October 2019

Monday 28 October 2019

Ivor Benson - The Zionist Factor

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Ivor Benson - The Zionist Factor
The Jewish Impact on Twentieth Century History

A study of the jewish presence in 20th Century History
Ivor Benson - author, journalist and current affairs analyst, and a good friend of the Institute for Historical Review - died in mid-January in a small market town in West Suffolk, England, where he and his wife had lived for nearly eight years. He was in his 86th year. Benson was born of Swedish parents in November 1907 in South Africa (Orange Free State), and grew up in South Africa and Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). His writing career began as a teenage reporter with the Natal Mercury in Durban (South Africa). After work for the London Daily Telegraph and the Daily Express, he became chief assistant editor of the Johannesburg Rand Daily Mail, then South Africa's leading morning paper. He resigned that post because of what he regarded as the paper's entrenched misrepresentation of truth. He also served as assistant editor of the Sunday Tribune in Durban. During the early months of the Second World War, he worked as a freelance journalist in Poland, Finland and Sweden. He left Norway just ahead of the occupying German forces. After returning to South Africa to enlist, he served with distinction as an officer under British command in tank and armored car units in north Africa and Italy. In 1960, he was the last journalist to leave the embattled Congolese city of Elisabethville (now Lubumbashi). His exclusive first-hand reports on the chaos and bloody fighting there appeared in newspapers around the world. In 1963 he delivered a series of acclaimed weekly broadcasts of news analysis and commentary over the South African Broadcasting Corporation. Then, from 1964 to 1966, he served as Information Advisor to the government of Rhodesia (then headed by Ian Smith). For most of the rest of his life, he was an independent political analyst and commentator on world affairs. For 15 years until his death, he wrote and published Behind the News, a courageous and well-written monthly newsletter that enjoyed an influence out of all proportion to its modest circulation.

Ivor Benson - Know your enemy
Ivor Benson - This Age of Conflict

Ivor Benson - PDF

Benson The Zionist Factor.jpg

Monday 21 October 2019

Matthew Hale - Ending white slavery

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Matthew Hale - Ending white slavery

“Whites Minds are in Chains.” Self-imposed. Amelioration for misplaced guilt based on a false belief that Whites enslaved Blacks ; based on gross misperceptions of civil rights, discrimination, diversity, equal rights, fairness, racial hate, minorities, multiracial community, the concept of nation, privilege, racism. Ending White Slavery explains, exposes, and removes these shackles of White Slavery by invalidating the basic assumption of that enslavement: that Blacks are entitled to special consideration from Whites whose ancestors kidnapped them out of Africa, and transported them worlds away from their roots into slavery ; revealing the slave trade as instigated and perpetuated by tribes of Africa against each other for their benefit and purpose ; revealing that slave traders and owners were a miniscule percent of White population even in its time ; revealing that mostly, the ancestors of today’s Whites had nothing to do with slavery and their ancestors were disadvantaged by slavery in lost employment and opportunity.
Ending White Slavery demonstrates that atonement for slavery by today’s Whites is misguided, and detrimental to them and to Blacks as well. As for racial discrimination, is it not palpable in affirmative action, BET, the NAACP, the Miss Black America Pageant exclusivity to Blacks ? Not so, the United Negro College Fund because its “member colleges and universities admit students without reference to race or ethnicity. UNCF's largest scholarship program, the Gates Millennium Scholars Program, supports Hispanic American, Asian/Pacific American and Native American students as well as African Americans,” but not Whites ? Is there any affirmative action for Whites, a WET, a NAAWP, an exclusively Miss White America Pageant, a United Caucasian College Fund, any White college, a White History Month ? Ending White Slavery exhorts all races to adhere to their culture, to be loyal to their race by eschewing integration and its consequent, inevitable mongrelization. For Whites this means preserving their recessive fair skin, blue or green eyes and blond, brown or red hair against being subsumed by genetically dominant black skin, brown eyes and black hair; revering and advancing their cultural heritage exemplified by Beethoven, Mozart, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Shakespeare and their progeny instead of bongo drums, parodies of poetry punctuated by profanity, crotch grabbing, and thumping cacophony. That is the goal, but after recognition and exhortation, what ?
The Racial State, exemplified by China, Japan other Asian States for Yellows, African States for Blacks, but no longer the United States for Whites. Israel is template for current creation of the Racial State, and its need, to preserve and secure White culture, White genes, and White lives in a world in which Whites are the minority, a world which has not a single State that Whites may call their own, where their best interests are represented exclusively. Ending White Slavery does not merely describe a Utopia and leave it there. It describes potentials for accomplishing the Racial State over time. A must read for everyone, not just Whites, who would look beyond the perverse immediacy of a mongrelizing false diversity of integration to a true diversity of racial separateness to preserve all races in all their natural genetic and cultural diversity.

