January 2014

Friday 31 January 2014

Harry Elmer Barnes - Who started world war one ?

Harry Elmer Barnes - Who started world war one ?
An unbiased analysis of the causes and mitigating factors of World War One from the father of historical Revisionism

World War One : It was the first of the devastating modern wars, involving nations from across the globe and resulting in millions of casualties - both civilians and soldiers.
"The Germans started the war" - that is what we have been told by those who wrote the history of World War I. But how much blame should Germany really bear ?
And what about Austria-Hungary, England, Russia, Belgium, Italy and France ? What was the complex set of circumstances that blew out of control after the assassination of an archduke of Austria-Hungary ? What other options were left to the nations involved ? How did England and Germany get involved in these matters ? And why were Russia and France so eager for a fight ?
Follow along as Revisionist historian Harry Elmer Barnes walks us through the complex history of the time - from the perspective of each of the participant nations - and makes it easy to determine who started WWI.
This book contains additional information on : the Serbian plot; France & Russia war preparations; Austria's plans to act against Serbia; Russia's moves toward war; France encourages Russian mobilization; Germany endeavors to preserve peace; England's refusal to restrain France & Russia; the war in Italy & Belgium; Dr. Barnes' conclusion; how the United States became involved.

Harry Elmer Barnes - PDF

Thursday 30 January 2014

Thomas William Rolleston - Myths and legends of the celtic race

Thomas William Rolleston - Myths and legends of the celtic race


The Past may be forgotten, but it never dies. The elements which in the most remote times have entered into a nation's composition endure through all its history, and help to mould that history, and to stamp the character and genius of the people.
The examination, therefore, of these elements, and the recognition, as far as possible, of the part they have actually contributed to the warp and weft of a nation's life, must be a matter of no small interest and importance to those who realise that the present is the child of the past, and the future of the present; who will not regard themselves, their kinsfolk, and their fellow citizens as mere transitory phantoms, hurrying from darkness into darkness, but who know that, in them, a vast historic stream of national life is passing from its distant and mysterious origin towards a future which is largely conditioned by all the past wanderings of that human stream, but which is also, in no small degree, what they, by their courage, their patriotism, their knowledge, and their understanding, choose to make it.
The part played by the Celtic race as a formative influence in the history, the literature, and the art of the people inhabiting the British Islands − a people which from that centre has spread its dominions over so vast an area of the earth's surface − has been unduly obscured in popular thought. For this the current use of the term "Anglo−Saxon" applied to the British people as a designation of race is largely responsible. Historically the term is quite misleading. There is nothing to justify this singling out of two Low−German tribes when we wish to indicate the race character of the British people. The use of it leads to such absurdities as that which the writer noticed not long ago, when the proposed elevation by the Pope of an Irish bishop to a cardinalate was described in an English newspaper as being prompted by the desire of the head of the Catholic Church to pay a compliment to "the Anglo−Saxon race."
The true term for the population of these islands, and for the typical and dominant part of the population of North America, is not Anglo−Saxon, but Anglo−Celtic. It is precisely in this blend of Germanic and Celtic elements that the British people are unique − it is precisely this blend which gives to this people the fire, the elan, and in literature and art the sense of style, colour, drama, which are not common growths of German soil, while at the same time it gives the deliberateness and depth, the reverence for ancient law and custom, and the passion for personal freedom, which are more or less strange to the Romance nations of the South of Europe. May they never become strange to the British Islands ! Nor is the Celtic element in these islands to be regarded as contributed wholly, or even very predominantly, by the populations of the so called "Celtic Fringe." It is now well known to ethnologists that the Saxons did not by any means exterminate the Celtic or Celticised populations whom they found in possession of Great Britain. Mr. E. W. B. Nicholson, librarian of the Bodleian, writes in his important work "Keltic Researches" (1904) :
"Names which have not been purposely invented to describe race must never be taken as proof of race, but only as proof of community of language, or community of political organisation. We call a man who speaks English, lives in England, and bears an obviously English name (such as Freeman or Newton), an Englishman. Yet from the statistics of 'relative nigrescence' there is good reason to believe that lancashire, West Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Worcester−shire, Warwickshire, Leicestershire, Rutland, Cambridgeshire, Wiltshire, Somerset, and part of Sussex are as Keltic as Perthshire and North Munster ; that Cheshire, Shropshire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire, Gloucestershire, Devon, Dorset, Northamptonshire, Huntingdonshire, and Bedfordshire are more so−and equal to North Wales and Leinster; while Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire exceed even this degree, and are on a level with South Wales and Ulster." (In reference to the name "Freeman," Mr. Nicholson adds : No one was more intensely 'English' in his sympathies than the great historian of that name, and probably no one would have more strenuously resisted the suggestion that he might be of Welsh descent ; yet I have met his close physical counterpart in a Welsh farmer (named Evans) living within a few minutes of Pwllheli.")
It is, then, for an Anglo−Celtic, not an "Anglo−Saxon," people that this account of the early history, the religion, and the mythical and romantic literature of the Celtic race is written. It is hoped that that people will find in it things worthy to be remembered as contributions to the general stock of European culture, but worthy above all to be borne in mind by those who have inherited more than have any other living people of the blood, the instincts and the genius of the Celt.

For more documentations

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Daniel Kimon - La pathologie de l'Islam et les moyens de le détruire

Daniel Kimon - La pathologie de l'Islam et les moyens de le détruire
Etude psychologique - 1897

Définition des sociétés Aryennes & des sociétés sémitiques
Islamisme - Mahomet - Le Koran - Le Fatalisme - L'Osmanisme
Solution de la question arménienne

S'il existe dans le monde une entreprise difficile entre toutes, c'est celle de vouloir faire connaître à la France la composition de l'Islam, Mahomet, la religion musulmane et la politique des Turcs. C'est une œuvre herculéenne devant laquelle on recule à première vue;
c'est la description d'un chaos mobile où s'agitent des légendes pour toutes les controverses, où, à chaque pas, tout change et se transforme, comme si l'on regardait des formes étourdissantes dans un gigantesque kaléïdoscope.

