June 2015

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Richard Boylan - Star kids


Richard Boylan - Star kids
The emerging cosmic generation

Dr. Richard J. Boylan Ph.D. is an author, behavioral scientist, clinician and psychotherapist, professor, and UFO researcher. He provides hypnotherapy for recalling full details of partiall-remembered clost encounters with the Star Visitors. He is a consultant to Star Kids and Star Seeds seeking to understand better their origin, identity and mission so as to attain optimal awareness and clarity of identity, inner growth, spiritual development and future path.


Monday 29 June 2015

Joaquín Bochaca - La historia de los vencidos


Joaquín Bochaca - La historia de los vencidos
El suicidio de Occidente

bochaca_historia_vencidos.jpgLa historia del siglo XX ha sido escrita por las fuerzas que han detentado y detentan el poder, tergiversándola en su propio beneficio. Este libro es el primer paso hacia una nueva concepción de la historia de Europa en el siglo XX.
Este no es un libro en defensa de Alemania. Es un libro en defensa de la verdad. Tampoco es un libro "antisemita" sea lo que fuere lo que se intente evocar con esa palabra equívoca. Es una denuncia, ya formulada antes por otras personas fuera de España, y muy pocas y muy parcialmente en España, contra ciertos individuos y ciertas fuerzas. Si la abrumadora mayoría de los individuos sirviendo a tales fuerzas resultan pertenecer a un grupo racial determinado, ello no es culpa del autor, sino de la naturaleza de las actividades de tales individuos.
El Autor tiene plena conciencia de que muchas de las aseveraciones contenidas en este libro sorprenderán al lector. Pero, como puede comprobarse en la referenciación y bibliografía de esta obra, se ha procurado siempre, buscar la prueba de parte contraria, o, al menos, el testimonio de personas absolutamente neutrales en relación a cada caso o situación planteados.
Algunas personas gustan de pensar, en " ¡ el confort intelectual antes que nada ! ", que las guerras, revoluciones y catástrofes que continuamente se producen en este Planeta feliz no son más que accidentes, sin autores que los produzcan, ni Fuerzas que los canalicen...
En este libro se sostiene una opinión contraria; una opinión basada en el principio de causalidad. Y además, basada en hechos y en citas procedentes del campo «liberal», no en teorías ni en frases entresacadas de discursos de Hitler, de Mussolini... Las conclusiones del Autor serán consideradas como contrarias al Viento de la Historia y, desde luego, como opuestas a la Coexistencia y a la Paz... ¡ Como si fuera posible la Paz sin la Justicia !

Joaquín Bochaca - PDF
Revisionism - PDF

Sunday 28 June 2015

Mikhaël Ivanoff - Centres et corps subtil


Mikhaël Ivanoff - Centres et corps subtil
Aura, plexus solaire, centre hara, chakras...

Le Maître Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov (1900-1986) philosophe et pédagogue français d'origine bulgare, vint en France en 1937. Bien que son œuvre aborde les multiples aspects de la science initiatique, il précise : " Par mon Enseignement, je souhaite vous donner des notions essentielles sur l'être humain : comment il est construit, ses relations avec la nature, les échanges qu'il doit faire avec les autres et avec l'univers, afin de boire aux sources de la vie divine. "

" Depuis des millénaires les hommes 'exercent à multiplier et amplifier leurs sensations et perceptions par l'usage de leurs cinq sens, et c'est ce jeu sur le clavier des cinq sens qu'ils appellent culture et civilisations. Eh bien c'est un peu pauvre. Quel que soit le degré d'affinement qu'ils puissent atteindre, les cinq sens resteront toujours limités, parce qu'ils n'appartiennent qu'au plain physique et n'exploreront jamais que le plan physique. Tant que les humains n'auront pas compris qu'il existe d'autres domaines à explorer, à voir, à toucher, à respirer, ils ne pourront pas éprouver des sensations nouvelles, plus étendues, plus riches, plus subtiles. Chaque organe est spécialisé : il remplit une fonction déterminée et ne procure que des sensations qui correspondent à sa nature. Pour éprouver des sensations nouvelles et plus riches, il faut s'adresser à d'autres organes, d'autres centres subtils que nous possédons aussi. "
Omraam Mikaël Aïvanhov

Mikhaël Ivanoff
White Brotherhood
La dernière prophétie de Maître Beinsa Douno


Thursday 25 June 2015

Jacques Grimault - Patrice Pooyard - Gizeh 2005

Jacques Grimault - Patrice Pooyard - Gizeh 2005
par les réalisateurs de La Révélation des Pyramides

Le film présente en parallèle de l’entretien, des images inédites de sites égyptiens méconnus (Abu Ghurab et Abousir), une visite de l’intérieur de la grande pyramide ainsi que du site de Gizeh (dont le fameux Temple de la Vallée).

Pas encore la suite de mon film LA REVELATION DES PYRAMIDES, vous y découvrirez le visage de mon mystérieux «informateur» - si vous avez raté les interviews diffusées sur le net - qui s’exprime sur la teneur de ses découvertes, sa démarche et sa méthode et répond en détail à quelques critiques pouvant paraître fondées, si toutefois l’on ne prend pas le temps ou la peine de les analyser en détail.

C’est un voyage original que nous vous proposons, voyage dont vous ne sortirez pas indemne, car vos croyances - ce que l’on admet généralement sans disposer de preuves directes - y seront mises à rude épreuve. Si vous acceptez l’invitation, vous y découvrirez des faits généralement ignorés, voire méprisés, faute de pouvoir les intégrer à l’idée que l’on se fait du lointain passé de notre planète… mais comme l’a si justement écrit Aldous Huxley, le célèbre auteur du Meilleur des Mondes : « Même ignorés, les faits restent des faits ».

Nous vous invitons donc à rechercher des réponses rationnelles à ces énigmes de notre passé, dont la plus complexe reste assurément celle de la grande pyramide de Gizeh.

Jacques Grimault - Vidéos
La révélation des pyramides et autres secrets
Une histoire cyclo-cosmique du monde
Les OVNI dans le système solaire - Observations et conclusions


Tuesday 23 June 2015

Werner G. Haverbeck - Rudolf Steiner Anwalt für Deutschland

Ursula Haverbeck - The Panorama Interview, with English Subtitles
In 2015, Ursula Haverbeck made history in a defiant interview in which she threw down the gauntlet to the biggest taboo of our times : Revisionism... on German TV ! A seismic event.

Révisionniste sans concession, Ursula Haverbeck est mise en examen pour des propos tenus au début de cette année lors d’un long entretien (49 minutes) donné à la première chaîne de télévision publique allemande, Das Erste. Outre-Rhin, l’événement avait fait l’effet d’une bombe.

Ursula avait fait état de son point de vue d’historienne et de civile allemande durant la période de l’entre-deux-guerres jusqu’à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale ; une occasion pour elle de remettre en question la version officielle de cette période, contrevenant ainsi à la loi.

Visitée au lever du soleil par la police allemande quelques jours après son passage à la télévision, elle pourrait, selon les lois en vigueur dans son pays, être condamnée à une peine de prison ferme (le déni d’Holocauste, ou la mise en question de l’assassinat de 6 millions de juifs par le régime nazi, est considéré en Allemagne comme un délit criminel). Cela pourrait lui poser des problèmes de santé étant donné son âge avancé. Le sujet a suscité diverses réactions en Allemagne. La presse française a majoritairement préféré s’abstenir de relayer l’information.

En faveur, selon ses propres dires, « de la vérité et de la justice », elle avait à plusieurs reprises demandé « un débat public contradictoire » au cours duquel pourraient s’exprimer « techniciens et hommes de science ».

En décembre 2014, la vieille dame, veuve d’un pasteur, s’était déjà adressée à ses compatriotes allemands pour les entretenir de ce qu’elle appelle « le plus grand problème de notre temps ». En 2010, elle avait déjà été condamnée à six mois de prison avec sursis après avoir avoué avoir distribué dans des écoles allemandes des tracts au contenu révisionniste.

Mahler_Haverbeck.jpgWerner Georg Haverbeck - Rudolf Steiner
Anwalt für Deutschland

Was ist wahr an der gegenwärtigen Beurteilung der historischen Vorgänge um die beiden Etappen des "dreissigjährigen Krieges" unseres Jahrhunderts ?

Vor 70 Jahren unterschried die Delegation Deutschlands in Versailles auch den Paragraphen der deutschen Alleinschuld am Ersten Weltkrieg. War damit die Alleinschuld Deutschlands wahr ? Rudolf Steiner, der Bergründer der Anthroposophie und weltweit vornehmlich bekannt durch die Einrichtung der Waldorfschulen, sagt ausdrücklich : Nein, es wurde eine Lüge anerkannt !
Ohne Versailles kein zweiter Akt in dieser Weltkatastrophe. Auch hier wird Deutschland die Alleinschuld angelastet. Die Grundlagen einer demokratischen Gesellschaft mit freier Forschung und Information verlangen 44 Jahre nach 1945 nun endlich auch hier, die festgeschriebene Alleinschuld Deutschlands zu untersuchen. Denn ; " Die Weisheit liegt in der Wahrheit ! "

Rudolf Steiner - PDF
Anthroposophy -PDF


La pensée de Rudolf Steiner au sujet de la France

La pensée de Rudolf Steiner au sujet de la France, sa langue, sa culture, son âme

Conférence faite devant le Collège des Professeurs de l’École Waldorf, le mercredi 14 février 1923, à 18 heures.

L’effroyable brutalité culturelle de la transplantation des nègres vers l'Europe constitue un épouvantable forfait de la part des français envers les autres peuples européens dont les conséquences seront encore plus terribles pour la France elle-même. Cela se répercutera de manière incroyablement forte sur le sang et la race. Cela va précipiter la décadence française jusque dans son essence. Le peuple français s'en trouvera refoulé.


