Dr. William Pierce - The lesson of Haiti
Haiti started out as a prosperous colony of France. The Black slaves rebelled and killed all the Whites they could get their hands on. However, most of what the Whites built was intact. What happened next ?
Instead of maintaining it, the Haitians let everything fall into disrepair. Time and time again this process has been repeated : Whites have build up Haiti's infrastructure and the Blacks have let it run down. Poverty, filth, and corruption are unalterable facets of life. When will Whites learn the lesson implied ?
Hesketh Prichard - Where black rules white
Dr. William Pierce - PDF
Dr. William Luther Pierce - Hunter - Audiobook
Dr. William Pierce - The Turner Diaries - Audiobook
Dr. William Pierce - VIDEOS
Dr. William Pierce - The jews are our misfortune
Dr. William Pierce - Cosmotheism is the Meaning of Life (Our Cause)
Dr. William Pierce - Out of the Darkness
Dr. William Pierce - Child-Pornography, Exclusively a Jewish Business
Dr. William Pierce - Conditioning for Death
Dr. William Pierce - Vision of a future world
Dr. William Pierce - Toward a Healthy Society
Dr. William Pierce - Why the Jews are Hated
Robert S. Griffin - The Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds
Dr. William Pierce - Media control
Dr. William Pierce - The history of everything
Dr. William Pierce - The jewish corrupters
Dr. William Pierce - How to bring down the house
Dr. William Pierce - The destruction of our World
Dr. William Pierce - Our revolutionary right
Dr. William Pierce - Extreme music
Dr. William Pierce - Lemmings
Dr. William Pierce - The lesson of Haiti
Dr. William Pierce - White altruism
Dr. William Pierce - We are all one race
Dr. William Pierce - What's the most important thing in your life
Dr. William Pierce - Thinking about a White future
Dr. William Pierce - The protocols of the learned elders of Zion
Dr. William Pierce - Do you remenber what started the second world war
Dr. William Pierce - White race suicide
Dr. William Pierce - The truth behind the Katyn forest massacre