Pour plus d'informations
Ouvrages de Daniel Kimon

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Georges M. Theil - Heresy

Georges M. Theil - Heresy
A case of insubmission to the “Holocaust” dogma
With a preface by Robert Faurisson

A schoolboy born during the war is considered highly gifted both in the sciences and in letters, and sees a very promising future opening up before him. Fate is to decide otherwise.
He enters adolescence learning that his father was shot to death in obscure circumstances one day in April 1944. And the First World War had already killed his father’s father.
Then other deaths in the family weigh on the boy.
The time comes for painful, piercing questions. What is the meaning of these deaths, these wars and, in particular, these Franco-German carnages?
Why in 1870, 1914, 1939, were so many Frenchmen sent to their deaths in order to kill Germans ?
Why had there been that trial at Nuremberg ? By what right had the butchers of the winning side sat in judgement of the defeated and condemned them to death ?
Are we in the presence of a curse ? Of a taboo ? And does there no longer exist the right to ask questions about certain things ? To re-examine history ? Why have we needed a law for the repression of sceptics ? Who wanted this to happen ?
Questions. Answers. Encounters. A mind that searches. A heart that is stirred. A life turned upside down.
A man unsubdued and pure of heart wants to believe that, at the dawn of the third millennium, a free and open debate on the most tragic page of the twentieth century will at last be joined.

Original Title : Un Cas d’insoumission : Comment on devient révisionniste (Samizdat Publications, 2002)

Translated from the French by Nuovo Ordine Europeo, Trieste, Italy

Historical Review Press Sussex, England 2006.

Georges Theil en français

Monday 27 January 2014

Emeutes urbaines - Urban riots - Divers ouvrages

Emeutes urbaines - Urban riots - Divers ouvrages

Pour plus de documentation :
Survie sur Aryana Libris
Armes et explosifs sur Aryana Libris

Voir aussi : Arts Martiaux - Divers ouvrages

Tobiason Timothy W. - Identifying undercover activity and agents
US Army - An infantryman's guide to combat in built-up areas
Urbano - Fighting in the Streets
Benson Ragnar - The Modern Survival Retreat
Wimberley Scott - Special forces guerrilla warfare manual
Marighella Carlos - Manuel de Guerilla Urbaine
Benson Ragnar - David's Tool Kit
Benson Ragnar - Ragnar's ten best traps
Benson Ragnar - Breath of the Dragon
Benson Ragnar - Mantrapping
Benson Ragnar - New and Improved C-4
Benson Ragnar - Homemade Detonators
Benson Ragnar - Ragnar's guide to home and recreational use of high explosives
Benson Ragnar - The most dangerous game
Benson Ragnar - Homemade C-4 A Recipe for Survival
Benson Ragnar - Home-built Claymore Mines
Benson Ragnar - Modern weapons caching
Benson Ragnar - Ragnar's urban survival
Benson Ragnar - Switchblades
Benson Ragnar - Homemade grenade launchers
Benson Ragnar - Big Book of Homemade weapons
Examen professionnel brigadier - Chef de police Unité de valeur n° 1
Guerre spéciale : Les caches
SS Werwolf Combat instruction manual
MacInaugh Edmond A. - Disguise technique
Sample John - Methods of disguise
Werner David - Là où il n'y a pas de docteur
Macaba - The road back
Wells Robert - The anarchist handbook
Thompson Leroy - Survival fighting knives
Thompson Leroy - Bodyguard manual
MacYoung Marc - Cheap shots, ambushes and other lessons
Cooper Jeff - Principles of personal defense
Boye David - Step-by-step knifemaking
Omar Ralf Dean - Prison killing techniques
Eriksen Ronald George - Getaway
Tyrode Yves - Manuel de survie
Darman Peter - The survival handbook
Instructor's special forces demolitions
England James - Long range patrol operations
Applegate Rex - Scouting and patrolling
French foreign legion Mines and booby traps
French foreign legion Paratrooper combat manual
Kearney Jack - Tracking
KGB Alpha team training manual
Wujcik Erick - The palladium book of weapons and assassins
Terrill Bret - Dierkers Greg - The Unofficial MacGyver How-to Handbook
Le contrôle d'identité
The seditionist - Leaderless resistance
Fm 1-1000 - Field manual of the white army
Tobiason Timothy W. - Scientific Principles of Improvised Warfare and Home Defense Volume 1
Tobiason Timothy W. - Scientific Principles of Improvised Warfare and Home Defense Volume 2
Tobiason Timothy W. - Scientific Principles of Improvised Warfare and Home Defense Volume 3
Tobiason Timothy W. - Scientific Principles of Improvised Warfare and Home Defense Volume 4
Tobiason Timothy W. - Scientific Principles of Improvised Warfare and Home Defense Volume 5
Tobiason Timothy W. - Scientific Principles of Improvised Warfare and Home Defense Volume 6
Albrecht Katherine - McIntyre Liz - Spychips
Westmoreland George - How to start and train a militia unit
FM 6-2003 Ethnic Cleansing Operations
Training handbook of the american underground
Tactics used in Vietnam
Lott John R. - More guns Less crime
100 Ways To Disappear And Live Free
Giannou Christos - Baldan Marco - La chirurgie de guerre
Nelson William N. - Catlow Stanley A. - Methods of long term underground storage
Levy Bert - Guerrilla warfare
Le guide juridique du militant
Von Dach Bern H. - Total resistance
Feldenkrais Moshe - Practical unarmed combat
San Giorgio Piero - Survivre à l'effondrement économique
US Army - Counter Sniper Guide
Hammer Carl - Expedient B & E Tactics and techniques for bypassing alarms and defeating locks
Gonzales Jo Jo - Death By Deception Advanced Improvised Booby Traps
Feral Rex - Hit man
Connor Michael - How to hide anything
Carson Jake - Social Chaos Survival Guide
Guide du Manifestant arrêté
Solar General - Drop the list !
Manuel de survie en garde à vue
Les différentes étapes émotionnelles de la garde-à-vue
Holmes Bill - Home workshop prototype firearms
Harber David - Assorted nasties
Lecker Seymour - Incendiaries Advanced improvised explosives
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Harber David - The anarchist arsenal
U.S. secret service bomb book
Turner Stephen - Terrorist explosive sourcebook
Mayhem Jonny - Prepper's underground guide to improvised weapons !
Holmes Bill - The 50-Caliber rifle construction manual
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DeForest M. J. - Principles of improvised explosive devices
Automatic and concealable firearms design book Volume 1
Automatic and concealable firearms design book Volume 2
Minnery John - Kill without joy The complete how to kill book
Lecker Seymour - Homemade semtex
James Frank W. - Effective handgun defense
Thorn Ralph - Combat knife throwing
US Army - Shooting to live
Wallace George B. - Knife handling for self defense
Hibben Gil - The complete knife throwing guide
Campbell Sid - Ninja shuriken throwing
Applegate Rex - Combat use of the double-edged fighting knife
Matsuyama F. A. - How to use the Yawara stick
Operator's manual for AK-47 assault rifle
Plaster John L. - The ultimate sniper
Quattrocchi Vito - The sicilian blade
Terzuola Bob - The tactical folding knife
Pinette Joseph - École du tirailleur ou Maniement de la baïonnette
Champion Paul - La dynamite et la nitroglycérine
Wallace William - FMX The Revised Black Book
US Army - Military explosives
US Army - Guide to selected Viet Cong equipment and explosive devices
Uncle Fester - Silent Death
Truby J. David - Zips, pipes, and pens Arsenal of improvised weapons
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Roger Jolly - Making Plastic Explosives from Bleach
Nbk2000 - Explosives and poisons guide
Mashiro N. - Black Medicine The Dark Art Of Death
Lewis Tim - Kitchen improvised fertilizer explosives
Lecker Seymour - Improvised Explosives
Holmes Bill - Silencers from the Home Workshop
Helm Louis - Anarchy Cookbook 2000
Farrel Bic - Backyard rocketry Converting model rockets into explosive missiles
Ellison D. Hank - Handbook of Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents
Commercial Explosives
CIA Explosives for Sabotage Manual
Black Book Companion
Poirier Raymond - Manuel de l'Artificier agricole
US Army - Pistol Marksmanship
Tir et instruction du tir
Mines et explosifs
Lemieux Pierre - Le droit de porter des armes
Fedoroff Basil T. - Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Vol 1 of 10
Fedoroff Basil T. - Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Vol 2 of 10
Fedoroff Basil T. - Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Vol 3 of 10
Fedoroff Basil T. - Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Vol 4 of 10
Fedoroff Basil T. - Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Vol 5 of 10
Fedoroff Basil T. - Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Vol 6 of 10
Fedoroff Basil T. - Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Vol 7 of 10
Kaye Seymour M. - Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Vol 8 of 10
Kaye Seymour M. - Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Vol 9 of 10
Kaye Seymour M. - Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Vol 10 of 10