Dr. Steiner : (…) « Ce que la France fait aujourd’hui est comme le sursaut, la dernière fureur – seulement dans l’histoire les dernières choses durent longtemps – la dernière fureur du couchant d’un peuple disparaissant du développement du monde. Ces considérations surgissent naturellement de la contemplation spirituelle de l’histoire décadente, de la romanité déclinante des peuples d’Europe. Naturellement, il y a dans l’élément espagnol et italien quelque chose de plus vital que dans le français. Le français est, parmi les peuples latins d’Europe, celui qui porte le moins de vie. La langue française est, parmi toutes les langues qui peuvent être apprises en Europe, celle qui, si je peux m’exprimer ainsi, pousse l’âme des hommes à la surface, à la surface la plus extrême de l’être humain. Elle serait celle qui peut conduire l’homme à mentir de la manière la plus honorable à la plus frivole. Elle se prête d’autant plus à cela qu’on peut y mentir de manière spontanée et loyale, parce qu’elle n’a plus aucun lien juste avec l’intériorité des hommes. Elle est parlée tout à fait à la surface de l’homme. Ainsi de la langue française, et donc de l’être français, découle l’attitude psychique telle que l’âme est commandée par la langue française. Alors qu’en allemand, l’âme, dans la puissance de l’élément volontaire, a la configuration interne de la langue, et la forme plastique de l’être de la langue, la langue française rencontre un engourdissement, et c’est elle qui commande. C’est une langue tyrannisant l’âme et par là elle crée ce qui la conduit au vide, de sorte que la culture française tout entière est, sous l’influence de sa langue, une culture qui vide l’âme. Celui qui a une sensibilité pour de telles choses peut toujours ressentir qu’aucune âme, réellement, ne parle à partir de l’Être français ; seule, une culture formelle et figée en émane. La différence est, à proprement parler, que l’on est conduit, en français, à se laisser commander par la langue. Cette liberté infinie que l’on a en allemand - et que l’on devrait revendiquer plus que cela n’est fait – de pouvoir placer le sujet à un endroit quelconque, en fonction de sa vie intérieure, cela, on ne l’a pas en français.
Les raisons pour lesquelles le français est introduit dans l’éducation des enfants, ne résident pas dans un élément pédagogique. Aucun fondement pédagogique ne justifiait l’introduction du français dans les écoles. Les circonstances firent que des raisons utilitaires ont été maquillées, masquées, quand on remplaça le vieux lycée, par l’école professionnelle, à travers toutes sortes d’établissements modernes destinés à une certaine partie de la jeunesse. Voici de quoi il s’agit : on crut trouver dans l’enseignement du français ce que le lycée avait dans l’enseignement du latin. On a créé l’enseignement du français afin qu’il ait une vertu pédagogique semblable à celle du latin. Mais cela n’est pas conforme à la vérité. Le latin a, en soi, dans tous les cas, une logique interne. Avec le latin, une logique instinctive est apportée aux hommes. Tel n’est pas le cas avec le français. Par le français, le langage déborde en pure phraséologie dénuée de tout fondement logique, de la phraséologie uniquement – les choses doivent être radicalement dites – de sorte que beaucoup de choses, certainement, seront aliénées dans l’âme des enfants par l’enseignement du français, et l’on souhaiterait déjà que l’enseignement du français disparaisse vraiment peu à peu des fondements intérieurs de l’être. Cela va tout à fait de soi que, dans l’avenir, il disparaître vraiment de l’enseignement. Maintenant, si l’École Waldorf doit effectuer un nouveau départ de manière radicale, il faut présenter, alors, quelque chose d’autre.
Ce renouvellement peut résider dans la compréhension que la communauté des professeurs apporte au caractère du français, afin qu’on ait conscience d’introduire, à vrai dire, un phénomène de décadence dans l’École. Cela ne doit pas être dit aux enfants, mais on se doit déjà d’être au clair sur la question. C’est clair, mais d’un autre côté il est absolument exclu que nous entamions, à partir des Écoles Waldorf, un combat pour l’élimination de la langue française. Pour des raisons externes, cela n’est pas possible.
(…) Nous ne devons pas enlever à nos enfants la possibilité de passer dans d’autres établissements d’enseignement, après avoir satisfait aux épreuves de l’examen. (…) Nous devons mordre dans la pomme aigre du français jusqu’à ce que quelque chose d’autre intervienne.
La situation culturelle de l’État allemand ne serait pas très différente selon que nos Écoles Waldorf enseigneraient ou non le français. Par contre un acte culturel serait accompli si, par exemple, la fausse valorisation dont jouit le français dans les pays de l’Europe du Centre, si cette fausse valorisation était vaincue par une connaissance véritable de ce que je me suis permis d’exposer, ainsi que l’a fait le Dr. Karutz.
Si l’on saisissait cela et qu’on le fasse passer dans la chair et dans le sang, et si ensuite le français disparaissait pour assainir les Écoles, alors il y aurait là un chemin qui serait un fait culturel. Il faudra commencer de manière juste à éliminer le français des Écoles en créant un mouvement spirituel sur la base d’une juste évaluation du français. (…) Le français a acquis son rang et son estime dans l’enseignement des pays étrangers à la France, non par sa portée commerciale, mais par son usage comme langue de la diplomatie. On pourrait faire d’une pierre deux coups, si l’on en venait à bout par la force du combat et le nécessaire assaut : on atteindrait à la fois la diplomatie et le français dans leur décadence. On montrerait que la diplomatie est également décadente parce que dans la diplomatie, on doit mentir. (…) La diplomatie consiste en fait dans l’usage, à un autre niveau, des mêmes moyens qu’utilise la guerre dans la duperie de l’adversaire. Ce fut une grande erreur de Nietzsche quand il qualifia la langue allemande de langue de la tromperie. La langue française est cela ; non pas langue de tromperie, mais langue de l’étourdissement, ce qui, à vrai dire, conduit les hommes à sortir d’eux-mêmes. Il arrive à quelqu’un qui parle français avec enthousiasme, de ne pas être tout à fait en lui-même. Pas tout à fait en soi, celui qui parle le français avec enthousiasme ! Voilà qui est dit radicalement.
On doit envisager les choses ainsi ; en suite on en vient au sentiment nécessaire conduisant à remplacer le français dans l’enseignement. Les parents des enfants de l’École Waldorf peuvent être tout à fait certains que nous ne contribuerons en rien à la fausse valorisation du français, mais nous vivons sous la contrainte de l’État et, en qualité d’École Waldorf, nous ne pouvons, en fait, rien entreprendre, dans notre propre Plan scolaire, contre la langue française.
Il serait important de mettre en évidence les différentes valeurs des langues. On valoriserait ainsi, sous certains angles, la juste confiance et la force acquise pour la mission que possède la langue allemande, encore et toujours, dans la civilisation occidentale. Mais, en outre, on doit avoir une sensibilité pour percevoir la décadence ou l’élévation d’une langue.
Dans la langue allemande se trouvent de nombreux éléments porteurs de croissance, bien que, en vérité, depuis que le haut-allemand est arrivé, beaucoup d’éléments de la langue allemande soient devenus incapables d’évolution. Nous avons encore la force intérieure de transformer des mots. Nous pourrions, le cas échéant, encore employer en verbes des mots qui sont engourdis en substantifs. J’ai utilisé le mot « kraften » (forcer), comme forme verbale de force, nous pourrions faire de même avec d’autres noms. C’est compréhensible. Il y a là encore beaucoup de force intérieure. Il n’y en a plus en français, là tout est écrit. (1) Si, de cette manière, la langue commande, alors il y a quelque chose de corrompant pour l’âme humaine. Voici ce que j’ai à dire, Monsieur le Docteur. Vous le voyez, nous ne nous opposons pas à votre projet par un manque de compréhension, nous avons seulement les mains liées. En ce moment, nous ne pouvons pas examiner et discuter le sujet.
X.. : Le français a été aboli en Bavière dans les écoles publiques.
Dr. Steiner : Nous devons attendre jusqu’à ce que le Württemberg fasse quelque chose.
D’un jour à l’autre, les choses peuvent changer rapidement, après quoi, on décidera et alors, on enregistrera cette résolution. Mais, si, maintenant, le français était aboli, je ne suis pas sûr qu’après quelque temps il ne soit pas de nouveau réintroduit si quelque chose de plus profond ne saisissait pas les âmes humaines.
X.. : Le décret bavarois s’applique depuis des années.
Dr. Steiner : Il s’applique actuellement, si cela se fait ici, nous ne verserons pas de larmes sur la langue française. Peut-être les professeurs de français se manifesteront-ils ?
X .. : Ainsi, tout à fait de suite, nous ne pourrions pas le faire ?
Dr. Steiner : Nous en finirons avec cette question quand elle sera devenue actuelle.
X .. : J’ai pensé qu’on saisit plutôt la spiritualité d’une langue quand elle est à l’agonie.
Dr. Steiner : C’est le cas pour les êtres humains, mais pas pour le langage, la langue française est déjà plus morte en tant que langue que ne l’était la langue latine au Moyen-Âge, au moment où elle était déjà une langue morte. Intérieurement vivait dans la langue latine, au moment où elle était langue d’église et latin de cuisine, plus d’esprit qu’il n’en vit aujourd’hui dans la langue française. Ce qui maintient la langue française debout, c’est la fureur, le sang des Français. La langue est à vrai dire morte et elle est parlée en tant que cadavre. Ceci se manifeste avec le plus de force dans la poésie française du 19ème siècle. L’âme est certainement tout à fait corrompue par l’usage de la langue française. Elle n’y gagne rien d’autre que la possibilité d’une certaine phraséologie. Cela est aussi transmis aux autres langues par ceux qui parlent le français avec enthousiasme. Il est évident qu’actuellement, le fait que les français aient maintenu debout leur langue cadavérique, a eu pour conséquence de corrompre aussi leur sang.
L’effroyable brutalité culturelle de la transplantation des nègres vers l'Europe constitue un épouvantable forfait de la part des français envers les autres peuples européens dont les conséquences seront encore plus terribles pour la France elle-même. Cela se répercutera de manière incroyablement forte sur le sang et la race.
Mme Dr. Steiner : On remarque la superficialité de la langue si on la compare avec la langue italienne. On trouve, dans l’italien, toujours la possibilité de restituer la spiritualité du contenu ; en français, ce n’est jamais possible. La profondeur disparaît.
Dr. Steiner : Nous en avons fait la plus curieuse expérience. Madame Dr. Steiner a traduit deux grandes oeuvres de Schuré. Il y avait alors certaines raisons pour faire cette traduction. Et l’on avait toujours, par ces deux oeuvres, un sentiment qui, maintenant, est devenu évident. Cela tient au fait que Schuré a conduit sa propre culture de telle sorte que sa première oeuvre fut « L’histoire du Lied ». Il a écrit en français une histoire composée du lyrisme allemand. Il pense allemand, mais il est chauvin français. Il pense dans la substance allemande, il a reçu de l’école Wagner ses premières impressions culturelles. Je me souviens encore d’une certaine véritable « furiosité » française avec laquelle Madame Schuré, qui est un peu plus âgée, a dit : quand il était étudiant, il a vendu sa montre en or pour pouvoir assister à la représentation de « Tristan ». On remarque, à vrai dire, que ces deux ouvrages se révèlent, dans le travail du traducteur, comme des retraductions d’oeuvres originellement conçues en allemand. Elles sont pensées en allemand. Les Français perçoivent cela dans Schuré. (…)
X.. : Je voudrais seulement dire comment, personnellement, cela se passe quand j’enseigne le français. Je m’élève avec enflure, je nage. Rien n’est aussi exténuant que d’enseigner le français.
Dr. Steiner : Si c’était dans le bon sens, je vous le conseillerais. Elevez-vous plutôt par d’autres moyens.
Mme Dr. Steiner : C’est absolument comique, comme cela se manifeste chez Rostand dans « Chantecler ». C’est un véritable poulailler.
Dr. Steiner : Nous devons en conclure ceci : tant que le français sera au programme, nous en dispenserons l’enseignement avec le juste sentiment, la juste appréciation de cette langue. Il nous faut abandonner la suite à l’histoire du futur.

