November 2019

Saturday 23 November 2019

Carlos Whitlock Porter - No culpable en el proceso de Nuremberg

Carlos Whitlock Porter No culpable en el proceso de Nuremberg.jpg

Compre la versión en papel del libro - Amazon - The Book Patch
Carlos Whitlock Porter - No culpable en el proceso de Nuremberg
Los argumentos de la defensa

Las personas desinformadas consideran que los « Procesos de criminales de guerra de Nuremberg » son la prueba definitiva de la culpabilidad de los dirigentes alemanes antes y durante la II Guerra Mundial. Las transcripciones del proceso, sin embargo, nos ofrecen una historia bien diferente.
Este volumen contiene los argumentos de la defensa expuestos por los diversos imputados en los procesos. Demuestra que los mismos rompieron con cualquier jurisprudencia existente hasta entonces así como en la admisión de pruebas.
A la defensa se le prohibió el derecho de contra-interrogar a los « testigos », documentos claramente falsificados fueron admitidos como auténticos sin rechistar y las evidencias que indicaban el uso de la tortura sobre los sospechosos fueron rechazadas por orden de los jueces.
Además, las manifiestas contradicciones en los argumentos de la acusación (que echaba en cara a los alemanes haber observado el mismo comportamiento mostrado por los Aliados durante la guerra), junto a los convincentes contra argumentos de los mismos acusados, ofrecen una visión fascinante de estas acciones de linchamiento judicial de 1946, disfrazadas de « procesos ».

Carlos Whitlock Porter - Requiem for Rhodesia
Carlos Whitlock Porter - Non-coupable au procés de Nuremberg
Carlos Whitlock Porter - Made in Russia : The Holocaust VOSTFR

Carlos Whitlock Porter - PDF

Else Löser - The image of the Germans in Polish literature
Else Löser - Pologne et les falsifications de l'histoire polonaise

Carlos Whitlock Porter - No culpable en el proceso de Nuremberg.jpg

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Thies Christophersen - Le mensonge d'Auschwitz

Thies Christophersen - Le mensonge d'Auschwitz.jpg

Thies Christophersen - Le mensonge d'Auschwitz

Un ancien soldat allemand qui était à Rajsko (camp satellite d’Auschwitz) pendant la guerre nous dit ce qu’il y a vu et ce qu’il n’y a pas vu. Son témoignage lui a valu des ennuis sans nombre. Un classique du révisionnisme des années soixante-dix.
Traduction revue et corrigée.

Thies Christophersen, né le 27 janvier 1918 à Kiel et mort le 13 février 1997 à Molfsee, est un auteur et militant révisionniste, ancien membre de la Waffen-SS durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Après la guerre, Thies Christophersen crée une association néo-nazie, la Bürger-und Bauerninitiative (BBI)2, ainsi qu'une petite maison d'édition, Nordwind. Il y publie en 1973 une brochure intitulée Le Mensonge d'Auschwitz (Die Auschwitz Lüge pour la version originale, Auschwitz : Truth or Lie dans sa première version en anglais, publiée au Canada).
Thies Christophersen y affirme en particulier qu'en 1944, se trouvant à si peu de distance du camp d'Auschwitz et ayant une fois visité Birkenau, il aurait été au courant des meurtres de masse, mais qu'il n'en fut jamais témoin ou informé ; quant à la « sélection » (qui désignait ceux immédiatement destinés à la chambre à gaz), il ne s'agissait que de permettre le choix et l'affectation de ceux qui allaient travailler. Il décrit également Auschwitz comme une sorte de « centre de villégiature » où les détenus pouvaient, après leur travail, faire de la natation, de la musique ou aller au bordel du camp.

Thies Christophersen - PDF

Thies Christophersen - Auschwitz : Truth or lie
Thies Christophersen - Manfred Roeder - Auschwitz

Richard Verrall - Did six million really die ? - AudioBook
Carlo Mattogno - Auschwitz Le premier gazage

Thies Christophersen - mensonge d'Auschwitz.jpg

Monday 18 November 2019

François Trocase - L'Autriche juive

François Trocase Autriche juive.jpg

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François Trocase - L'Autriche juive
L'Autriche Contemporaine telle qu'elle est :
Politique, Économique, Militaire et Sociale

En 1848, l’empereur François-Joseph (1830-1916) monte sur le trône de ses ancêtres. Aussitôt, il abroge les sages mesures éloignant les Juifs des territoires de l’Empire des Habsbourgs, alors le plus florissant d’Europe.
Commence la longue descente aux enfers qui va conduire l’empire austro-hongrois vers la catastrophe finale de la Première guerre mondiale. Sous les dehors d’une aristocratie d’opérette guidée à son insu et grâce au pouvoir corrupteur de l’argent facile vers les plaisirs émollients et le faste dépensier, le nouveau pouvoir financier tire les ficelles et met le pays en coupe réglée.
Jamais le sinistre dicton : « la guerre est la moisson du Juif », ne se manifestera de manière aussi dramatique que durant cette longue période de décadence. L’Autriche perd alors toutes ses batailles (Solferino, Sadowa), ses plus riches provinces (Lombardie, Vénétie) et ses princes-héritiers (Rodolphe et François-Ferdinand) sont éliminés par des mains criminelles dans d’obscures circonstances.
Publié en 1899, l’ouvrage de François Trocase décrit sans fard l’Autriche de la dernière moitié du XIXe siècle sur le plan politique, économique, militaire et social.
Rarement écrivain au monde n’aura vu ses prédictions aussi totalement réalisées.
L’Autriche juive mérite de ce fait une notoriété équivalente à celles des fameux Protocoles des Sages de Sion, sur lesquels il présente l’avantage d’une authenticité qui ne souffre aucune discussion.