Sunday 26 January 2014

Michel Dorier - Jean-Pierre Troadec - Les O.V.N.I.

Michel Dorier - Jean-Pierre Troadec - Les O.V.N.I.
Que sais-je ? 1985

On l’a constaté, le phénomène OVNI hante l’esprit des hommes depuis des dizaines et des dizaines d’années. L’étude de ses manifestations n’a vraiment commencé que durant la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. La première hypothèse qui a été développée était celle des voyageurs extra-terrestres. Aujourd’hui elle est remise en cause, et l’on s’oriente vers un modèle sociopsychologique, comme tentative d’explication. Mais on ne peut pas totalement éliminer la matérialité du phénomène ; des traces au sol sont découvertes, des photographies et des films sont réalisés, des détections radar sont enregistrées. Le phénomène OVNI, dans son aspect global, remet en cause certains de nos fondements philosophiques et physiques. Il constitue, sans aucun doute, un événement de la plus grande importance pour nos sociétés, à l’approche de l’an 2000. Son explication ou une prise de contact directe avec « sa cause » serait peut-être l’information la plus importante de ce siècle. Les années futures apporteront, cela n’est pas impossible, une réponse nette à cette énigme.

Pour plus de documentations


Version intégrale 3 heures

Téléfilm réalisé par Dan Curtis en 1992, et basé sur des faits réels : les « abductions » ou enlèvements extraterrestres.

Saturday 25 January 2014

Michael Cremo & Richard Thompson - The hidden history of the human race

Michael Cremo & Richard Thompson - The hidden history of the human race

Over the past centuries researchers have found bones and artifacts showing that people like ourselves existed on earth millions of years ago. But the scientific establishment has suppressed, ignored, or forgotten these remarkable facts. Why ? Because they contradict dominant views of human origins and antiquity.
Evolutionary prejudices, deeply held by powerful groups of scientists, have acted as what Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson call a "knowledge filter." And the filtering, intentional or not, has left us with a radically incomplete set of facts for building our ideas about human origins.
According to the authors, we have come to accept a picture of prehistory that is largely incorrect. The Hidden History of the Human Race is a call for a change in today's arbitrarily rigid mindset.
Deploying an unexpectedly great number of convincing facts, deeply illuminated with critical analysis, Cremo and Thompson challenge us to rethink our understanding of human origins, identity, and destiny.
In The Hidden History of the Human Race we accompany the authors on a fascinating intellectual expedition. We take part in the literary excavation of a vast store of hidden knowledge that adds a new dimension to our understanding of the history of our species.
This journey of exploration takes us across five continents to key archeological sites-some long forgotten, some the center of ongoing research. Along the way we encounter many famous and infamous pioneers of prehistoric research, all with secrets to share.
The Hidden History of the Human Race is bound to ignite controversy, challenging as it does one of the most fundamental components of the modern scientific world view. Meticulously researched and carefully written, it takes us to a crossroads of knowledge and invites us to take a courageous first step in a new direction of truth.

MICHAEL A. CREMO is an author and researcher specializing in the history and philosophy of science. His persistent investigations during the eight years of writing The Hidden History of the Human Race documented a major scientific cover-up.

RICHARD L. THOMPSON received his Ph.D. in mathematics from Cornell University. He is the author of scientific books and articles on evolutionary biology. In 1984, he initiated the intense research effort that culminated in the publishing of this book.

For more informations

Thursday 23 January 2014

Itsvan Bakony - Le communisme chinois et les juifs chinois

Impérialisme, Communisme & Judaïsme
Les trois forces qui dominent le monde

Acheter la version papier du livre
Itsvan Bakony - Le communisme chinois et les juifs chinois

Série de l’auteur Itsvan Bakony
Library of political secrets

La Bibliothèque des secrets politiques ajoute à sa collection les chapitres choisis du livre du chercheur hongrois, Itsvan Bakony, intitulé : «L’impérialisme, le communisme et le judaïsme, les Trois Forces qui dominent le monde».
La traduction de l’original hongrois a été réalisée à Paris en Janvier 1969 et a ensuite été mise à jour par l’auteur.
Le seul but de cette édition est de diffuser la vérité sur les grands secrets de la politique et des événements historiques transcendants qui se déroulent actuellement dans le monde.
Nous exhortons les patriotes de tous pays à diffuser ce travail au plus grand nombre de personnes possible. Réimprimez le, distribuez le librement. Ni l’auteur, ni le traducteur, et ni l’éditeur ont réservé des droits spéciaux. Ceux qui le veulent, peuvent reproduire ce livre, mais personnes ne peut prétendre réserver les droits exclusifs de l’auteur ou de l’édition.

Editions UDECAN

Itsvan Bakony - La paranoïa judaïque
Itsvan Bakony - La cinquième colonne juive au Japon
Itsvan Bakony - Les juifs cherchent à dominer les nègres
Itsvan Bakony - La cinquième colonne juive en Inde
Itsvan Bakony - La cinquième colonne juive dans l’Islam
Itsvan Bakony - Qu’est-ce que le judaïsme ?