(1) Ndt. : A partir du substantif « force » (« Kraft » en allemand), le français a créé quatre verbes : forcer – forcir – renforcer – s’efforcer. La langue allemande, à partir de « Kraft » propose seulement le verbe « kräftigen ».

Traduction : Nicole Dupré.
Publié dans Anthroposophie et Liberté n°15 de janvier 1996.

Pour plus d'informations
Rudolf Steiner - PDF

Monday 22 June 2015

Toby Hemenway - Gaia's garden


Toby Hemenway - Gaia's garden
A guide to home-scale permaculture

Gaia’s Garden has been the best-selling permaculture book in the world for the last 7 years. The enlarged, updated 2nd edition is the winner of the 2011 Nautilus Gold Medal Award.

The first edition of Gaia’s Garden sparked the imagination of America’s home gardeners, introducing permaculture’s central message: Working with nature, not against her, results in more beautiful, abundant, and forgiving gardens. This extensively revised and expanded second edition broadens the reach and depth of the permaculture approach for urban and suburban growers.

Pour plus d'informations


Friday 19 June 2015

Pablo Santa Cruz de la Vega - Proyecto OVNIS


Pablo Santa Cruz de la Vega - Proyecto OVNIS
La base Antártica

Este libro contiene información relevante que ha sido escondida por el sistema sobre el fenómeno OVNI

Si los Alienígenas están presentes desde el origen mismo de la Humanidad tal como la conocemos, entonces son operadores de este Sistema Macrocósmico con algún fin que debemos desentrañar, ya que de lo contrario, estamos sujetos a interactuar en las condiciones más extremas de dolor y sufrimiento, en un Experimento Psicogenético de gran envergadura del cual somos totalmente inconscientes a la manera de unas simples cobayas de laboratorio.

Así mismo, si dos millones de alemanes fueron evacuados a una Base Intraterrena en la Antártida, fuera del campo de acción de este colosal Experimento Psicogenético, quedando libres de las dependencias humanas y la influencia de los designios demiúrgicos, entonces, ¿Podemos acceder nosotros a la misma posibilidad, escapando de los ciclos de vida y muerte en la materia? Ésta, sin lugar a dudas, es una pregunta muy importante.

Pablo Santa Cruz de la Vega - Proyecto OVNIS 2 Parte
La otra cara de los alienigenas

Xentinels - Proyecto Ovnis


Thursday 18 June 2015

Jean-Claude Meuriot - Jacques Lacaze - Pour une politique publique de prévention active des cancers


Docteur Jean-Claude Meuriot
Médecin inspecteur général de Santé Publique honoraire
Docteur Jacques Lacaze
Diplômé de cancérologie

Pour une politique publique de prévention active des cancers
Les propositions du Docteur André Gernez

Le Docteur André Gernez constata en 1946 qu’une maladie de la gorge (le syndrome de Plummer-Vinson) se transformait inéluctablement en cancer si on la laissait évoluer sans traitement. Par contre, si elle était traitée avec des moyens simples (supplémentation en fer et en vitamines), le cancer n’apparaissait pas. Il se dit : « et si c’était vrai pour tous les cancers ? »
Ses recherches l'amenèrent à contester les théories classiques concernant le double cycle cellulaire et à proposer, à la fin des années 60, la théorie des cellules génératrices ou souches. Cette théorie lui permit d’élucider le mécanisme de la carcinogenèse et de la cancérisation.
Sur cette base théorique, il mit au point vers 1970 un protocole de prévention active des cancers. Son principe essentiel est la destruction des cellules cancéreuses dès leur apparition, avant qu’elles ne puissent former un cancer détectable et difficilement curable. Pour y parvenir, il recommande une cure de 40 jours, à renouveler tous les ans. Elle empêche le développement de cancer de tous les types, quelle que soit leur localisation (artère, cerveau, pancréas, poumon, prostate, rein, sein, etc.) et quelles que soient leurs causes (génétique, pollution, tabagisme, etc.).
La courbe de Collins suivante, permet de bien comprendre l’intérêt d’agir dès la naissance des cellules cancéreuses et sans attendre qu’elles aient formé une tumeur détectable :


L’accueil de ses théories et de ses propositions fut enthousiaste, puis, – elles menaçaient trop de carrières et d’intérêts économiques – un silence de plomb fut érigé et ses travaux, quoique repris et confirmés, furent tenus sous le boisseau.
Ses théories permettent en outre d’expliquer et de prévenir la plupart des maladies dégénératives (neurologiques en particulier).

Des confirmations du bien-fondé de ses théories furent régulièrement publiées depuis 40 ans. De nouvelles et fortes confirmations viennent d’être rendues publiques.
Cependant, aujourd’hui encore, en l'an 2012, il est nécessaire que chacun de nous s'informe et se mobilise, pour que nous puissions bénéficier un jour concrètement des traitements préventifs qui nous préserveront de ces maladies.

André Gernez - Le scandale du siècle
Médecine - PDF Aryana Libris

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Marc de Smedt - L'Europe païenne


L'Europe païenne

Marc de Smedt - Pierre Crépon - Jean Markale - Vincent Bardet - Franz Heingärtner - Serge Bukowski - Alain de Benoist

Quelles sont les véritables racines de nos peuples, d'où le plus profond de nous-mêmes est issu?

L'Europe existe depuis des millénaires, bien avant la naissance du Christ. Le christianisme a peu à peu submergé d'anciennes mythologies, d'anciennes traditions pourtant riches et vigoureuses. Ainsi va l'histoire.
Il n'en est pas moins vrai que ces lointaines civilisations, englouties par d'autres, constituent un élément essentiel de notre passé collectif et que leur influence se fait sentir aujourd'hui encore, se perpétue. Leur esprit est celui même de notre terre.

Ce livre est une invitation au voyage intemporel. Ecoutons vibrer le message des Romains et des Celtes, des Slaves et des Grecs, des Germains et des Scandinaves dont, par-delà le temps, l'expérience nous enrichit encore.

Europe - PDF
Celtes - PDF


Monday 15 June 2015

Enrique Aynat - La eugenesia

Enrique Aynat - La eugenesia

Es un auténtico orgullo para "MUNDO NS poder presentar el texto excepcional de E. Aynat sobre la eugenesia.

Son tres los motivos :
En primer lugar porque una y mil veces hemos de recordar e insistir que la UNICA base del nacionalsocialismo es y será la RAZA, su defensa y mantenimiento. Todos los demás aspectos que se quieran resaltar no son mas que accesorios. El "Mi Lucha" es simplemente un libro racista. No habla de religión, de moral ni de economía sino que su nudo y centro es la Raza.
En segundo lugar por la calidad del articulo, del que este número sólo saca la primera parte. Puedo garantizar que entre los nacionalsocialistas en España sólo 2 o 3 camaradas están preparados para un trabajo así. Es muy raro encontrar a alguien realmente preparado en un medio donde abundan incluso entre sus mandos, gentes que ignoran casi todo sobre la raza. E. Aynat no sólo está profundamente informado sino que es un militante, un activista que ha luchado abiertamente por nuestras ideas. Esto es doblemente excepcional.
Por último la edición de este MUNDO NS retrasa un poco la salida del próximo número dedicado a información de grupos, y eso es necesario pues hemos recibido un alud de revistas y noticias. ...

Enrique Aynat - PDF

Enrique Aynat - El holocausto a debate
Enrique Aynat - Estudios sobre el "Holocausto"
Enrique Aynat - Los "protocolos" de Auschwitz ¿Una fuente historica?