François Trocase, correspondant de presse français en poste à Vienne au cours des dernières années du XIXe siècle, nous est resté inconnu, comme cela arrive habituellement à ceux qu’Israël ne voit pas d’un œil favorable.
Léon de Poncins le cite d’abondance dans livre Israël destructeur d’Empires.

Hébraïsme - PDF
Kalixt de Wolski - La Russie juive
Pour plus d'information

François Trocase L'Autriche juive.jpg

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Louis Ferdinand Céline - Pamphlets

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Louis Ferdinand Céline - Pamphlets

Bagatelles pour un massacre - 1937
Les beaux draps - 1941
L'école des cadavres - 1938
Mea Culpa - 1936

Acheter la version papier de Bagatelles pour un massacre
Acheter la version papier de Les beaux draps
Acheter la version papier de L'école des cadavres
Acheter la version papier de Mea Culpa

Bagatelles pour un massacre - 1937
La démocratie partout et toujours, n’est jamais que le paravent de la dictature juive.

Les beaux draps - 1941
Ça y est ! Il paraît que tout change qu’on est maintenant dans les façons, la Rédemption, les bonnes manières, la vraie vertu. Faudra surveiller son langage. Y a des décrets aussi pour ça. Je suis passé en Correctionnelle, faut pas que ça recommence ! Surtout ne dénommons personne ! Rien que des idées générales !

L'école des cadavres - 1938
Les juifs, racialement, sont des monstres, des hybrides, des loupés tiraillés qui doivent disparaître. Dans l’élevage humain, ce ne sont, tout bluff à part, que bâtards gangréneux, ravageurs, pourrisseurs. Le juif n’a jamais été persécuté par les aryens. Il s’est persécuté lui-même. Il est le damné des tiraillements de sa viande d’hybride.

Mea Culpa - 1936
Il me manque encore quelques haines. Je suis certain qu’elles existent.

Louis Ferdinand Céline - PDF

Louis Ferdinand Céline.jpg

Thursday 7 November 2019

Carlos Whitlock Porter - Requiem for Rhodesia

Porter Carlos Whitlock Requiem for Rhodesia.jpg

Buy the paper version of the book - Book Depository - The Book Patch
Carlos Whitlock Porter - Requiem for Rhodesia

From the Bantu Education Blog :
“In re-reading this brilliant essay one should be reminded that the author was only 26 years old at the time and had not been brought up in Africa. Considering that, it is truly remarkable that he could have been so unfashionably ‘illiberal’ and so insightful into the African psyche.”

From the New Rhodesian Forum :
“He was dead on.”
“I hope more people read it, and think about how things have turned out.”
“Excellent summary of the situation as it was at that time.”
“A fact-packed read that is very hard to digest.”
“A sobering lengthy read...In Africa today cities and towns that once were models of grace, order, efficiency and development have either turned into sprawling urban crime-ridden slums with gridlocked traffic jams, or are decaying quietly away as the jungle and wilderness slowly reclaim what once was theirs.”

Carlos Whitlock Porter was born in 1947 in California in a family of Navy officers and lawyers. C.W. Porter studied in Europe, and is a professional translator and member of the Institute of Linguists. Since 1976, he has studied the Holocaust and war crimes trials with detailed patience and precision, including the related questions of law, toxicology and chemistry. Concerning the International Military Tribunal trial records, C.W. Porter's work exposes these kangaroo courts to have been absurd and hideous miscarriages of justice. The Nuremberg Trial records would be hysterically funny if they were not responsible for over fifty years of suffering and injustice. His main works are "Made in Russia: The Holocaust" and "Not Guilty at Nuremberg".

Carlos Whitlock Porter - PDF

Trevor Grundy - Bernard Miller - The farmer at war
Robin Moore - The Crippled Eagles

Friday 1 November 2019

Else Löser - The image of the Germans in Polish literature

The image of the Germans in the Polish literature.jpg

Buy the paper version of the book - Amazon - The Book Patch
Else Löser - The image of the Germans in Polish literature
Poland and Falsifications of Polish History

This book, based on the author's firsthand analysis of the sources, offers an excellent analysis of a much neglected topic. The author succeeds in correcting the one-sided and prejudicial views regarding German-Polish relations and conflicts which have long dominated the discussion, both in the media and in historical research. The book gives us a powerful insight into the forces at work that would ultimately result in the genocide of the Eastern German populations of Pomerania and Silesia. To deepen one's understanding of the issues, and to put this account in a wider context, I suggest reading David Hoggan's The Forced War, Alfred-Maurice de Zayas' A Terrible Revenge : The Ethnic Cleansing of the East European Germans, and Thomas Goodrich's Hellstorm : The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947. Each of these books are unique in each way. Brian Porter's When Nationalism Began to Hate is also very instructive.