Itsvan Bakony - Paranoid Judaism
Itsvan Bakony - Jews want to dominate the negroes
Itsvan Bakony - The jewish fifth column in India
Itsvan Bakony - The jewish fifth column in Islam
Itsvan Bakony - Chinese communism and chinese jews
Itsvan Bakony - What is judaism ?

Wednesday 22 January 2014

The Story of Civilization - Will Durant

Will and Ariel Durant - The Story of Civilization

PericlesThe Story of Civilization, by husband and wife Will and Ariel Durant, is an eleven-volume set of books covering Western history for the general reader. The volumes sold well for many years, and sets of them were frequently offered by book clubs.

The series was written over a span of more than four decades, and it totals four million words across nearly 10,000 pages, but is incomplete. In the first volume (Our Oriental Heritage, which covers the history of the East through 1933), Will Durant stated that he wanted to include the history of the West through the early 20th century. However, the series ends with The Age of Napoleon because the Durants both died in the 1980s – she in her 80s and he in his 90s – before they could complete additional volumes.

The first six volumes of The Story of Civilization are credited to Will Durant, with Ariel receiving recognition in the acknowledgements. In later volumes, beginning with The Age of Reason Begins, Ariel is credited as a co-author.

Volume 1 : Our Oriental Heritage
Volume 2 : The Life of Greece
Volume 3 : Caesar and Christ
Volume 4 : The Age of Faith
Volume 5 : The Renaissance
Volume 6 : The Reformation
Volume 7 : The Age of Reason Begins
Volume 8 : The Age of Louis XIV
Volume 9 : The Age of Voltaire
Volume 10 : Rousseau and Revolution
Volume 11 : Age of Napoleon

For more PDF

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Michel Sturdza - The suicide of Europe

Prince Michel Sturdza, born Mihail R. Sturdza and also known Michael Sturdza (August 28, 1886 to February 5, 1980) was a Romanian nobleman and diplomat.

Michel Sturdza - The suicide of Europe

Legion_of_the_Archangel_MichaelMichel Sturdza had several diplomatic posts in Vienna, Budapest and Washington and later in the 1920s was a diplomatic agent in multiple nations across Eastern Europe. In 1932, he negotiated with the Soviet Union for a non-agression pact with Romania but failed. As a nationalist conservative, Sturdza joined Corneliu Codreanu's Legionary Movement.
Due to these relations, he became the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania during the National Legionary State from September 14, 1940 to January 26, 1941 (although he was removed from this position by Ion Antonescu). While he worked for the Legionary State, he took part in making deals with Axis Nations, especially with the Third Reich. After Antonescu's coup which took down the Legionaries, Sturdza went with Horia Sima into exile, traveling across various European nations. He was briefly the Minister of Foreign Affairs again in Sima's Vienna government in 1944-45. After the end of World War II, he fled to Spain and finally to the United States, where he published his memoirs in 1968, a notable book titled The Suicide of Europe.

Monday 20 January 2014

Anthony James Gregor - National Socialism and race

Anthony James Gregor - National Socialism and race

This serious look at the racial policies of the 3rd Reich explains how the vague ideas of Adolf Hitler in the early years of his political struggle developed in the 1930s into an exaggerated obsession with Nordicism. This occured quite separately and with the disapproval of many of the National Socialist leaders. By the late1930s a far more rational view became official policy. The entire history of these developments are explained by Dr Gregor. What is important about this work is that it refutes the silly media and propaganda allegations by the court historians and demolishes all the lurid tales of "Blond beasts" and "Master races". Over 100 footnotes are provided giving references and sources.

For more informations


Sunday 19 January 2014

Aldo Colombo - Réussir ses semis comme un pro

Aldo Colombo - Réussir ses semis comme un pro
Bien choisir les graines - Maîtriser les différentes techniques
Suivre la germination - Transplanter et repiquer plants

Tous les jardiniers, aguerris ou amateurs, le disent : faire ses propres semis procure une satisfaction intense, mais c'est un art délicat.

Aldo Colombo, horticulteur passionné, vous guidera dans l'apprentissage - si technique - de l'ensemencement. Il procède, étape par étape :
- comment choisir les graines;
- quand et comment opérer;
- quelle partie de la plante prélever;
- quel mélange terreux préparer pour l'enracinement;
- quels soins apporter aux semis...

Et, parce que faire des semis c'est aussi connaître les plantes et leur classification et choisir parmi les différentes techniques de multiplication, l'auteur aborde ces points incontournables de façon claire et pédagogique.

Pratique et technique, ce manuel, qui vous apprendra les termes spécifiques, vous accompagnera tout au long de cette phase si réjouissante du jardinage où l'on observe s'épanouir jour après jour le fruit de son travail.

Aldo Colombo est diplômé en sciences agricoles ; il a travaillé pendant des années dans le secteur de la floriculture. Il a également une longue expérience en tant que collaborateur d'un des plus grands magazines du secteur. Il a créé en Italie sa maison d'édition spécialisée en horticulture professionnelle.

Pour plus d'informations

Saturday 18 January 2014

Silver Shirt Legion of America - There is a jewish world plot Jews say so !

Silver Shirt Legion of America - There is a jewish world plot Jews say so !

Is there a world-wide Jewish conspiracy to overthrow all Christian institutions in favor of Judaism? Is Communism merely "Jewry in action"? Is the New Deal a Jewish expedient to pull the United States down to ruin, that organized Jewry, constituting only ten percent of our population, may take it over ?
The answer to these questions is


And here are their specific Agreements and Attestments.

A Challenge to the DIES COMMITTEE.

See also :
Silver Shirt Legion of America - The reds are upon us
William Dudley Pelley - Dupes of Judah A challenge to the american legion
William Dudley Pelley - The 45 questions most frequently asked about the jews
William Dudley Pelley - Undying mind
William Dudley Pelley - We offer you the scourge of cords

Thursday 16 January 2014

Ingo Swann - Penetration

Ingo Swann - Penetration
The question of extraterrestrial and human telepathy

In his 1998 autobiography Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy, Swann describes his work with individuals in an unknown agency who study extraterrestrials, his remote viewing of a secret E.T. base on the dark side of the moon and his "shocking" experience with a sexy scantily dressed female E.T. in a Los Angeles supermarket. He concludes that extraterrestrials are living on earth in humanoid bodies. A friend warns him that there are many extraterrestrials, that many are "bio-androids", and that they are aware their only foes on earth are psychics. While Swann and an individual known as "Mr. Axelrod" are secretly watching a UFO appear and suck up the water of a lake, they are discovered and attacked by the UFO. Swann is injured but is dragged to safety by his colleagues.