Walther Richard Darré - PDF

Racialisme, eugénisme - Divers ouvrages


Thursday 11 June 2015

L'auteur populiste antijuif Michael Collins Piper a-t-il été assassiné par ses ennemis ?


Michael_Collins_Piper.jpgL'auteur populiste antijuif Michael Collins Piper a-t-il été assassiné par ses ennemis ?

liés à la Scientologie sous contrôle du Mossad ? Ou a-t-il succombé aux persécutions infligées par ses ennemis au sein du « mouvement » nationaliste alors qu’il était affligé par la maladie ? Peut-être ne le saurons-nous jamais. Mais l'histoire de sa vie et son œuvre sont particulièrement révélateurs de l'état catastrophique du « mouvement » nationaliste et de ce que les chercheurs sérieux ont à subir non seulement de la part des ennemis déclarés du nationalisme mais aussi de la part de certains éléments problématiques à l'intérieur du mouvement nationaliste lui-même. Examinons ses mésaventures ô combien révélatrices avec des éléments malhonnêtes du mouvement tels que John Judge, Peter Dale Scott, Alex Jones, Jim Marrs, Robert Groden, Mark Weber, Andrew E. Allen, Jared Taylor, Eric Jon Phelps, Chris Bollyn, Eric Hufschmid, Mike Delaney, John Stadtmiller, Jim Condit Jr., Carolyn Yeager, James Fetzer, John Friend, Pete Papaherakles, sans oublier ses anciens employeurs le couple Willis et Elisabeth Carto.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Duchesse de Valence - Degrelle m'a dit...


Duchesse de Valence (Louise Narvaez)
Degrelle m'a dit...

Léon Degrelle, fondateur et chef du mouvement Rexiste, devenu plus tard Commandeur de la 28e Division SS «Wallonie», connaît l'exil depuis 1945. Il a confié ses souvenirs à la duchesse de Valence, grande d'Espagne, qu'on a surnommée la «Duchesse Rouge» pour ses positions sociales révolutionnaires. Ce livre, publié pour la première fois en 1961, était devenu totalement introuvable.

SS-Obersturmbannführer et Volksführer der Wallonen Léon Degrelle :
Ouvrages - PDF
A propos de Jean-Marie le Pen
Discourt 1976
Documentaires - Entrevues

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Jacques Grimault - Les OVNI dans le système solaire - Observations et conclusions

Jacques Grimault - Conférence à Rouen
Les OVNI dans le système solaire : observations et conclusions


38ème Dîner OVNI
Jacques Grimault à Rouen
Les Ovni dans le Système solaire : observations et conclusions

Jacques Grimault prend la parole au micro, et nous propose un tour approfondi des événements ufologiques, anomalies sur différents endroits de notre système solaire.
Il commence par présenter d’où lui vient sa passion pour les pyramides, et son approche scientifique des phénomènes, que ce soit en archéologie interdite comme en ufologie.
A l’ère de l’information disponible pour tous: chercher à savoir plutôt que de simplement croire, chercher le bon, le juste et le beau. Il nous propose un rapide tour de ses observations en Egyptologie et architecture...


Jacques Grimault - La révélation des pyramides
Jacques Grimault - Aldebaran Vidéos
Jacques Grimault - La révélation des pyramides et autres secrets
Jacques Grimault - Une histoire cyclo-cosmique du monde



Monday 8 June 2015

Viktor Schauberger - Comprehend and copy nature

Viktor Schauberger - Comprehend and copy nature
Viktor Schauberger - Die natur kapieren und kopieren

Viktor Schauberger (1885 - 1958) was an exceptional inventor and scientist. His body of work revolves around water and it’s natural behavior and inherent energy. This profound understanding of an elemental force is rooted in years of field observation during his years as a forest ranger.
Instead of pursuing an academic career he relied on his power of observation and came to powerful conclusions that challenge conventional perceptions of science.

Viktor Schauberger, the water vortex man. He studied water, it's dynamics and drinking quality. There are many similarities between the character of water and that of air. Aircafts deal with the dynamics of air, so when designing an aircaft, it's good to learn about what Viktor Schauberger has learned from nature. Viktor Schauberger also worked with air. He designed and build the mysterious "repulsin", a vortex generating drive that produced unconventional thrust (not just the coanda effect), and an engine that runs on just water and air (Schauberger-Sogturbine / Heimkraftwerk).

No one has been able to replicate these revolutionary machines though. Still; fact is that he knew a lot about fluids and we can still learn from that. One thing for example is the fact that a jet of water in water doesn't want to go straight, it wants to curve. If you let the fluid flow curved like it wants, then you'll get less resistance. There is one type of flow that water and air will do very structured, and that's an implosion vortex flow. Many reorganizing things happen within a vortex, of which many are still to be discovered.


Viktor Schauberger - Vidéos
Viktor Schauberger - The Energy Evolution
Alick Bartholomew - Le génie de Viktor Schauberger
Nick Cook - The hunt for zero point
Les maitres de l'eau - Schauberger - Lauterwasser - Plocher
Eau - PDF Aryana Libris

Sunday 7 June 2015

Michael Collins Piper - Coup d'Etat


Michael Collins Piper - Coup d'Etat

The bizarre inside story of how an intelligence operative tied to the CIA and Israel's Mossad Orchestrated the take-over of the Institute for Historical Review and Set in Motion the Ultimate destruction of Liberty Lobby

How the IHR now operates as a classic Soviet-style "trust" name-gathering operation - a "controlled opposition"

Décès de Michael Collins Piper

The Illegal Seizure of the Institute for Historical Review And the Opening Guns of the Campaign to Destroy Liberty Lobby

On October 15, 1993 a shocking and quite violent row erupted at the longtime headquarters, in Costa Mesa, California, of the Institute for Historical Review, a historical revisionist research institute originally established by Willis Carto and his wife Elisabeth in 1978.
The events that took place that day set in motion, over the next decade that followed, a chain of circumstances that left the IHR virtually moribund and in 2001 brought about the total destruction of Liberty Lobby, the Washington, D. C.based populist institution (first founded by the same aforementioned Willis Carto in 1955).
A detailed examination of the personalities and events involved in this sordid affair demonstrates-beyond any question-that the IHR affair and the subsequent evisceration of Liberty Lobby, longtime publisher of the once-vibrant national weekly newspaper, The Spotlight, were the consequences of a long-planned and carefully calculated conspiracy by Judas Goats acting on behalf ofThe Enemy Within.
First of all, in exploring this amazing story, it is important to delineate the differences between the IHR and Liberty Lobby, which had always been entirely separate institutions, despite the fact that both had been founded by Carto.
Liberty Lobby was founded by Carto in 1955 as a grassroots citizens' lobby. Its continuing purpose had been to not only provide patriots an action-oriented lobbying organization on Capitol Hill in Washington but also a source of information and a clearing house for grass-roots patriotic efforts around the country, both complementing and uniting their efforts.
Ultimately, Liberty Lobby's weekly newspaper, The Spotlight, established in 1975, reached a paid circulation of some 391,000 readers, making it-by far-the largest independent national news publication of its kind, with an outreach considerably more substantial than any other nationalist journal, and rivaling even many well-established "mainstream" publications. In truth, The Spotlight's actual weekly readership, in terms of its "pass on" rate, certainly exceeded one million. As such, The Spotlight and Liberty Lobby were providing a serious challenge to the power elite in America and around the globe.
The IHR, along with the Noontide Press, operated under the auspices of a non-profit corporation, the Legion for the Survival of Freedom (LSF), first established by a the late Jason Matthews and a group of patriots in 1952. By 1966, however, the LSF was going into bankruptcy, unable to continue publishing the popular American Mercury magazine, one of its various educational projects.
At that time-at the request of Mrs. La Vonne D. Furr and retired General Edwin Walker, who had assumed control of the Mercury after Matthews' death-Carto (already the founder and treasurer of Liberty Lobby) personally assumed the debts of the LSF (amounting to some $20,000) and took actual control and management of the corporation and made possible continued publication of the Mercury for another decade. Carto also merged the independent Noontide Press into the LSF and brought his Washington Observer newsletter under the LSF's umbrella.
It was not until 1979 that Carto established the IHR as an LSF subdivision. Contrary to what the conspirators who subsequently seized control of the IHR subsequently claimed-the LSF's mission was never solely limited to the IHR's historical research. Instead, the IHR was only a subdivision of the multi-faceted LSF.
Although the work of the IHR was best known for its ground-breaking historical research into the facts about the events ofWorld War II known as "the Holocaust," the truth is that the IHR's mission to promote what is generally referred to as "Revisionist" history encompassed fur more than the study of "the Holocaust !"
And so it was that from 1980 until 1993, under Willis Carto's management and leadership, the IHR had a virtually unbroken track record of continually publishing not only its Journal of Historical Review, issued no less than 46 times from the spring of 1980 through the winter issue of 1992-1993) and then five volumes, in a magazine format, published in 1993, as well as the monthly IHR Newsletter.
The only break in that otherwise continuing record came in the summer of 1984, at which time the IHR office (then in Torrance, California) was firebombed out of existence on the night of July 4, an act that was very clearly a professional operation that insiders in the U.S. law enforcement community quietly admitted had been the work of Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad. Although the entire book inventory of the IHR-worth over a million dollarshad been destroyed and the IHR had suffered a severe setback, Carto went to work and raised the money so that the IHR could be revived and publication of its Journal put back on schedule within a relatively short time.
During that same time frame that Carto was working to build the IHR, the institute was hit with a lawsuit by selfdescribed "Holocaust survivor" Mel Mermelstein who also brought in Liberty Lobby as a co-defendant, simply on the basis that Liberty Lobby and the IHR were both under the direction of Carto, despite the fact-as already noted-that the two were entirely separate institutions.
Although Carto made the business decision to settle with Mermelstein in the first suit, rather than taking the case to a costly court trial that could have potentially resulted in an even more devastating loss that could have bankrupted both the IHR and Liberty Lobby, Mermelstein came back again and flied yet another lawsuit against both institutions that dragged on and on at great cost to both entities. Had it not been for Carto arranging for attorneys and raising funds to fight Mermelstein, the battle would have been lost. In the end, however, thanks to the skillful work of attorney Mark Lane, working in conjunction with another attorney, William S. Hulsy, Mermelstein's case fell apart and in September of 1991, Mermelstein threw in the towel, even before the case went to trial. It was a bitter loss for those who wanted to see the destruction of the IHR and Liberty Lobby-but a great victory for those who value historical truth.
(For an entire account of the decade-long Mermelstein lawsuits, see Michael Collins Piper's 1994 work, Best Witness: The Mel Mermelstein Affair and the Triumph of Historical Revisionism, which features an introduction by Mark Lane and an afterword by Willis Carto.)
In any case, there is no question that by 1993-with the collapse of the Mermelstein lawsuit, both the IHR and Liberty Lobby were thriving. In fact, in 1993 the IHR had been the primary focus of no less than four major anti-Revisionist works widely touted by the elite media around the globe. Very clearly, the IHR had more than survived. The IHR, indeed, had made revisionism a powerful force that now could no longer be ignored. Revisionism had to be reckoned with. ...