The author of these texts was an ethnic German, born, raised and educated in the territories surrendered to Poland under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, or, in some cases, seized by the Poles by force, in violation of a plebiscite. The author's brother was murdered in the infamous "Bromberg Sunday" massacres of 3 September 1939, committed according to exact address lists of all ethnic Germans, prepared and distributed long in advance; her parents disappeared and were presumably murdered by the Poles or Russians in the spring of 1945.
Absolutely bilingual in both Polish and German, the author dedicated her life to a comparative study of Polish and German history and literature. The information presented here, in English translation, in book form for the first time, is otherwise available only in relatively inaccessible or highly difficult and complicated works written by specialists, almost never in English. The Image of the Germans in Polish Literature is an absolutely unique piece of literature - to my knowledge the only work of its kind in English - providing a unique insight into events and mentalities which continue to produce repercussions to this day.

These texts are essential reading for anyone interested, not only in the causes of the Second World War, but in arriving at an understanding of certain German actions and attitudes which would otherwise be incomprehensible. Any equation has two sides.

Carlos W. Porter

Front cover : The German in this illustration is depicted as fat, brutal, beastly - a monster. The Pole, by contrast, is slim, resolute - the picture of nobility.

Else Löser - Pologne et les falsifications de l'histoire polonaise

From the Author
Relatively little is known about the author's life apart from what she reveals in her writings. I had the honour of meeting the author personally. In 1996, she sent me a very generous check for my translation of The Image of the Germans in Polish Literature, a check which I had the equal honour of returning uncashed, as I had already been paid a much smaller sum by someone else.

She invited me to her home, a small but beautifully furnished and spotlessly clean bungalow in Kaiserslautern, where I met a number of other people, had tea, dinner, and spent the night.
The author was every inch a lady : tall, slim, erect, almost statuesque, meticulously dressed and groomed, with a magnificent shock of snow-white hair. She never mentioned a husband or children; I had the impression (perhaps it was my intuition) that she was a retired civil servant, living comfortably, with a good pension. The only thing she revealed about her life personally was that her parents had been murdered; she never found out how they died.

In Polen-Deutschland 1939 : Wie kam es zum Krieg ? Wer hat wen überfallen ? (Poland-Germany 1939 : What Caused the War ? Who Attacked Whom?), p. 11, she describes these events as follows :
"I, too, knew, in 1939, what would happen to the Germans if war came. We, my parents and myself, left Poland for Danzig in the summer of 1936, while my brother stayed behind with his family in Bromberg. In March 1939, we received a letter from him stating that drunken Polish officers had been heard bragging in bars that they would 'wade in German blood' as soon as war broke out, and that precise address lists of all ethnic Germans had already been prepared for the purpose - a precise reflection of the publications of the 'Great Power League' in 1929 and 1937, bragging that 'the world would tremble' in the event of a German-Polish war, in which 'there would be no room for human feeling'.

"This is how it happened. My brother was found with bullet wounds through the breast, his face so badly smashed in that he appeared to have been trampled on with hob-nailed boots.

"My parents paid for their German ethnicity with their lives, too - but only in early 1945, when the Poles saw the possibility of wreaking their long-announced revenge. We returned from Danzig to Bromberg in December 1939. When the Russians moved westwards in 1945, the Poles published a new slogan, for the purpose of mobilizing the mob: 'Reichs Germans pack your bags, ethnic Germans buy your coffins'.

"The Poles later claimed that the murder orgy in Bromberg (on 3 September 1939) was in reprisal for the German attack (on 1 September 1939). This is completely out of the question for any thinking person.

"The war began on 1 September, while Bromberg Bloody Sunday began on Sunday morning about 10 o'clock, when the incited mob exited the churches, in which they had been provided with arms. It is simply impossible to draw up and distribute exact address lists of the entire German population in only 2 days, issuing instructions to the population to fall upon their former neighbours and murder them like wild beasts. The guilt of the Polish clergy was proven long ago. It was the clergy who incited the population during their church services, claiming that the Germans were the enemies of Poland and the Catholic Poles. The hatred came from the Polish clergy. Not one jot or title of that guilt can be blotted out.

"But, of course, they won't admit that. They twist their murderous deeds of 3 September 1939 in such as way as to claim that the Germans murdered 20,000 Poles in Bromberg, that the Germans shot at Poles from windows and church towers and made a game out of hunting Poles. A monument to these 20,000 Poles was even put up in Bromberg in their honour.

"But the German population was unarmed and stayed home or in hiding. German military personnel only occupied the city on 5 September. Only the rapid intervention of German military formations prevented the certain death of all the ethnic Germans who had not already been murdered in 1939. But the plan was to murder all Germans..."

It is to her memory that this slim volume is respectfully dedicated.

Carlos W. Porter, translator.

Carlos Whitlock Porter - PDF
Thomas Goodrich - Tempête infernale

Löser Else The image of the Germans in the Polish literature.jpg