Itsvan Bakony - The jewish fifth column in Islam
1969 - Library of political secrets
In Islam — as in Christianity — there is a fifth column of Jews who pretend to be Moslem and to practice Islamism piously, but who are Israelite in secret. This infiltration is tearing apart the land of Mohammed, sowing divisions, disabling Islamic unity and Arab unity, and in recent times even diffusing communism. I will show, with the testimony of Israelite historians regarded as authorities on Hebrew matters, how this Jewish fifth column came into being in Islam.
It is necessary to keep in mind that in the Koran — which is for Moslems, as the Bible is for Christians, the source of divine revelation — Jews are considered as a people damned by God who sell the Sacred Writings, who have a padlock in their hearts, and have hell's fire waiting for them.
The Spanish historian of the XIX Century, José Amador de los Ríos, comments that "Sowing darnel in a so high a place, it should not surprise it fructified even exuberantly in certain moments".
As with Christianity, Hebrews have tried to conquer Islam from the inside, and toward this goal they have struggled both tenaciously and wickedly; but up to now they have obtained less success than they have obtained in the Christian world. Nevertheless, it seems that nowadays they have begun to decisively succeed, mainly due to the powerful fifth column that the Hebrews have secretly introduced in Mohammed's religion through centuries, whose destructive activities are now bearing important fruits.
E-books of Itsvan Bakony
Itsvan Bakony - La paranoïa judaïque
Itsvan Bakony - La cinquième colonne juive au Japon
Itsvan Bakony - Les juifs cherchent à dominer les nègres
Itsvan Bakony - La cinquième colonne juive en Inde
Itsvan Bakony - La cinquième colonne juive dans l’Islam
Itsvan Bakony - Le communisme chinois et les juifs chinois
Itsvan Bakony - Qu’est-ce que le judaïsme ?
Itsvan Bakony - Paranoid Judaism
Itsvan Bakony - Jews want to dominate the negroes
Itsvan Bakony - The jewish fifth column in India
Itsvan Bakony - Chinese communism and chinese jews
Itsvan Bakony - What is judaism ?