Michael Collins Piper - PDF
Michael Collins Piper - The Judas Goats

Saturday 6 June 2015

Jacques Grimault - Une histoire cyclo-cosmique du monde

Jacques Grimault - Une histoire cyclo-cosmique du monde
Partie 1 - Partie 2
L’évolutionnisme à l’épreuve des faits

Conférence de Jacques Grimault donné au Théâtre de la Main d’Or le 9 mai 2015.

Jacques Grimault - La révélation des pyramides
Jacques Grimault - Aldebaran Vidéos
Jacques Grimault - La révélation des pyramides et autres secrets

Charles Fort - Le livres des damnés
Henri Poincaré - La Science et l'hypothèse
Jean Hladik - Comment le jeune et ambitieux Einstein s'est approprié la Relativité restreinte de Poincaré
Christopher Jon Bjerknes - The manufacture and sale of Saint Einstein
The Einstein Hoax

La dernière prophétie de Maître Beinsa Douno
Lievegoed Bernard - Comment sauver l'âme
Nicolaas Van Rensburg - Le plus célèbre voyant d’Afrique du Sud
Nicolaas Van Rensburg - Les prophéties d'hier à demain

Thursday 4 June 2015

Décès de Michael Collins Piper


Décès de Michael Collins Piper

L'auteur populiste antijuif Michael Collins Piper a-t-il été assassiné par ses ennemis ?

Samedi 30 mai, Michael Collins Piper a été retrouvé inanimé dans une chambre d'hôtel de l'État de l'Idaho, à l'âge de 54 ans. Selon un proche, rentré en contact avec la police locale, il s'agirait d'une mort naturelle provoquée par un malaise cardiaque. La résidence de MCP avait été récemment incendiée, contraignant l'auteur à vivre provisoirement chez des amis ou à l'hôtel.

Journaliste d'investigation ayant consacré de nombreux ouvrages à l'influence sioniste aux États-Unis, MCP s'était présenté, via son site internet et avec ironie, comme "l'auteur que le lobby israélien adore détester" en raison des nombreux articles ou communiqués - rédigés par des personnalités sionistes américaines - à son encontre.

En 1994, l'homme avait fait sensation en publiant "Final judgment", première enquête documentée à propos d'une thèse récemment évoquée par Panamza et passée sous silence en France : l'implication du Premier ministre israélien David Ben Gourion dans l'assassinat de Kennedy.

MCP est également l'auteur du "Golem", livre consacré au danger planétaire constitué par l'arsenal nucléaire israélien, et de "High priests of war", décryptage de la responsabilité des "extrémistes juifs et chrétiens" issus de l'Administration Bush dans le déclenchement de la guerre contre l'Irak.

Régulièrement calomnié - depuis son ouvrage sur JFK - par des militants sionistes et des organisations juives radicales d'outre-Atlantique, MCP avait toujours balayé d'un revers de la main les accusations d'"antisémitisme".


Ouvrages de Michael Collins Piper


Mike Piper has died

Ye shall know the truth
The confessions of an anti-semite
False flags
The Caiaphas complex
Leon Degrelle : warrior for the West
Final Judgment lecture - JFK Conspiracy, Mossad connection
Dirty Secrets
The New Jerusalem
The High Priests of War
The New Babylon
The Judas Goats


Voici le dernier article dont Michael nous a fait part :

The Weird World of Elisabeth Carto at American Free Press


I just got a letter from a nice lady who told me that AFP was being just as disingenuous as I told her they would be : The lady called and spoke to Julia Foster, the office manager, who praised me up and down and said what a wonderful writer I was, but that I had NOT been fired. Rather, she said, I QUIT when they offered me a contract that I refused to sign.

The truth is, I have a copy of my signed contract, signed when I was sitting in a hospital room in April after open heart surgery, no less, and I also have a signed letter from Willis Carto terminating that contract because I had supposedly said bad things about him, his wife, Elisabeth and "fellow employees" (such as John Friend, whom Carto had just fired!).

And you’re darned right I said bad things about the people who had mistreated me, not just for the past year but, ultimately, for the last 20 years or more—precisely because I had run afoul of Elisabeth Carto for having had an argument with her sister, Marianne Scharnhorst, who had been employed by The SPOTLIGHT (before AFP came into being at the demise of The SPOTLIGHT). And as you’ll see, Mrs. Carto’s sister was a very real trouble-maker who caused trouble for me and for many other SPOTLIGHT employees.

In any case, in a court of law, those signed documents (referenced above) constitute EVIDENCE and the evidence demonstrates that Mrs. Foster, nice lady though she is, is either: 1) deliberately lying, knowing the full story; or 2) passing on a lie having been ordered to do so by the perverse Elisabeth Carto and her dementia-ridden husband (who still retains a skill for spinning a good lie, at least when it comes to explaining away and defending his wife).

(On another occasion in the past, Julia told somebody that I was "working at home" - rather than in the office - because I was "too disruptive." In other words, I dared to disagree with Elisabeth Carto. That was before I was officially fired twice this past year. So they have a history of telling quite creative stories.)

If Mike Piper is so rotten and deserved to be fired, well, why not then simply demonstrate how rotten he is? If Piper is such a bad guy, people should know about it.

However, of course, the fact is that it all goes back to Elisabeth Carto and her insane behavior (about which all current and past staff are aware) and the AFP staff don't want to talk about it, nor are they allowed to do so, for obvious reasons.

The truth is that even Liberty Lobby’s outstanding attorney, Mark Lane, who fought relentlessly to save Liberty Lobby under fire from the IHR lawsuits that eventually destroyed Liberty Lobby, said, on one occasion, that he believed that it was Elisabeth Carto’s behavior toward the staff in California that helped stimulate a lot of the discontent that was stirred up by outside forces.

And the truth is that Elisabeth was even moving to have Mark Lane's salary cut (even in the midst of the legal affairs that ended up destroying Liberty Lobby.))—working to undermine the very attorney who saved Liberty Lobby in the Hunt and Buckley cases some years before.

Here's the story that only a few people know about . . .

One weekend in approximately 1993-1994 (it was well after we had already fallen under the IHR lawsuits) Willis Carto was getting ready to leave Washington in a rush. He called me into his office and handed me a letter that Carto had written to Liberty Lobby’s longtime and valued counsel, Mark Lane.

Carto had been convinced by Elisabeth that Lane was “making too much money” by being paid a regular salary or retainer without “documenting” his work for Liberty Lobby. In other words, it was being suggested to Carto that Lane was essentially taking advantage and not doing his work for a flat fee. Carto was convinced by his wife to demand that Lane provide an hourly accounting of all of his work for Liberty Lobby.

In response to Carto’s request, Lane had therefore re-assessed all of his work for Liberty Lobby during the past period and submitted a line-by-line summary, billing Liberty Lobby BY THE HOUR rather than by the standard payment that Lane had been receiving.

(In other words, by previous agreement, if Lane did NOTHING in one week or one month he would still be paid if he was working 50 hour weeks on behalf of Liberty Lobby in the courts.)
After Lane submitted his HOURLY billing, it was considerably higher than what it would have been in a previous agreement. Lane, again, had done this at Carto’s request.

Having received the billing, Carto wrote a letter to Lane telling him that, unfortunately, he (Carto) was forced to sever Liberty Lobby’s relationship with Lane.

Carto asked me to read this letter (after Carto had left, and Carto was, at that moment, on the verge of leaving) and then deliver it to Lane by Monday morning. Carto left and I read the letter - shocked. I decided to wait until the very last moment - Sunday night - to deliver the letter.

However, fortunately, Carto reconsidered his decision and managed to catch me - as usual - working in the office on Sunday afternoon. He called me from California and asked, “Did you deliver that letter yet?” I said, “No, I was waiting till the very last minute.” Carto said, “Good for you. Don’t. I’ve had some second thoughts and talked to Mark in the meantime.”

In fact, Lane had only prepared the hourly assessment (at Carto’s request) to demonstrate to Carto that he (Lane) was actually providing Carto a lot of little-noticed or “unknown” work that Lane did not normally bother to “write down” and “prove” himself.

I sympathized with Mark Lane’s plight at the time. I was also being subjected to the same abuse. He and his wife and I had a private discussion about the matter and they were just absolutely amazed that Elisabeth had tried to over-turn a long and trusted working relationship and were quite disturbed about it, since Mark and his wife had become rather fond of Willis himself and often invited Willis and I over to their home for very lovely dinners.

But that was not the end of things . . . it gets worse.

