We require help to address vital needs of people and arrange modular houses where people can live for free as long as they need to. The price of 1 house and its yearly maintenance amounts to 14,087 EUR. To install the next 10 housed we need 140,870 EUR (5,479,843 UAH), but only together we can reach this goal.

Support the people, do not let them lose hope - we can help them together.

Thursday 15 June 2023

Axe et Alliés

Axe et Alliés
1939-1945 : un monde en guerre

Magazines Axe & Alliés, du numéro 1 au numéro 29, édités entre 2007 et 2012 par les Éditions du Paladin.
Ainsi que les Hors Série numéro 1 à 12.


Hermann Göring - L’Allemagne renaît
Hermann Göring - Germany reborn
Alfred Rosenberg - Le mythe du XXe siècle
Adolf Hitler - Alfred Rosenberg - Joseph Goebbels - Julius Streicher : Guerre aux juifs
Philippe Henriot - "Ici, Radio-France"
Pierre-Antoine Cousteau - Après le déluge
Alfred Rosenberg - L'heure décisive de la lutte entre l'Europe et le bolchevisme
Joseph Goebbels - Combat pour Berlin
Benito Mussolini - La doctrine du Fascisme
Heinrich Himmler - L'Esprit de la SS
Adolf Hitler - Principes d'action

Troisième Reich - PDF
Seconde guerre mondiale - PDF

Friday 9 June 2023

John Lott - Gun control myths

John R. Lott Jr. - Gun control myths
How politicians, the media, and botched "studies" have twisted the facts on gun control. Learn the actual facts that debunk them.

“John Lott has been giving us the facts about guns for decades. Finally clear to all that one party in America has an anti-Second Amendment platform and wants to disarm you. Now you need to arm yourself with the Truth. Buy and read Gun Control Myths today. Before it’s too late.”

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D.,
host of AMERICAN First, former Strategist to President Trump

“We have John Lott to thank for once again providing factual and empirical based research to counter the anti gun movement’s well funded and organized campaign based on nothing more than slogans, myths and propaganda designed to demonize supporters of our cherished Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.”

David Clarke
Sheriff(RET) Milwaukee County

“John Lott is the go-to expert when it comes to protecting the second amendment. Without the second amendment Americans could be stripped of our right to arm ourselves against aggressors. Arm yourselves with knowledge by reading “Gun Control Myths” and join me in protecting the Second Amendment.”

Eric Bolling
Host “AMERICA This Week”
Sinclair Broadcast
President and Chairman “JanOne”

“John Lott shows that the media and many politicians are biased against guns. For example, many stories are written in the media about shooters, but very few about defensive uses of guns. Similarly, he shows that some gun control policies are actually counterproductive. Shooters seek out gun-free zones. If we banned “assault” weapons, shooters might shift to larger hunting guns. The book is copiously footnoted. It is full of statistical and graphical analysis, so that his points are easily grasped and persuasive. Anyone who advocates gun control and does not seriously consider John’s work is negligent. Any journalist who does not at least consider John’s work is committing journalistic malpractice.”

Paul H. Rubin
Dobbs Professor of Economics Emeritus, Emory University

John R. Lott Jr. - More Guns, Less Crime
Understanding Crime and Gun-Control Laws
For more

Wednesday 7 June 2023

Devastation in Kherson - Live 07-06-2023 - Mercado Media

Devastation in Kherson - Live 07-06-2023 - Mercado Media

This stream is dedicated to researching and reporting accurate and relevant events centered around the invasion of Ukraine on June 7th, 2023.

Mercado Media - Twitter
Mercado Media - Telegram

Denys Davydov - War in Ukraine daily news

Update from Ukraine - Ukraine Takes ground on the East - Full forces yet to be used

Update from Ukraine - Who blown up the Dam ? Ukraine Lost Leopard-2 John Deer Modification

Sunday 4 June 2023

Gerda Flemming - La méthode Dorn

Gerda Flemming - La méthode Dorn
Une thérapie douce pour la colonne vertébrale et les articulations