Ingo_Swann.jpgLe peintre new-yorkais Ingo Swann est l'auteur du protocole de Remote-viewing, d'abord expérimenté au SRI (Stanford Research Institute), avec les chercheurs Russel Targ & Harold Puthoff, avant de servir de base au Programme Stargate sur lequel la CIA avait engagé 20 millions de dollars entre les années 1970 et 1995 :
"Le projet Stargate a créé un ensemble de protocoles conçus pour faire des recherches plus scientifiques sur la clairvoyance et le voyage astral afin de minimiser autant que possible les bruits et les inexactitudes. Le terme «vision à distance» est apparu comme raccourci pour décrire cette approche plus structurée de la clairvoyance.
Une mission était confiée à Stargate seulement après que l'on ait épuisé toutes les autres méthodes ou approches de renseignement. À son apogée, Stargate comptait pas moins de 14 laboratoires de recherches sur la vision à distance."


Bob Dean - L'arrivée de Nibiru - 2008 VOSTFR
Une entrevue de Kerry Cassidy & Bill Ryan - Project Camelot / Project Avalon

Bob Dean - L'arrivee de Nibiru - PDF
Bob Dean - The coming of Nibiru - PDF

Michael Cremo & Richard Thompson - The hidden history of the human race

Zecharia Sitchin - PDF FR
Zecharia Sitchin - PDF EN

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Léon Degrelle - How Hitler consolidated power in Germany and launched a social revolution

Volksführer Léon Degrelle
How Hitler consolidated power in Germany and launched a social revolution

How Hitler consolidated power in Germany and launched a social revolutionWho Would End the Bankruptcy ?

"We have the power. Now our gigantic work begins."

Those were Hitler's words on the night of January 30, 1933, as cheering crowds surged past him, for five long hours, beneath the windows of the Chancellery in Berlin.
His political struggle had lasted 14 years. He himself was 43, that is, physically and intellectually at the peak of his powers. He had won over millions of Germans and organized them into Germany's largest and most dynamic political party, a party girded by a human rampart of hundreds of thousands of storm troopers, three fourths of them members of the working class. He had been extremely shrewd. All but toying with his adversaries, Hitler had, one after another, vanquished them all.
Standing there at the window, his arm raised to the delirious throng, he must have known a feeling of triumph. But he seemed almost torpid, absorbed, as if lost in another world.
It was a world far removed from the delirium in the street, a world of 65 million citizens who loved him or hated him, but all of whom, from that night on, had become his responsibility. And as he knew -- as almost all Germans knew at the end of January 1933 - this was a crushing, an almost desperate responsibility.
Half a century later, few people understand the crisis Germany faced at that time. Today, it's easy to assume that Germans have always been well-fed and even plump. But the Germans Hitler inherited were virtual skeletons.
During the preceding years, a score of "democratic" governments had come and gone, often in utter confusion. Instead of alleviating the people's misery, they had increased it, due to their own instability: it was impossible for them to pursue any given plan for more than a year or two. Germany had arrived at a dead end. In just a few years there had been 224,000 suicides -- a horrifying figure, bespeaking a state of misery even more horrifying.
By the beginning of 1933, the misery of the German people was virtually universal. At least six million unemployed and hungry workers roamed aimlessly through the streets, receiving a pitiful unemployment benefit of less than 42 marks per month. Many of those out of work had families to feed, so that altogether some 20 million Germans, a third of the country's population, were reduced to trying to survive on about 40 pfennigs per person per day.
Unemployment benefits, moreover, were limited to a period of six months. After that came only the meager misery allowance dispensed by the welfare offices.

Degrelle's ebooks
Hitler's ebooks

For more informations
The rest of us we have dreamed of something marvellous

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Michael Collins Piper - False flags

Michael Collins Piper - False flags

An analytical critique of the covert model utilized by the conspirators who orchestred 9-11, the Oklahoma bombing, the JFK assassination, Sandy Hook and Boston.

The "how" and "why" as never explained before...

Michael Collins Piper's controversial writing have been translated into multiple languages and distributed all over the world. False Flags may well be his most extraordinary work yet - a final judgement on the reality of modern terrorism...

In the works for over a decade, this is the one book that points the definitive finger of blame at the singular force behind the major terrorist conspiracies that have rocked America in modern times...
Don’t let them confuse you as they did with 9-11, the OKC bombing, and the JFK assassination...
Immediately after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy a few honest investigators began digging into what really happened on Nov. 22, 1963. In the years that followed, there was a deliberate attempt by the controlled Media Monopoly to smear the honest researchers at the same time a flood of misinformation and disinformation about the assassination was deliberately injected into the public domain.
All sorts of misleading “theories” and phony “research” muddied the waters, redirecting attention away from WHO was responsible and into focusing instead into endless competing and distracting arguments about HOW the assassination was carried out.
As a consequence, truth seekers got bogged down in complicated discussions about how many shots were fired, where those shots hit JFK and how many assassins were involved.
The same type of thing happened after the Oklahoma City bombing and then with 9-11 and it even took place during the past year in the wake of the tragedies at Sandy Hook and Boston.
There has been a plethora of theories relating largely to inconsequential details about how these conspiracies were orchestrated and the consequence has been that much of the independent research has become bogged down in forensic and scientific debate (much of it actually ill-founded).
The result is that even many Americans who suspect there’s something wrong with the U.S. government’s “official” versions of “what happened” in these cases begin to reject the idea that real conspiracies were behind these events. The truth seekers are dismissed as “nuts.”
Finally: the one full-length book that cuts to the chase and says WHO orchestrated these events and explains the “template for terror” and the insidious propaganda measures used to CONFUSE good Americans from ever seeing the truth.You’ll be astounded at what you learn...

More ebooks of Michael Collins Piper

Monday 13 January 2014

Charles Lucieto - Au pays de l'épouvante N° 3

Les coulisses de l’espionnage international

Les merveilleux exploits de James Nobody
Lucieto Charles - Au pays de l'épouvante N° 3

Une étrange disparition...