Matt Hale - PDF

Matthew Hale - The racial loyalist manifesto
Racial Loyalty
In Klassen we Trust
Ben Klassen - The White man's bible - Audiobook
Imperium - The Creativity Movement online magazine

Friday 4 October 2019

Bernard Lugan - Histoire de la Louisiane française 1682-1804

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Bernard Lugan - Histoire de la Louisiane française 1682-1804

Durant plus d’un siècle, la France a possédé un immense empire en Amérique du Nord. Si l’histoire de la Nouvelle-France ou Canada est bien connue, celle de la Louisiane est en revanche largement ignorée. La Nouvelle-Orléans, fondée en 1712, était la capitale d’un vaste territoire s’étendant du Canada, au nord, au golfe du Mexique. A l’est, il était limité par la chaîne des Appalaches et à l’ouest par la barrière des Rocheuses. Vingt et un États composant les actuels États-Unis étaient sous la souveraineté du roi de France. L’histoire de la Louisiane française est celle d’une épopée sculptée par des missionnaires, des coureurs des bois et par des officiers perdus dans les immensités du Nouveau-Monde. Reconnue par Cavelier de la Salle qui, après une première expédition en 1669, prit possession de ses deux rives en 1682 et lui donna le nom de Louisiane, la vallée du Mississippi devint l’axe de pénétration par lequel la France prit le contrôle de tout le Centre-Ouest américain. C’est à partir du grand fleuve que s’opéra la première conquête de l’Ouest. Elle fut française et précéda de près de deux siècles la ruée américaine vers les montagnes Rocheuses.
C’est presque sans aide, en ne comptant que sur leurs propres forces et sur l’amitié des tribus indiennes alliées que les pionniers de la Louisiane conservèrent et agrandirent cette colonie à laquelle le roi de France avait donné son nom. La rive gauche du Mississippi fut abandonnée aux Anglais en 1763. La rive droite fut cédée à l’Espagne en 1762 et rétrocédée à la France en 1800. En 1803, Bonaparte, estimant qu’il ne serait pas en mesure de la défendre contre les Américains, décida de la leur vendre. Les États-Unis, jusque-là bloqués à l’est du Mississippi, purent alors commencer à occuper les grandes plaines abandonnées par la France et se lancer dans la conquête de l’Ouest.

Bernard Lugan - PDF

« Il reste encore pour me séduire l’incroyable épopée des Amériques françaises : Cavelier de La Salle, les frères Le Moyne, les Poitevins coureurs des bois, les fidèles Hurons, Duguay-Trouin, les zouaves du Mexique ; il reste encore la flibuste. »
Jacques PERRET.

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Julien Rochedy - Nietzsche : vie et philosophie

Julien Rochedy - Nietzsche : vie et philosophie

Friedrich Nietzsche - PDF
Friedrich Nietzsche - Œuvres - PDF
Friedrich Nietzsche - Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra - PDF

Table des matières
Introduction : 0 à 6min33
1 Né dans l’esprit de la musique : 6min33
2 Naissance d'une tragédie : 12min34
3 Rupture trop humaine : 20min28
4 Aurorz nouvelle : 27min30
5 La mort de Dieu : 32min47
6 L'Eternel retour : 37min07
7 Zarathoustra : 43min13
8 Vérité entre mer et montagnes : 47min58
9 Métaphysique de la volonté de puissance : 54min22
10 Un moraliste européen : 1 heure 06min36
11 Généalogie de la Morale : 1 heure 11min29
12 La révolte des esclaves : 1 heure 24min30
13 La vengeance déguisée : 1 heure 33min46
14 Qui cherche à triompher ? : 1 heure 45min05
15 La corruption par la moraline : 1 heure 51min44
16 La cruauté retournée contre soi : 1 heure 57min01
17 L'Idéalisme et la Raison contre la vie : 2 heure 03min05
18 Nihilisme de l'homme sans Dieu : 2 heure 17min08
19 La décadence de l'Europe : 2 heure 25min11
20 La révolte contre le nihilisme : 2 heure 37min58
21 La voie du surhomme : 2 heure 42min53
22 Folie et grandeur de Nietzsche : 3 heure 02min34