Qualifié de "mal du siècle", le mal de dos ne préoccupe pas seulement les patients qui en souffrent mais aussi le corps médical dans son ensemble et les ministres de la Santé, en raison du coût élevé des thérapies.
Différente de la chiropractie - qui remet en place les vertèbres par un étirement brusque - La Méthode Dorn, douce et sans danger, est extrêmement efficace dans le traitement des affections vertébrales et articulaires. Plus qu'un ensemble d'instructions pour corriger les atteintes de la colonne vertébrale, elle constitue une prise en compte profonde de l'homme dans sa globalité.
Elle explique les interactions entre les différentes parties du corps, ainsi que les relations entre corps physique et corps énergétique, psychisme et nature environnante. Médecins, kinésithérapeutes, praticiens des médecines alternatives, profanes et bien-sûr patients, tous trouveront un réel bénéfice à la lecture de cet ouvrage.

Médecine - PDF

Saturday 3 June 2023

Eddie Alencar - 16 emergency landings proving flat Earth

Eddie Alencar - 16 emergency landings proving flat Earth

An Unpredictable Standpoint
by Albino Galuppini

In recent decades, thanks mainly to the work of radio, TV and independent newspapers, many "conspiracy theories" have made some advances. For twenty years now, Internet technology, search engines and information have all expanded dramatically and they do not fit into the average so-called "mainstream" anymore.
No wonder if, whether new points of views were brought up by independent researchers or new sensational discoveries were made by them; but one of the most important topics in this discussion is the heliocentric model. The heliocentric model teaches that the Earth is a planet revolving around the sun included in a galaxy called the Milky Way, which is just one of a myriad of galaxies that form an ever expanding universe. However, after all, who among us has been to Mars and to the moon to see their true colors? Who can verify if the photographs taken by the Hubble Space Telescope are authentic ?
Nevertheless, private entities have launched high-altitude balloons equipped with cameras which have captured images showing no curvature on the earth's surface. Wow, the supposed curvature of our planet shouldn’t only depend on observing ships going away on the horizon, should they? For quite some time now allegations have been raised about the veracity of the moon landings and the exploration of the solar system. Not to mention the impossibility of detecting the rotation of the Earth. None of us, in fact, has ever had the impression of walking on the surface of a sphere that rotates on its axis at a thousand miles per hour. A web of contradictions characterizes the heliocentric model, we are aware of its inconsistency marveling ourselves, and we ask ourselves this question: How come it took us this long to raise these questions ?
One of the biggest problems concerning the earth's spherical shape is seen in aviation. In fact, because of the curvature and the cruising speed of a commercial airliner, pilots should constantly direct the nose of the plane down in order to maintain a constant altitude. But, there is no mention of this in flight manuals, neither does the gyro onboard takes into account the curvature of the Earth.
Another intriguing chapter is the main theme of this book: Flight Paths. Retracing the way of airplanes, verified through specialized Internet sites, one realizes that the path makes little sense on a globe which appears to be the mapping model that best adheres to the real world but makes perfect sense on a polar projection azimuthally equidistant. For example, the flight from Los Angeles, California to Shanghai, in China has been shown that it flies over Alaska and the Arctic Circle while on a globe model, the shortest route runs through the Pacific Ocean. Detractors argue that the airlines will fly over the continental masses in case you need to make an emergency landing, therefore, avoiding the open sea. However, this version loses credibility by noting that, flying over the continental masses, flight paths veer north again.
Only a quarter of a century after the first powered flight by the Wright brothers was made, thanks to technological advances of the aircraft, the first flight across the Atlantic was accomplished. It was Charles Lindbergh, a 25-year old pilot from the US Air Force to make the foolhardy venture in 1927. From a "zetetica" perspective, one can not help but notice that, Lindbergh’s path is almost a straight path on a "Flat Earth Map ". Conversely, the route traveled is bent and elongated if traced on a globe. How to explain, if not assuming that the shape of the earth is different from that spherical ?
But that's not all of the mysteries that surround the aviation field.
Many have raised doubts on the operation of jet engines and what amount of fuel is supplied to an aircraft before it takes off. Easy to reach the conclusion that, even the aeronautical science, indeed the entire history up to now is stuffed with fat lies. For this reason I believe this book by Eddie Alencar, on the specific topic of the flight paths, is a key piece of the puzzle represented by the shape of the Earth.
I wish you a happy reading !

Albino Galuppini

Eddie Alencar - Flight routes proving flat Earth
Flat Earth - PDF