La nouvelle de la disparition de M. Lionel Walpool, le talentueux rédacteur du Daily Magazine, éclata comme un coup de foudre, et cela d’autant plus que, dès l’abord, elle s’entoura du plus angoissant des mystères...
Les faits, somme toute, permettaient toutes les suppositions, même les pires, et se pouvaient résumer ainsi :
Convoqué la veille au soir par sir Horace Londsale, son directeur, lequel lui avait demandé de rectifier l’un des alinéas de son article quotidien, Lionel Walpool s’y était énergiquement refusé et, après une discussion à laquelle avaient assisté la plupart de ses camarades de la rédaction, était parti en faisant claquer les portes.
Dix minutes plus tard, par express, il avait envoyé sa démission.
Depuis, on était sans nouvelles de lui.
La chose était d’autant plus grave que, étant donné l’homme, il ne pouvait s’agir d’un suicide et encore moins d’une fugue.
Marié à une femme charmante qui l’adorait et à laquelle il rendait son affection au centuple, père de deux beaux bébés qu’il aimait à la folie, Lionel Walpool était un mari et un père irréprochables.
Ne vivant que pour les siens, auxquels, par son travail, il assurait une large aisance, il se gardait bien de faire quoi que ce fut qui pût les chagriner ; ce qui avait permis a un sien ami de dire de lui, non sans malice d’ailleurs, qu’il n’avait même pas les défauts de ses qualités ; ce qui, tout bien considéré, était un hommage.
Les policiers chargés de l’enquête le comprirent si bien que, dès le début, résolument, ils écartèrent l’hypothèse de la fugue.
Quant à celle du suicide, ils ne l’envisagèrent même pas.
C’eût été du dernier grotesque.
Il n’en demeurait pas moins que toutes les recherches entreprises pour retrouver le disparu étaient restées vaines.
C’est alors que, en désespoir de cause, sir Horace Londsale, lequel n’avait jamais pris au sérieux la démission de son éminent collaborateur, mais qui se reprochait amèrement la discussion qui avait précédé sa disparition, demanda à James Nobody de vouloir bien s’occuper de cette affaire.
Le grand détective qui, à l’époque où se déroula le drame dont j’entreprends de raconter les terrifiantes péripéties, se trouvait précisément à Londres, accepta d’autant plus volontiers de se charger de la mission qui lui était ainsi confiée que, sans connaître de vue Lionel Walpool, il ne l’en admirait pas moins.
Ce dernier, en effet, était l’un des premiers, parmi les journalistes anglais, à s’être aperçu, des effets néfastes qu’allait produire la reconnaissance officielle du Gouvernement des Soviets par la Grande-Bretagne, et, en des articles remarquablement documentés, il s’était élevé avec énergie, parfois même avec violence, contre ce qu’il appelait : un crime contre la nation.
Quoi qu’il eût pu dire, écrire ou faire ; le « crime » avait été commis et, à son grand désespoir, un jour était venu s’installer à Londres un ambassadeur des Soviets, le « camarade » Rosengolz, qu’accompagnait une tourbe de tchékistes et d’espions à la solde du Gouvernement de Moscou.
Leur action néfaste ne tarda pas à se manifester et, ainsi que l’avait laissé prévoir Lionel Walpool, bientôt, le « Nationality Minority Movement », réorganisé sur la base des cellules, trouva à « Soviet-House » l’appui et les fonds qui lui permirent d’intensifier son odieuse propagande.

Pour plus d'informations

Sunday 12 January 2014

Manuel des jardiniers sans moyens

Manuel des jardiniers sans moyens

Le Manuel des jardiniers sans moyens part de la conviction que tout le monde peut jardiner, malgré l’absence d’expérience, de terrain ou de moyens financiers.
Cet ouvrage est complet : absolument TOUT du strict nécessaire pour se lancer dans l’aventure est présenté, sans compliquer les choses et en veillant à bien illustrer.

Pour plus d'informations

Saturday 11 January 2014

Eckhart Verlag - Jewish domination of Weimar Germany

Eckhart Verlag (Appendixes compiled by Francis Dupont)
Jewish domination of Weimar Germany 1919-1932

Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany was the National Socialist government’s first English-language attempt to explain the rationale behind their legislative moves to restrict Jewish influence in Germany after 1933.

Using official pre-Nazi-era demographics, this work showed that Jews were massively over-represented in all fields of German social and economic life — except that of farming and creative work.

It lists the ownership of mass media in Weimar Germany, the astonishing financial scandals, Communist and other political subversion, degenerate theater, sexual psychology, Communist indoctrination in educational institutions and the media—all of which were predominantly Jewish in origin.

This new edition contains the entire original text and illustrations and benefits from a series of appendices by Francis Dupont which reveal :

- The measures taken by the Nazi state against Jews;
- Details of the Haavara Transfer Agreement whereby the Nazi government and the World Zionist movement worked together to help create the state of Israel;
- The world Jewish declaration of war against Germany in 1933; and
- A series of eye-opening parallels between Weimar Germany and the present-day United States of America, showing exactly the same trends of Jewish domination of educational institutions, the mass media and numerous financial scandals; proof that history does repeat itself.

Contents include :

Chapter 1: The New Germany and Jewry
Chapter 2: Numerical Development of Jewry in Prussia
Chapter 3: Geographical Distribution of the Jews in Prussia
Chapter 4: The Development of Jewry Since 1910
Chapter 5: The Vocations Practiced by the Jews
Chapter 6: The Influence of Jewry on Mind and Morals
Chapter 7: The Jews as the Apostles of Communism
Chapter 8: Conclusion
Appendix 1: German Measures Taken After 1933
Appendix 2: The Haavara Agreement
Appendix 3: Jewish Declaration of War against Germany
Appendix 4: Jewish Domination of U.S. Educational Institutions
Appendix 5: Jewish Domination of Hollywood and the Media
Appendix 6: Jewish Financial Scandals in America


Friday 10 January 2014

Hokuto no Ken - Shin Kyūseishu Densetsu


Fist of the North Star : La Légende du Véritable Sauveur

L'Histoire de Kenshiro, d'après Tetsuo Hara.
Intégral du grand classique japonais des années 80 interdit à l'époque en france. Reproduit dans les années 2000.

Hokuto no Ken Film 1 - L'Ère de Raoh - Raoh Den Junai Hen

Hokuto no Ken Oav - La Légende de Julia - Yuria Den

Hokuto no Ken Film 2 - L'Héritier du Hokuto - Raōh Den Gekitō no Shō

Hokuto no Ken Oav - La Légende de Toki - Toki Den

Hokuto no Ken Film 3 - La Légende de Kenshiro - Hokuto no Ken Zero - Kenshirō Den

Thursday 9 January 2014

Itsvan Bakony - Qu’est-ce que le judaïsme ?

Impérialisme, Communisme & Judaïsme
Les trois forces qui dominent le monde

Acheter la version papier du livre
Itsvan Bakony - Qu’est-ce que le judaïsme ?

Série de l’auteur Itsvan Bakony
Library of political secrets

La Bibliothèque des secrets politiques ajoute à sa collection les chapitres choisis du livre du chercheur hongrois, Itsvan Bakony, intitulé : «L’impérialisme, le communisme et le judaïsme, les Trois Forces qui dominent le monde».
La traduction de l’original hongrois a été réalisée à Paris en Janvier 1969 et a ensuite été mise à jour par l’auteur.
Le seul but de cette édition est de diffuser la vérité sur les grands secrets de la politique et des événements historiques transcendants qui se déroulent actuellement dans le monde.
Nous exhortons les patriotes de tous pays à diffuser ce travail au plus grand nombre de personnes possible. Réimprimez le, distribuez le librement. Ni l’auteur, ni le traducteur, et ni l’éditeur ont réservé des droits spéciaux. Ceux qui le veulent, peuvent reproduire ce livre, mais personnes ne peut prétendre réserver les droits exclusifs de l’auteur ou de l’édition.