In 1994 I spoke to Willis Carto on the telephone. He was in California and I was in Washington. It was a day or so before attorney Mark Lane was scheduled to handle Liberty Lobby’s defense in a Southern California courtroom in the lawsuit that ultimately forced Liberty Lobby into bankrupty. I was enthusiastic about the possibility of Lane once again winning for Liberty Lobby by taking the case to a jury - much as he had done in the famous Buckley case and in the Hunt case before it. I asked Carto: “So you are definitely taking the case to a jury?” Carto responded: “Oh absolutely.” I said: “That’s good.”

However, here’s what happened . . .

A day or so later, Mark Lane called Willis Carto to tell him that he (Lane) was getting ready to get on the plane to come to California to proceed with the case (jury selection, etc). But Carto said, “Oh, well, we’ve already started. We decided not to go with a jury. Randy Weir (the West Coast attorney on the ground) thinks we can win the case by just presenting it to the judge and we can save the costs of a long trial.”

In fact, Randy Weir had convinced Elisabeth Carto (who was already hostile to Mark Lane and wanting to cut his salary - as outlined above)—that they didn't need Mark's expertise and that they could "save money" by eliminating a jury trial.

Lane was horrified and jumped on a plane, but it was already too late. The case was lost and Liberty Lobby was directed down the course to bankruptcy.

Had Randy Weir been bought off? It’s possible. Weir’s partner, Brian Urtnowski, discovered that Weir was a cocaine-addicted crook. And this discovery brought back memories from Mark Lane (and even Michael Piper) as to strange activity by Weir that indicated that perhaps indeed he had been compromised. (And it’s probably just a coincidence that Weir was a look-alike and talk-alike for a young man who was “advising” Liberty Lobby on the East Coast: Todd Blodgett).

But ultimately the blame for the demise of Liberty Lobby could be laid directly at WALTRAUD ELISABETH OLDEMEIER CARTO.

Perhaps a jury might have also found against Liberty Lobby, but WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would expect a judge to rule in favor of Liberty Lobby?

I more or less forgive Julia Foster for telling the sad little lies that she is telling since I know that she is under immense pressure from Elisabeth Carto and because of the fact that Julia knows a little bit about the history of the behavior of Elisabeth and her sister, Marianne Scharnhorst.

Marianne used to sexually harass Julia's teen-aged son, Jimmy, who worked briefly at Liberty Lobby. Marianne used to get touchy-feeling with a lot of the younger men (20s or younger) and would make a big fuss over them when they came into the mailroom where she worked. She would shout "there's that Greek hunk" to one young man and engage him in sexual banter in front of the women in the mailroom; or she would make similar remarks to other young men. She once openly described how she had dreamt that she and her youngest daughter (a teen-ager) had watched me having sex with a prostitute through the window of an adjoining building! She once even took SPOTLIGHT (and later AFP) Editor Chris Petherick's head and placed it on her bosom - and an ample bosom it was.

Since I crossed this woman, Marianne, years before, I have been a target of Elisabeth Carto. This is the same Elisabeth Carto who also alleged in an email that the talented and hard-working Trish Katson was a "lazy bum" who spent all of her time at Liberty Lobby "chasing men" in the office. In fact, most of the time that she worked there, Trish lived with Blayne Hutzel - who also worked at Liberty Lobby - so she was hardly busy chasing other men in front of Blayne. Or behind his back for that matter.

If Trish was so lazy and so immoral, I guess that means that Liberty Lobby and The SPOTLIGHT were lying audaciously and repeatedly and relentlessly in reporting all her good work on Capitol Hill and around the country, particularly when she was fighting the Constitutional Convention.

And so it goes.

Now having looked back at some of these things, I realized that there’s probably a lot more to tell you about the antics of Elisabeth Carto and I decided that it’s probably worth telling you all about it.

And so I shall continue . . .

It’s a deeply-held secret—or rather, perhaps, one that’s been carefully “forgotten”—but, in early 1982, Willis Carto fired famed and respected Bilderberg Hound Jim Tucker as editor of The SPOTLIGHT, a post he had held since 1975—he was the founding editor—and under which time The SPOTLIGHT had grown to some 390,000 paid subscribers (meaning at least 1,000,000 or more weekly readers).

The reason for Tucker’s sudden and shocking dismissal (one which rocked The SPOTLIGHT staff) is interesting . . . And it all traces back (yet again) to the insane behavior of Elisabeth Carto and her equally disturbed sister, Marianne Scharnhorst, who worked in the mailroom (and in the silver sales department) of Liberty Lobby.

Let’s see how the Carto’s sycophants who actually know the truth of this story try to twist it and make Michael Collins Piper out to be a liar. Here’s what happened . . .

Let’s face it, Jim Tucker was a big drinker, and he was loud and proud about it. One could hardly have a discussion with Tucker without him bringing up alcohol in a funny way. And throughout the period that he was SPOTLIGHT editor, he was known to have “wet lunches.” There was no secret about it. He and a few others (including a number of SPOTLIGHT associates) were regulars at Mike Palm’s, the Taverna, and a few other choice drinking establishments near Liberty Lobby headquarters. There had always been an official “no drinking at lunch” policy at Liberty Lobby, though it was rigorously ignored most of all by Tucker and by Liberty Lobby chairman Bob Bartell and that was an open secret.

And although Tucker was a big drinker, he got The SPOTLIGHT out each and every week—often 48 full pages jam-packed with (you remember it) solid news and information that gave The SPOTLIGHT the reputation that it had.

One particular week, one Wednesday (the day that the paper went to press), Ed Krueger, the affable publisher of the Martinsburg, West Virginia newspaper that did the actual printing of The SPOTLIGHT, had come to Washington and he took Tucker and several others out for a typical “wet lunch.”

When Tucker returned, he may have been a bit tipsy—PERHAPS more so than usual. I don’t know, personally.

But what I DO know (and this was common knowledge at the time) is that Marianne Scharnhorst—Elisabeth Carto’s sister—who was always stirring up trouble and who routinely referred to Tucker as a “pig”—called the Cartos in California to report that Jim Tucker was “drunk on press day.”

The commotion stirred by Marianne’s phone call led to Tucker’s firing. Tucker was given several weeks to wind up affairs, as I recall, and then he left Liberty Lobby soon afterward.

Years later, I learned from Donna McGrath, who was Tucker’s good friend in the production department, that Tucker was suicidal at this time.

(And, believe it or not, I had a very dark dream about Tucker during this period—when I had no contact with him whatsoever, and really didn’t know him that well—in which he was sitting in a dark room, crying, and warning me about Willis Carto! Over the past several years I have told a number of people about the dream.)

Some time later Tucker was “rehired” as a “contract” writer for The SPOTLIGHT and continued on with his work, while working other jobs on the side, but, again, the bottom line is that Tucker’s firing was the work of Elisabeth Carto and her sister Marianne Scharnhorst.

Elisabeth and Marianne are the very same “pigs”—to use their common word—who were behind the harassment that I endured from about 1992-1994 onward, resulting in :

- my near-firing in December of 2002 (as a consequence of which I had my first heart attack),

- my forced ouster from the AFP office, beginning in 2003—they told people I was “working from home” without explaining the real reason why—

- and the subsequent targeting against me, beginning in the summer of 2013, at which time the Cartos hatched a plan to reduce my salary to $1,000 a month with the suggestion that I move back home to Pennsylvania (where I hadn’t lived for over 30 years). YES, THEY DID THAT. What creeps (to use another of Elisabeth’s favorite terms) they are. AND :

- My first firing in mid-March 2014—after I confronted Elisabeth for her not-so-secret role in targeting me for a massive paycut—and and then my “rehiring” after six weeks of sick and twisted “negotiations” beginning with a plan to pay me $100 a week.

(I kid you not. That failing old fruit, Willis Carto, actually made that “offer” to me—after 34 years—saying, “Well, why should you be paid any more than any of our other writers?” when the old predator knew that I had done virtually ALL of AFP and The SPOTLIGHT’s direct mail fundraising letters —-plus many other side projects—since about 1986 (six years after I first came aboard).

- My second firing in September of 2014 after I made it clear in several memos to Willis Carto that I didn’t take Elisabeth’s smears, harassment and other forms of mental torment lightly. On the basis of my criticisms and my resurrection of a 10 year old 19-page memorandum exposing the events of 2013 (referenced above), Willis terminated my contract.

Willis also cited alleged criticisms of “fellow employees,” although what those criticisms were actually happened to be were rather interesting: After Elisabeth forced Willis to fire AFP correspondent John Friend (a story in and of itself: she had been gunning for him for a while), Friend had stated publicly that he thought that I had a part in his firing. Friend’s supporters wrote letters to Carto complaining that Friend had been fired and cited my criticisms of John Friend. So although Willis had fired Friend, he cited my past criticisms of Friend as “proof” that I was criticizing “fellow employees” or “co-workers” or some such thing. Talk about Talmudic Chutzpah.

I don’t know a single personal friend of the Cartos—few that there really are—who have ever said anything nice (behind her back) about Elisabeth. One of Carto’s oldest friends has always routinely referred to her as a “bitch.”

She does not inspire respect, but, rather, fear, although Pete Papaherakles (a frequent Carto house-guest) recently said insistently that she does deserve respect, despite the fact that Elisabeth has, in recent years, worked to have the following people fired from AMERICAN FREE PRESS :

- Editor Chris Petherick - he received a faxed demand for his resignation in April (while I was in the hospital with open heart surgery) after he stood up to Elisabeth on the phone, although the next day Willis rescinded the demand.
- Webmaster Jason Snow
- Web Editor Dave Gahary - a family man also targeted for massive pay cuts, despite his major contributions to the growth of the AFP website and his weekly contributions to the newspaper; and
- popular AFP correspondent Victor Thorn. (Elisabeth has said that “my sister and her husband don’t like what he writes.” And I was there the day that Willis Carto said to Chris Petherick, “Maybe we should phase out Victor,” but—naturally and wisely—Chris resisted and Victor was retained).

