Scott Makufka alias Victor Thorn est mort
Repose en paix Scott
Après Michael Collins Piper c'est Scott Makufka, connus sous son nom de plume Victor Thorn, qui est retrouvé mort chez lui (mort par balles).
Les journalistes combattant pour la vérité et la liberté aux Etats-Unis sont éliminés les uns après les autres. Leurs travaux ont entre autres permis de suffisamment déstabiliser les Clinton pour que ces derniers en viennent à les éliminer.
Quelques travaux de Victor Thorn
Author Victor Thorn found dead of apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound
ed note–at this point the info is scant, but the ‘official’ story is that Victor apparently took his own life.
I knew Victor fairly well and in years past had worked with him very closely. It is safe to say that for obvious reasons this development is very painful to learn about, and whether indeed it was a suicide as the ‘official’ explanation states or whether there is something more nefarious involved as it relates to this year’s election and the obvious gigantic struggle taking place between Trump and Clinton, the one piece of wisdom we can take from it is the following–
Those of us who live our lives in the center of the bull’s eye in fighting this fight deal with incredible pressures, disappointments, discouragements, to say nothing of the very real dangers we face every day while doing it. This is something that those out there who merely participate in this ‘movement’ from a passive position, i.e. by reading articles/books written by those operating at the center of the bull’s eye, listening to interviews, etc, simply do not understand. We live our lives with a target painted on our backs and do so while receiving very little support from those who benefit from our work, while at the same time knowing that any moment, the worst can come our way in the form of trumped up criminal charges, violence against us and against our families, to say nothing of the daily task we all face in dealing with the nutters in this ‘movement’ who sit behind their computers all day long and make a difficult and dangerous job all the more so.
However this pans out, our respects to Victor and our condolences for whatever it was he went through that brought him to this point.
RIP VICTOR THORN : 1962 - 2016
ED Noor: It is with a very heavy heart that I post this piece regarding the death of one of the great writer/researchers of our times, Victor Thorn. Here is the announcement from AFP but expect updates as they come, simply because personally, I don’t think this was a suicide. Prolific writers are prone to leaving notes. His family could possibly be simply terrorized knowing the dangers Victor lived with and could have brought into their homes. I can only say that over the years I always enjoyed reading the work of this great man. He was honest, hard hitting,, to the point, truly a great contributor to the real truth. Yes, he was a staunch enemy of the usual suspects not to mention one of Hillary and Bill’s most prominent and dangerous critics. Whatever the story, Victor Thorn, you are with some of the other greats now. Oh, what stories you all have to tell each other! Rest in peace.
Prominent AFP Clinton Researcher Found Dead
AFP investigative reporter, prominent Clinton researcher, and prolific author Victor Thorn was found dead, the apparent victim of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
By the Staff at AFP - Prolific author, AMERICAN FREE PRESS writer and seasoned Clinton researcher Victor Thorn was found at the top of a mountain near his home, the apparent victim of a gunshot wound. Family and some close friends contend Thorn took his own life on his birthday, August 1. Thorn would have been 54.
At the peak of his writing career, the author of some 20 books and 30 chapbooks, Thorn had reported for this newspaper for over a decade, writing thousands of articles on myriad subjects from conspiracy to health-related topics. Best known for his investigate research on the Clintons, Thorn wrote the Clinton trilogy ~ three definitive works that delved into the history of the power couple including their sordid scandals, Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults of multiple women, and the drug running out of Mena, Arkansas while Clinton was governor of the state.
Besides writing for AFP, Thorn published the works of numerous writers in the alternative media such as Michael Collins Piper, Adam Gorightly, Mark Glenn, John Kaminski and Joan d’Arc, while also producing five CDs and DVDs, one of which is a five-disc collection that covers the John F. Kennedy assassination.
Thorn also served as the editor of five anthologies, and his political articles have appeared in various newspapers around the country.
In February 2001, Thorn founded Babel magazine, an online publication that ran until early 2004 and featured some of the first articles devoted to the 9-11 conspiracy.
One of his books, The New World Order Exposed, was translated and published in Japan in 2006, while 9-11 on Trial has been republished by Progressive Press, and was also released in France to coincide with the fifth anniversary of 9-11.
After co-hosting “The Victor Thorn Show” on the Reality Radio Network from 2002-2003, in February 2004, Thorn co-founded WING TV (World Independent News Group), a daily Internet television and radio talk show viewed in over 100 countries worldwide.
Thorn has also made hundreds of different radio appearances (including “Coast-to-Coast AM” and “The Lionel Show” on WOR 710 in New York City) and has done weekly one-hour news updates on Alex Merklinger’s “Mysteries of the Mind,” while also appearing weekly on Vyzygoth’s “From the Grassy Knoll” and Frank Whalen’s “Frankly Speaking Radio.”
Thorn has been an avid political activist who spoke at the OKC Bombing 10th anniversary, as well as before the America First Party.
He has also protested in six different states, not to mention at Ground Zero on several occasions and in front of the White House in Washington, D.C.
Some supporters have voiced concerns that yet another prominent critic of the Clintons has turned up dead - this time just after Hillary Clinton secured the Democratic nomination.
Family has countered that there was no evidence of foul play at the scene and that Thorn most likely took his own life.
At this time, however, we are looking into all possibilities. The recent release of Crowning Clinton: Why Hillary Shouldn’t Be in the White House and the Hillary (And Bill) trilogy, which has been selling off the shelves at AFP recently - exposing all the dirty secrets the Clintons have tried so hard to conceal over the years - certainly provides a motive for murder.
Thorn recently had some startling success with his research and writing. At the end of 2015, coauthors Roger Stone and Robert Morrow dedicated their book The Clintons’ War on Women to Victor, and in the early part of 2016, a prominent publisher in Poland purchased the rights to translate and sell Thorn’s Clinton trilogy.
If, in fact, Thorn was taken out by the Clintons, we will, sadly, have to add Thorn’s name to the long list of Clinton victims to be found in Thorn’s own masterpiece, Hillary (And Bill): The Murder Volume.
Rest in Peace.
Victor Thorn was a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and author of over 50 books.