Editions UDECAN

Itsvan Bakony - La paranoïa judaïque
Itsvan Bakony - La cinquième colonne juive au Japon
Itsvan Bakony - Les juifs cherchent à dominer les nègres
Itsvan Bakony - La cinquième colonne juive en Inde
Itsvan Bakony - La cinquième colonne juive dans l’Islam
Itsvan Bakony - Le communisme chinois et les juifs chinois

Itsvan Bakony - Paranoid Judaism
Itsvan Bakony - Jews want to dominate the negroes
Itsvan Bakony - The jewish fifth column in India
Itsvan Bakony - The jewish fifth column in Islam
Itsvan Bakony - Chinese communism and chinese jews
Itsvan Bakony - What is judaism ?

Wednesday 8 January 2014

La Galaxie Dieudonné

La Galaxie Dieudonné
Bientôt dans votre Univers

Dieudonné M'bala M'bala
La compil Dieudo
Je veux aller en prison

Thierry Meyssan
L'effroyable imposture
Le Pentagate

Robert Faurisson
Chronique sèche de l'épuration
Les témoins des chambres à gaz d'Auschwitz
Les victoires du révisionnisme
Céline devant le mensonge du siècle et Notes céliniennes
Ecrits révisionnistes - I - 1974 à 1983
Ecrits révisionnistes - II - 1984 à 1989
Ecrits révisionnistes - III - 1990 à 1992
Ecrits révisionnistes - IV - 1993 à 1998
Le défi d'un Humoriste juif
A propos de l'arrêt Touvier L'affaire des Juifs bruns
Réponse à Jean-Claude Pressac sur le problème des chambres à gaz
Milices juives quinze ans - et plus - de terrorisme en France
En confidence Entretien avec l'inconnue
Le révisionnisme de Pie XII
Réponse à Pierre Vidal-Naquet

Alain Soral
Dialogues désaccordés
Yacht People
Les Mouvements de Mode
La vie d'un vaurien
Abécédaire de la bêtise ambiante
Misères du Désir
Vers la féminisation
Comprendre l'Empire

Pour plus de documentation

Livre du Kahal
La terre est bonne, le peuple idiot, l'eau est à nous, vous pouvez venir car tout nous appartiendra.

Expulsions des juifs
La tradition française du rejet des juifs
Les juifs ont toujours été expulsés

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Harold Sherwood Spencer - Democracy or shylocracy ?

Harold Sherwood Spencer - Democracy or shylocracy ?
Shall the jew rule the world ?

A brief for men and women who labour and who sacrifice to make the world safe for Democracy, only to find themselves enslaved by Jew Capitalism and their earnings controlled by jew Monopolists.


"The Jew and his Bank are to-day the masters of all Europe — of Education, of Civilisation, of Socialism : of Socialism above all, by means of which the Jew is going to tear up Christianity by its roots and destroy its Civilisation. And when nothing but Anarchy remains the Jew will put himself at the head of all. For while propagating Socialism among all the Nations, the Jews will remain united among themselves; and when all the wealth of Europe is dissipated there will still remain standing the Jew's Bank."

— Dostoevski in 1880.


There is one enemy power against which our Government has never declared war, and that is the power wielded by the International financiers under the suzerainty of the Shylook of Frankfort. We declare to the world that we are a Democratic Empire, fighting to make the world safe for Democracy. In truth, Britain is not a Democracy at all but a Shylock-racy, and the dancing puppets of Westminster, who move and talk as King Shylock pulls their strings, are merely political marionettes.
If Britain really wishes to be a Democracy, the British people will, on their own account, have to declare war on Shylock, and replace the political marionettes with something real and true to Humanity and not placemen of a Tribal purse.
This book makes no pretence at originality, and is submitted only as a brief of the case against Shylocracy. In the Cult of the Coin, much is due to Dr. Clarke, not only for personal inspiration, but for generous use of his letters and notes, also for that part of this brief which is taken entirely from the Call of the Sword.
A Desert People is largely from Epstein's translation of Sombart, interwoven with data collected by George H. Shibley, Director of the Research Institute of Washington, D.C.
The No-Money Islands is from Arthur Kitson's recent exposure of the fraudulent character of our monetary standard.
The Victory is from a source known to all who acknowledge the teaching that man may believe in his heart that which his head has sanctioned.
The whole is presented in order that expression may be given to ideals now silently shaping in many hearts-ideals which in time will bind all men together in a common work for universal good.


I hate him for he is a Christian;
But more, for that, in low simplicity,
He lends out money gratis and brings down
The rate of usance here with us in Venice.
. . . Cursed be my Tribe
If I forgive him !
— The Merchant of Venice, Act I., Sc. ii.

I will have the heart of him if he forfeit : for were
he out of Venice, I can make what merchandise I will.
— The Merchant of Venice, Act III., Sc. i.

Hates any man the thing he would not kill ?
— The Merchant of Venice, Act IV., Sc. i.

I stand here for Law.
— The Merchant of Venice, Act IV., Sc.

. . . Tarry, Jew;
The Law hath yet another hold on you.
It is enacted in the laws of Venice,
If it be proved against an Alien,
That by direct or indirect attempts
He seek the life of any Citizen,
The party 'gainst the which he doth contrive
Shall seize one half his goods; the other half
Comes to the privy coffer of the State
And the offender's life lies in the mercy
Of the Duke only.
The Merchant of Venice, Act IV., Sc. i.

"There can be no doubt that Shylock was a Jew and not an Italian."
— Jewish World, October 22nd, 1919.

Monday 6 January 2014

The Aryan Eagle - Aetlantis, Homeland of the Aryan Race !

The Aryan Eagle - Issue 33 - 2001
White power ! White revolution !
Official organ of the National Socialist White Revolutionary party

Aetlantis, Homeland of the Aryan Race !

The Aryan Eagle is proud to present, complete in this issue, a history-making article by Commander Michael L. Hansen. The result of decades of research, this article reveals, for the first time anywhere, the lost (suppressed!) true history of the Aryan Race and its origins and prehistoric development in ancient Aetlantis.
It also tells of the FIRST Creation. that of proto-Aryans on the sunken Pacific continent called Mu or Lemuria.
In addition, it details the origin of the ancestors of today's jews, a monstrous blood-sucking serpent race from the lost planet Lucifer !
This article will change for good the way you look at your Racial History. No longer will you fall for jewish fables, Kosher-Christian lies, or "pagan" superstitions.