Elisabeth was directly responsible for the angry campaign to force out longtime loyal employee Anne Cronin—another consequence (going back years) of carping by Marianne Scharnhorst—which resulted in Anne taking early retirement. At one point, while Anne was seriously ill—they actually thought she had bird flu—Elisabeth went into the office, cleaned out Anne’s desk, boxed everything, and left a note for her upon her return to work which told her that her desk was too messy and had too many “personal items” —words to that effect. (Seriously. she did that.)

Initially, when Anne was reaching a certain age, the Cartos put out a memo saying that age happened to be “mandatory retirement” at AFP, but Evangeline Banua, the accountant, advised the Cartos that this was contrary to federal law and the memo was rescinded. But it had clearly been aimed at Anne Cronin!

The Cartos made things so miserable for Anne that she did, in fact, retire a year early. It was so bad that when Anne would come in the office, Willis would actually ignore her (when he has always made a point to say “hello” to everyone) or when she would say hello to him, he would not respond. This was Elisabeth’s doing.

(One time—prior to 2001—after the publication of an edition of my book FINAL JUDGMENT, Elisabeth called me on the phone from California and began quizzing me about the prices for shipping the book. I told her that I had nothing to do with that, that it was Anne Cronin’s responsibility, which, in retrospect, I’m sure Elisabeth knew well.) In the course of this seemingly endless conversation, it became apparent to me that Elisabeth was maneuvering to find “dirt” against Anne and I listened to her ranting and raving. At one juncture she told me that somebody at the office had told her one thing or another and, suspecting something was up, I asked Elisabeth “who told you that?” She said that she didn’t remember, but what he claimed she had been “told” was at the root of her attempt to assassinate Anne.

I said to myself, “Well, I’ll push her on this,” and said to Elisabeth, “Well, it’s important to remember who said that, because it’s not true. That person needs to be set straight.” Elisabeth insisted it wasn’t important, but I pushed a little further—quite gently, but forcefully— and then there was a sudden pause at the other end of the line. Elisabeth then said, “Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret: I made that up.”

This woman actually felt secure enough to admit to me that she had conjured up a lie in order to try to undermine Anne Cronin. And I’ve told that story, in writing, going back to 2003 and I’ve told it to many people at AFP and elsewhere over the past decade. So Elisabeth can’t claim that I recently “made that up,” to use her words.

Vince Ryan was also effectively ousted with regular pay cuts, resulting in his abrupt resignation, after years of very loyal service.

Elisabeth Carto was also responsible for the firing of two longtime AFP-SPOTLIGHT figures: our longtime radio voice, Tom Valentine, who had been with us since at least the mid-1980s (at one point he was the only person among the extended staff whom the Cartos trusted with their home phone number when they lived in California) and Blayne Hutzel, who had been the AFP-SPOTLIGHT comptroller, a hard-working and highly respected detail-oriented business manager whose day-to-day work (under immense pressure from the Cartos) kept the newspaper(s) and related operations going.

Tom and Blayne were fed up with Elisabeth’s antics and—in 2003—at the time Elisabeth was first making a major push to have me fired, they both urged me and the legal board of directors of AFP to formally demand that Willis Carto bar Elisabeth from the AFP office (to stop her harassment and intimidation of the staff). Word got back to Elisabeth and the two were unceremoniously dismissed—despite years of great loyalty and devotion to the AFP-SPOTLIGHT cause and to Willis Carto.

Another AFP office manager, talented young Jim Cox, was also relentlessly and repeatedly run over by Elisabeth Carto and despite his enthusiasm for AFP’s cause, Jim decided that he had had his fill of the lunacy and nonsense and turned in his resignation. Mrs. Carto later proclaimed Cox to be “the worst employee” of AFP’s history, even worse, she said, than the aforementioned Blayne Hutzel.

In fact, Cox and Hutzel were highly regarded by the rest of the AFP staff and their departures were great losses for AFP—but personal triumphs for Elisabeth.

Elisabeth also managed to so alienated longtime AFP-SPOTLIGHT subscription manager, Lois Hodges, who had been with the company since the early 1980s that Lois also resigned. This was after two of Lois’s sisters—who had also worked for AFP—had been forced out by Elisabeth’s antics. The one sister (whose name escapes me) resigned in disgust at Elisabeth. The second sister, in fact, was terminated. It became too much for Lois and she, too, left the company in disgust.

In earlier years, two elderly women, Lois Jackson and Mary Phflug, who had been with Liberty Lobby for years, were also pushed out, again largely because of troublesome behavior by Elisabeth’s sister, Marianne Scharnhorst, who had worked side-by-side with both of those nice ladies for years, but then turned on them and convinced Elisabeth to talk her husband into firing those women. Lois was a devoted correspondence secretary who kept in touch with our supporters. Mary worked in the advertising department. And then, to top it all off, Liberty Lobby legally fought Mary’s attempts to gain unemployment and, if I recall correctly, they succeeded!

It just never seemed to end . . .

On one occasion, when Elisabeth had developed a sudden disdain for California nationalist Joe Fields (another of Mr. and Mrs. Carto’s old friends) she even said that she hoped that the “No More Wars for Israel Conference” being organized by Fields (in conjunction with then-AFP writer Mark Glenn) would—in her words—“flop.”

This was after Fields and his wife had been valuable allies for the Cartos for many years and doing a lot of unpaid work on their behalf. And here is why Elisabeth was angry at Joe—you will be astounded by this one (but maybe not, considering how Elisabeth thinks and operates) . . .

Elisabeth was mad at Joe because he had done some work, for a brief period, for a guy in Texas named Joe Foster. Foster had accidentally bounced a $600 check on a book order and it had nothing whatsoever to do with Joe Fields or his association with Foster. Now even though Foster made good on the check (and he had been a longtime big ticket book buyer) Elisabeth spent weeks haranguing over the subject. She even moved to have Willis fire our longtime accountant, Evangeline, because the accountant, a mild-mannered Filipino woman, refused to call OUR bank to tell them to call Foster's bank and collect the debt from his account! Elisabeth even told Evangeline that she wasn’t being “loyal to the company” for refusing to do something that was totally contrary to banking procedure and perhaps even illegal!

When (under pressure from Elisabeth) Willis called Taras (a newly-hired young Ukrainian guy who was Evangeline’s assistant) to his office and asked Taras if he would be ready to step into Evangeline’s shoes "if she happened to leave the company," the young man was so horrified that he turned in his two weeks notice shortly thereafter and quit his job. He told several AFP staffers about this at a going-away dinner party at the La Lomita restaurant on Pennsylvania Avenue.

And it should probably be mentioned that just a few years ago, AFP also terminated the contract of the aforementioned popular AFP writer, Mark Glenn—he’s the guy from Idaho who has come to my rescue and given me a place to live in his guest house—and Mark and his wife and TEN CHILDREN were left without a regular stipend. This was after Mark had given up a good-living as an independent landscaper and builder so that he could devote his time to WRITING THE TRUTH—something he loved to do.

Although I cannot say for certain that Elisabeth played a part in this, I know that after Mark’s departure Elisabeth had negative comments about Mark (not knowing that he and I had become good friends), justifying his abrupt dismissal “to save money.”

It truly never ended . . .

Some time in 2013 I went into the AFP office on a Saturday or Sunday and was surprised to find Willis and Elisabeth had come in. No problem. I had work to do—a lot of it—and they stayed out of my hair and I theirs.

However, Elisabeth cornered me and spent no less than 45 minutes talking non-stop (much to Willis’s apparent annoyance, by the way) largely condemning anything and everything about the way the AFP office was run and it quickly became apparent to me that her specific targets were Paul Angel and Chris Petherick. Those forty-five minutes distracted me from my work but it was another dose of this destructive woman.

Elisabeth has been so poisonous and ruinous in so many ways and Willis has either forgotten (legitimately) or he is so psychologically defensive about her madness that he will say literally anything to defend her.

At one point, shortly before I was fired for the first time in 2014, I reminded Willis (in the presence of Chris Petherick) that while Elisabeth wanted to slash my salary, she continued to insist on the preservation of the largely unnecessary (no, make that un-necessary) West Coast office for The BARNES REVIEW which was being subsidized to the tune of upwards of $900,000 a year, according to an analysis by Chris Petherick and Paul Angel who wanted to shut down that office.

But although Chris and Paul had repeatedly urged Willis to shut that office down, Elisabeth resisted (raising questions as to WHY she wanted to keep that office open). But when I made reference to this, Willis said—with a straight face—“I never knew that anyone had raised questions about this.” (suggesting this was something I had conjured up out of the blue). He actually said that right in front of Chris Petherick who had done the hands-on analysis that determined what a waste that office was!

In the summer of 2013—right when I was becoming disabled due to diabetic neuropathy—Elisabeth decided to strike against me (seeing that I was vulnerable). Willis Carto wrote a proposal to me that I leave Washington and “go back to Pennsylvania” (where I hadn’t lived for over 34 years) and that I would be kept on the AFP payroll at $1,000 a month. He actually said that this would be almost like a “raise” and somehow beneficial to me and said that I would not have the problem of having to come to the AFP office and it would lessen my “nervous condition.”

Well, first of all, having been forced out of the AFP office in 2003 (because of Elisabeth’s hatred for me), I was not even required to come to the office in the first place, “working at home.” (!) But I had no “nervous condition,” which suggests that I had some mental disability. No, I had PHYSICAL NERVE DAMAGE. That’s how much Carto even knew (or cared) about my condition.

(On one occasion, he did say, smiling, “You have diabetes,don’t you? Well, I have a needle and I can stick it in you and then you’ll feel better.” Yes, he said that.)