Read on and learn the proud history of the one and only truly HUMAN race on this planet : The ARYAN RACE !!

See also :
Donnelly Ignatius - Atlantis The Antedeluvian World

Sunday 5 January 2014

Rev. Pranaitis - The secret rabbinical teachings concerning christians


Rev. Justin Boneaventure Pranaitis - 1892
The secret rabbinical teachings concerning christians
Christianus in Talmude Iudaeorum sive Rabbinicae doctrinae de Christianis secreta
Petropoli (St. Petersburg)

Rev. J. B. Pranaitis, Roman Catholic Priest; Master of Theology and Professor of the Hebrew Language at the Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy of the Roman Catholic Church in Old St. Petersburg.
Translated from Latin

"Let our writings be open to all people. Let them see what out moral code is like! We need not be afraid of this test, for we have a pure heart and a clean spirit. Let the nations investigate the habitations of the children of Israel, and of their own accord convince themselves of what they are really like! They will then exclaim for certain with Balaam, when he went out to curse Israel: 'How beautiful are thy tents O Israel: how beautiful thy homes!'
"In its attitude towards non-Jews, the Jewish religion is the most tolerant of the the religions in the world... The precepts of the ancient Rabbis, though inimical to Gentiles, cannot be applied in any way to Christians."
"A whole series of opinions can be quoted from the writings of the highest Rabbinical authorities to prove that these teachers inculcated in their own people a great love and respect for Christians, in order that they might look upon Christians, who believe in the true God, as brothers, and pray for them."
"We hereby declare that the Talmud does not contain anything inimical to Christians."

Rev. Justin Boneaventure Pranaitis - The Talmud Unmasked
Rev. Justin Boneaventure Pranaitis - Le Talmud démasqué

Berakoth The Babylonian Talmud
Luigi Aloisi Chiarini - Le talmud de Babylone traduit en langue Française


Saturday 4 January 2014

Louis-Ferdinand Céline - Trifles for a massacre


Céline - Trifles for a massacre
Bagatelles pour un massacre
Louis Ferdinand Destouches - 1937

The “massacre,” in the thinking of the author, which he foresaw in 1937, is evidently that which transpired upon the outbreak of the Second World War.

CelineContrary to rumor, the pamphlets are not forbidden by law, regulation or tribunal. They have not been reissued by reputable publishing houses because the author, having returned to France, wanted to retain the authority on the reissue of the books which he had written, in order to gain his subsistence. This measure of opportunity is no longer a consideration, following the passing away of the author in 1961. No one has the right to impede the legitimate curiosity of subsequent generations concerning he who was the incandescent nexus of French literature of the Mid-Twentieth Century.

After his demise in 1961, his widow, Lucette Almanzor, a dancer, banned any reprinting of the boo and sued in courts those who tried. She still does. We believe the motivation of the widow to be private and do not accept to have such a masterpiece removed from the knowledge of our time. Readers, and citizen at large, have the choice to read and to know.
Nobody can take this right away from them, from us. (aaargh)

Les ouvrages de Céline en français
Vidéos de Céline

Thursday 2 January 2014

Charles Lucieto - Le courrier du Tzar N° 2

Les coulisses de l’espionnage international

Les merveilleux exploits de James Nobody
Charles Lucieto - Le courrier du Tzar N° 2

Où James Nobody rappelle de vieux souvenirs.

Sur Nice, déjà, tombait la nuit...
Une nuit de juillet, langoureuse et parfumée, évocatrice de voluptés troublantes ; une nuit d’un calme intense, souverain, contenant en son immensité, toute la poésie et, aussi, tout le rayonnement de ce pays de rêve.
Nonchalamment assis sous là pergola fleurie qui, face à la mer, domine la ville et le port, j’observais James Nobody, dont le masque énergique se détachait en vigueur sur les feuillages voisins, que teintait de vert sombre le crépuscule ambiant.
Sous le front-haut et large, — lourd de pensées, — qu’auréolait l’or des cheveux, ses yeux fixés sur l’infini de la mer regardaient sans voir. A quoi pouvait donc bien songer cet homme extraordinaire qui, tout à la fois diplomate, soldat et policier, assumait, avec une maîtrise et un talent rarement égalés, la direction d’une branche du service anglais de contre espionnage ?
A quelle spéculation pouvait-il bien se livrer et que sortirait-il de nouveau, d’imprévu, de cette méditation ?
Au loin, une cloche tinta, à laquelle d’autres répondirent. Des chiens aboyèrent...
Plus près de nous, dans une villa voisine, quelqu’un se mit à jouer cette œuvre admirable de réalisme et de sensibilité qu’est l’«  Intermezzo  » de Moussorgsky...
Maintenant, j’évoquais le passé prestigieux de James Nobody ; passé fait de calme et d’agitation se succédant par périodes, mais tout entier consacré à la défense des plus nobles causes, et que, jamais, ne domina le goût de l’aventure...
— Quelle soirée exquise, fit-il, soudain et que nous voici loin, cher ami, des vaines agitations de la rue et des mesquins calculs des politiciens...
J’eus un sourire que dut capter le grand détective ; car, il reprit aussitôt :
— Vous pensez, sans doute, que c’est leur faire beaucoup d’honneur que d’évoquer ces grotesques ? Je suis assez de cet avis, car, nul mieux que moi, ne sait à quel point certains d’entre eux peuvent être malfaisants.

Pour plus d'informations

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Richard Béliveau - Denis Gingras - Cuisiner avec les aliments contre le cancer

Richard Béliveau - Denis Gingras - Cuisiner avec les aliments contre le cancer

Richard Béliveau est professeur de biochimie à l'Université du Québec à Montréal, où il est titulaire de la Chaire de recherche en prévention et traitement du cancer. Il est également chercheur attaché au service de neurochirurgie de l'hôpital Notre Dame (CHUM) et titulaire de la Chaire de neurochirurgie Claude-Bertrand. Il est professeur de chirurgie et de physiologie à la faculté de médecine de l'Université de Montréal. Chercheur associé au Centre de prévention du cancer du département d'oncologie de l'Université McGill, il est aussi membre du Groupe de thérapie expérimentale du cancer de l'Hôpital général juif de Montréal. Il est l'auteur de plus de 230 publications scientifiques dans des revues médicales à l'échelle internationale.
Ses sujets de recherche sont la prévention et le traitement du cancer.
Denis Gingras est chercheur spécialisé en oncologie au Laboratoire de médecine moléculaire de l'Université du Québec à Montréal.

Pour plus d'informations