He backed off from that when the AFP editor, Chris Petherick, came to my defense, but I knew I was once again being targeted and this came at a time when I was under great physical and emotional stress because of my health problems and increasing pain and inability to walk. And in the fall of 2013, once again, I was informed that we were all facing major pay cuts, at a time when I actually needed a raise to pay for monthly health insurance that I badly needed. And then in February of 2014, I was informed that I was facing a massive pay cut.

Naturally, I objected, and Willis Carto asked me to write him a memo about my situation and I did that. A few weeks later, when the pay cut was levied, Willis—in his increasing forgetfulness—handed me back my original memo to him (he has a habit of misplacing documents, giving them to the wrong people, etc) and I discovered two “post-it” notes (in Elisabeth’s handwriting) attached to my memo. She had read my memo and then made comments to the effect that I was already being paid too much and even questioned whether I had done work (which I had) which was mentioned in that memo. So needless to say I was infuriated.

The next day—after having undergone an MRI of my neck and brain to see if that might be having an impact on my health—I called the Cartos at their home (after hours) and asked both of them to come on the line. I confronted Elisabeth about having seen her notes attacking me. She said, “Well, where are they?” I told her that they were at the AFP office (since I hadn’t brought them home with me). She responded, “Oh, they are at the office, huh?” (implying that they didn’t exist at all.)

She then suggested that they were forgeries. I asked, “Oh, so you are saying that I forged them? Why would I do that?” She responded, “Why would you?” I said, “Well, do you think that I did forge them?” She responded, “Well, maybe one of your friends did.” (Seriously, this was the nature of the “discussion.”)

I said, “Well, if somebody is forging documents, maybe we should get the FBI to come in to investigate if this is forgery or not and find out who did it.” I wasn’t serious, of course, but I realized I was having a no-win discussion with this woman.

Here’s what she said in response: “Oh, you want the FBI to come in, huh? Well, you’re a dirty old queer and a nigger lover and we’ll put that all over the Internet. How would you like THAT?” she challenged.

I laughed: Accusations like that had been already put on the Internet, including one that I had a Jewish lover (an agent of the ADL) whom I supposedly walked hand-in-hand with down Pennsylvania Avenue (!) and that I had a black crack addict homosexual lover, who was surprised to learn (when I told him) that we had been accused of such a relationship.

In fact, this black guy (a familiar figure on the streets of Capitol Hill) is friends with a number of people at AFP, even today, was recruited to work odd-jobs for the old SPOTLIGHT by Julia Foster and used to picket the Holocaust Museum with Dr. Robert Brock, the black nationalist. And I also happen to be the godfather of this guy’s son!

But Elisabeth Carto was vowing to try to smear me with that claim. And what makes it all the more interesting is that the story started with a weird former employee of The SPOTLIGHT and was repeated by another AFP employee—a former Carto friend—who himself later told people that Elisabeth Carto had a sexual interest in HIM!

However, as we’ve seen, Elisabeth and her sister, Marianne Scharnhost have an odd proclivity for slinging around strange sexual allegations—such as the malicious claim about Trisha Katson—and are just generally salacious.

In any event, the “discussion” with Elisabeth deteriorated with her in the background shrieking and ranting and then, if I recall, she hung up.

The next day I was fired—but then quickly “rehired,” but only after being out of work for six weeks with no pay (during which time I was rushed in for emergency heart surgery).

The new “contract” I agreed to involved a substantial pay cut, but at least I had a job, but it became apparent to me that Willis Carto (still under pressure from his wife) was eagerly looking for an excuse to terminate that contract. And after I challenged him about his wife’s behavior and her continuing antics at the AFP office and toward other AFP employees, he chose to terminate my contract: HE FIRED ME AGAIN!

Elisabeth had finally gotten rid of me—and Willis (no matter how much he wanted to keep me on board) was unable to stand up to her.

Willis has announced his third “resignation” from AFP—the third in as many years—but Elisabeth’s behavior has already financially crippled the company in many ways, even including—for several months—shutting down the book-selling department, and I told Willis Carto after my latest firing that he was making an enemy of me. But he claimed that my status was all up to “the board of directors.”

That’s the greatest irony because—back in 2003—when Elisabeth was moving against me (and Willis was going along with her intrigues) I actually had the legal power—as AFP treasurer, in CONTROL OF THE BANK ACCOUNT, and as one of the majority stockholders to LEGALLY OUST WILLIS AND ELISABETH CARTO.

And I did not do so, even though they were working against me.

That’s right. I could have seized control of the company and thrown the Cartos out, but despite everything I did not do so.

Instead, I voluntarily turned in my resignation from the board of directors. I frankly did not want to be part of a “front” organization for this insane woman and her collaborating husband who would dare to do this kind of thing to me, even in the face of the actual legal authority that I had.

(And by the way, elsewhere, I have a 19-page memorandum, drafted in 2003, which I have already widely circulated, which describes the details of 2003. So this is not anything “new” and many people are already aware of it. It's just too long, obviously, to include here, but if you are interested in seeing it, please let me know and I will send you a copy when I get the chance.)

You see, Elisabeth has run rough-shod over ALL of the key people associated with AFP and Michael Collins Piper is not the only victim, but I have been a PRIME target for many, many years.

So, the bottom line is this: if Michael Collins Piper is as rotten and filthy and disgusting as Elisabeth Carto and her sister have long contended (a view that Willis Carto, in his slide into dementia, seems to concur with), it seems that practically the entirety of the staff of AFP fall into that category as well.

And you might naturally ask: Well, if they were so bad, why did you prominently mention Willis and Elisabeth in the acknowledgments in your books?

Good question—-and that is a bizarre story in and of itself. You see, back in December of 2002 when Elisabeth was pushing hard to have me fired and virtually every day for about two weeks I was being called into Willis’s office to answer to or explain away some question he had for me (obviously instigated by Elisabeth)—and this is all detailed in the aforementioned 19 page memorandum—Willis once asked me this: “Why don’t you mention me in your big book FINAL JUDGMENT?”

I was surprised by this totally unexpected question, nearly 10 years after the book came out, but I knew Elisabeth had something to do with it.” Willis had the book in his hand, and he said, “You mention all these other people, but you don’t thank me.”

I took the book from him and showed him that ON THE VERY FIRST PAGE I made the point of thanking Willis and Liberty Lobby’s attorney Mark Lane and pointed out that if it hadn’t been for their support, the book never would have been possible.

You see, Elisabeth had looked through the book and MISSED that and then told Willis that I had not mentioned him!

That’s the kind of sinister person she is.

Well, years went by and about five years ago, Willis again asked me the same question (probably having again been prodded, for some reason, by Elisabeth) —-I think perhaps because I maybe had not thanked him in one of my other books, perhaps THE GOLEM or TARGET TRAFICANT —-and I again showed him where he WAS mentioned up front in FINAL JUDGMENT. And I said to him, “You need to show this to Elisabeth so that she doesn’t get you to ask me this question again.” He laughed, more or less acknowledging that Elisabeth was indeed the instigator.

So, after that, when I ultimately published four of my own books and sold them directly from my Washington PO Box rather than through AFP, I made a LOUD point of thanking Willis AND ELISABETH quite directly and RIGHT UP FRONT.

Does that answer your question?

And you might be interested in knowing WHY Willis did not publish my book THE CONFESSIONS OF AN ANTI-SEMITE (the first of the four books I published myself). He said, “Well, it’s too fucking long and I ain’t gonna publish it.” That was his way of showing me that he was the boss and that he had the final say, etc, and that I was dependent on him, that I was nobody without him. So I decided to publish it myself.

So when he found that I was going to publish it myself, he asked to write an introduction (which I included)! He wanted to be in on the action.

And I will tell you this, quite frankly: a few years ago Willis suggested I write a book about Adolf Hitler and I said, “Yes, I’m actually thinking of doing that.” He said, “Well, you’re the man to do it.” I dictated over 40 hours of notes and documentation into a tape recorder while on vacation and set it aside to finish some of my other books.

In the meantime, having forgotten that he asked me to do such a book, Willis decided to do his own little pamphlet on the subject of Hitler (and the final product is actually a pretty good little work. Willis spent a great deal of money and time promoting his pamphlet (certainly his right to do) and yet even Elisabeth stood in the way of that project—I kid you not.

The project was delayed, time and again, for months, because Elisabeth kept interfering. At one point it was going to be a special issue of THE BARNES REVIEW, and then a pamphlet, and then a special issue again. Then Willis decided that he wanted a full length book, incorporating his essay and supplemented with a lot of other material from THE BARNES REVIEW. I was asked to put the material together and I spent quite a bit of time doing so. But all of this time, Elisabeth was interfering and it became almost of an in-office joke. Poor Paul Angel, the talented production chief in charge of putting our books and the newspaper and magazines together, was virtually being turned into a full-time employee doing and re-doing Willis’s Hitler project!

And yes, it finally came out as a very good little essay in pamphlet form. But behind the scenes Elisabeth had made production of that pamphlet an exercise in absolute chaos.

Do you REALLY think that these are—as Elisabeth Carto would say—“all lies”?

She says everybody is a “liar” or a “creep” but those are two words that aptly apply to her.

Judge for yourself.

What's the old saying about lying down with dogs with fleas? Though I hate to use that analogy that is libelous to our four-legged friends.

Thanks again to those of you for your support.

It’s much appreciated.

Whether the Cartos like it or not, I’m going to continue to tell the truth!

Best wishes,


Wednesday 3 June 2015

The Big Hit


The Big Hit - Fr

Une affaire d'enlèvement qui semblait facile et rapide va se retourner contre Melvin, un tueur à gages, et ses associés, Cisco, Crunch, Vince et Gump.
La victime, la fille d'un riche industriel, est en fait la filleule de leur patron Paris. Lorsque Cisco, le cerveau du plan, trahit Paris, Melvin devient le bouc émissaire, l'homme à abattre.
